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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 06, 2003, 01:01:50 PM »
That's a very good point, Vlad.  Maybe it's possible...... kinduva spoiler here......... that's why they went with a completely dark, evil, nasty Angelique during the 1970PT plot (with a few moments of good Alexis), just so there could be one, final last 100%-Evil-Angelique before her 1840/41 redemption.


Congratulations, Kuanyin!  You landed a winner (and obviously used some very good bait)!  It's really marvelous that he's devoted to your special son.  Now, we all expect to be invited to the wedding.  After all, you can never have enough identical toaster-ovens all wrapped up real pretty on the gifts table (so you can cash trade them in afterwards and get something you really want!).


Have a wonderful birthday, Daphne!  To be 17 again!  (Ah, those wonder years!)


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Introduction/OT
« on: May 03, 2003, 02:21:08 AM »
Hi, Deb.  I'm boring, so there ain't much to tell you about me.  But as regards DS, I watched it from the very beginning when it went on the air in the summer of 1966 - I saw the very first episode.  On our local affiliate, it came on at ten or eleven in the morning (initially; probably delayed videotaped broadcast), and I saw the ad for it following whatever ABC show I was watching (it was a gameshow; that I remember) which looked so intriguing to a nine year old who already loved the macabre at that age.  So I watched it, although on and off at first because it was just a gothic romance with no real things that went bumb in the night.  I got some other friends to watch it, and we would actually play out David-tries-to-kill-his-father, and used an old hotel-room key as the part David took from his father's car and hid.  By the time the ghosts started to appear, the school year began so we missed a great deal until it transferred to later in the afternoon (the Laura storyline  was underway).  From that point on, we watched it as much as we could.  I would close my eyes when Jeremiah's ghost stalked the sets because, at that time, seeing a bloodied ghost with his eye hanging out was pretty heady stuff.  My mom hated it ("that spooky crap" she would call it) and we had a war, since she wanted to watch Art Linkletter's House Party which came on opposite, but I won.  Even though she considered it always as "that spooky crap", she would sit down and watch when Joan Bennett appeared ("I can't believe Joan Bennett is in that spooky crap," she would say.)  For a short while we had another battle when Graham Kerr's The Galloping Gourmet came on opposite, but I won that one, too.  I collected as many of the comic books and the Marilyn Ross novels as possible, cut out the newspaper fliers for the movies, and cried my eyes out on that April day in 1971 when it left the air.  So that's pretty much me.  Welcome aboard!


I always thought that Wallace's bible was absolutely fascinating.  It would've made for a great novelization if the HarperCollins series did not collapse under the weight of, well - don't get me started, maybe something along the line of a parallel-time story (even to find out exactly who - or what - was chasing the prodigal Paul Stoddard; it might've been something even more frightening than the Leviathans - like insurance salesmen).


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Today's Birthday
« on: May 02, 2003, 04:59:31 PM »
Happy birthday to the best writer of things diabolical since Stephen King!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 02, 2003, 09:53:18 AM »
I haven't seen this storyline since way back when but you know,  I think that now after seeing this again for the second time around that I find it is all not that bad.  Im really starting to appreciate everyones good acting this time around also and I find Barnabas to be really great at doing his evil thing here.
 Also Elizabeth is great at portraying the evil woman.

 Whats good about it is that we're seeing some of the actors, who to us have been fairly good kind caring people,  Elizabeth, Barnabas, (sort of) Megan and Philip were okay when they first arrived.  Now, they're just the opposite of good here and I think thats whats keeping us all hooked here.

We're so use to see folks like Angelique play the bad parts, but now we're getting a taste of something else here and its facinating to watch!


And what's ironic.............kinduva spoiler that this time Angelique plays the good character and heroine who even takes great risks and personal sacrifices!  Virtually everyone's personalities have been turned upside-down for this plot, and that's another one of the reasons why I really do like the whole Leviathan storyline.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:To Kill or Not to Kill
« on: May 02, 2003, 09:43:44 AM »
It's possible the Leviathans placed the most evil, insidious cultic organization in the world in charge of making and revamping the rules found in the book (thus making it so complicated that not even they can keep up with the changes):  the IRS.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Barnabas' Change of Heart
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:47:15 PM »
The whole dream sequence with Marsha Mason, hooker-turned-into-vampire, was absolutely wonderful.  It reminds me of a movie - I can't remember the name now - about a soldier who passes from one dream to another, never knowing what is reality and what is not.  Just when you think he's finally awake, it's another dream.

The most delightful part of the Leviathan storyline right now is Elizabeth's embracing of the dark side.  When she stormed out of Paul's room, thinking he was conked out, saying:  "What made you think I ever wanted you back here?", or to that affect, was just brilliant.  For me, this Elizabeth, and nasty-Judith-Collins-who-bricks-up-dastardly-husbands, are the most enjoyable performances by Joan Bennett.  She'd even spook Bette Davis or Joan Crawford if either of those two divas got guest parts on the show.  She reminds me of Olivia DeHavilland as Cousin Miriam in Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte.

While I'm an enjoyer of the Leviathan storyline (and a hater of the Adam one), it does fall apart at the end.  I think they just needed to get it over so they could send everyone off to parallel time in order to get half the cast up to Lyndhurst for a coupla months to start making a movie.  Time is money.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Let Mommy fix you're sleeve
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:37:50 PM »
I thought that was so neat, not only because it was charming, but because it was so real.  People do that when they're a bit nervous and tense about something.  That was fantastic method acting on Grayson Hall's part.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Secret Closet?
« on: May 01, 2003, 04:10:36 AM »
Just wait until 1995, when Julia wears the same outfit, day in, day out for two weeks.  Some dry cleaner, when she returns to 1970, is going to clean up big time.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:WELCOME TO TATE'S DRIVE THRU!!!
« on: April 30, 2003, 11:12:47 PM »
The loud speaker reminded me of a drive thru
at local fast food places like Wendy's or
I kept picturing Julia, trying to listen to the crackling noise coming out of that thing, that intense look on her face as she leans over, and having to say afterwards:  "What?"
"It's a nice day?"
"No!  Go...crackle...crackle...way!"
"I should stay?"
"Can't you...crackle...crackle...said...crackle...crackle...ay!"
"You're gay?"
"Son of ...crackle...crackle...itch! already!"


Current Talk '03 I / Re:About Michael Maitland.......
« on: April 30, 2003, 11:03:09 PM »
I'd hafta say along with Deb that they certainly pulled the wig over my eyes.  I had no idea that was a rug.  Back in '69, I wanted to have hair like that.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT Congrats, Cris
« on: April 30, 2003, 01:13:59 AM »
Congrats, Cris!  From an unemployed teacher, you get the highest kudos from me!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:When Was the Last Time
« on: April 27, 2003, 01:09:11 PM »
Sounds like you got some landlords with a mom-and-pop complex, Deb!  But that is cute that they do watch out for you.  You're probably making their day.  With my renter, who - like I said - is a friend, I also get some benefits from being a nice guy and letting him pay such a low rent.  He's great at computers, of which I know nothing, and if I have any problems, or need some whickawhack or thingamabob installed, he does it.  Plus, he's good at other mechanical fix-it things; if I attempt to repair something, the fire department usually has to show up.  When I needed to replace all the blinds on my windows, for example, he did it, electric drill in hand.  So it's a pretty good trade-off.  The stuff he has done has probably saved me I don't know how much money.  Plus, after I had my back surgery last month, for two weeks after he had to clean the wound and change the dressing twice a day.  I guess there are benefits to charging that cheap of rent.
