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Messages - joe integlia

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posted another vintage convention video on youtube. this 1 is from 1985 shadowcon. interesting stuff to look back on. chris pennock had to explain who he was cause his episodes had not yet been syndicated and many fans there had never seen jeb! dennis patrick eerily stated that he is a ghost and died a year ago! john karlen told me he never made a blooper on dark we also discussed the upcoming bomb "dark mansions" on abc. anybody remember that? i think this was one of the last shadowcons because whoever ran it started going in other directions and someone had to explain to chris pennock why there are people dressed up as characters from "V" at a ds convention. enjoy!

yes the festival operates backwards. they sell out the hotel first, then they announce the convention details, then you can buy the tickets! lol

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: *** Big Changes Ahead ***
« on: May 11, 2007, 10:26:02 PM »
has anybody brought up the problems the new format will cause for webtv users? i no longer use webtv so i cant test it but webtv user/friend david n says he can no longer access the board. guess its time for him to get a computer.

i know about the 100 episode rule but tv land has been known to air short lived sitcoms in the past and many short lived series still get a dvd release.

i think 1 of the rules is if the actor has less than 5 lines of dialogue they do not have to be listed in the credits.

i watched that same "mothers in law" clip on youtube. i wish the series was more available. it never shows up in syndication or on tv land or on dvd.

i can agree. i broke my "only attend west coast events" rule last year with the hopes they would get special guests for the 40th anniversary and there were none.

i dunno but most celphones can only take a few seconds of video. mine does 15 second videos

i suggested a webcast of the festival last year. however those hopes were shot down when the announcement came that no videotaping was going to be permitted. i dont know if thats going to be the case this year but it doesnt matter cause im not going. but if there are no camera restrictions, anyone with a laptop computer, webcam and wireless internet could hookup their webcam right there in the main room and do a webcast of the festival. we would all have to be viewing on a instant messaging service like yahoo. if the event was to be held in los angeles and no cam restrictions, i could have done the next best thing. i dont have laptop/wireless internet but i do got webcam and i do live in los angeles. so i could videotape the events of the day and then do a webcast when i got home each night however it be late especially for the east coast, or do one or more after the whole weekend is over. i have previous festivals available as ive mentioned here many times. anyone interested can email me for info. i also suggested before that i could do webcasts of previous events if people would add me to yahoo messenger but so far only a few have done so.

i remember when there would be a west coast and east coast convention in the same year. those were the years jonathan frid would sometimes attend as well.

or pleading with their boss for vacation time!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: still hoping for festival?
« on: April 05, 2007, 07:17:36 AM »
well the word is out. the festival will be in mid august in terrytown. im not going. even if it was announced earlier i wouldnt go. im sticking with west coast events. good luck to all that will have a few months to plan for this. the shadowgram update is posted elsewhere on this board.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Petition to Urge SoapNet to Air DS
« on: April 04, 2007, 05:02:19 AM »
its been posted on my site for a while.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / still hoping for festival?
« on: April 03, 2007, 02:11:04 AM »
is it safe to assume yet that there is not going to be a ds fest this year? its now april and still no date set for this years fest. its usually held in july/august so i dont see how its going to be held unless a year end event is being planned.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / poor quality page photos!
« on: April 03, 2007, 01:58:47 AM »
now that the post barnabas episodes are all on dvd, isnt it time to improve the quality of the ds episode freeze frame photos being used on this board? todays picture of vicki being grabbed by the ghost of jeramiah is barely visible. can barely make out the image through all that video noise.

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