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Messages - Josette





Hope you both had a great one!!

[crowdhappy]  [band]  [beer]

Polls Archive / Re: Halloween poll: Dark Shadows scariest moments
« on: October 27, 2006, 08:03:00 AM »
I chose two of them.  Most of the items were exciting, but I wouldn't say I found anything actually scary.  However, Barnabas originally grabbing Willie's neck is a very startling and significant moment.  And Gerard's dirty looks when we first see him in 1995 - he always seemed really ominous and there seemed to be an overwhelming feeling of fear over that whole storyline.  The first couple of times we see Gerard, in particular, were quite horrifying.

Here!  Here!  [beer]

Wow, Midnite!  How do you remember the date?  I found the boards approximately September 1996 and it was early 1997 that I learned how to sign up for an e-mail address without having my own account at home and I made my first post.  In October of 1997 I finally got a new computer at home, and it certainly amde things a lot easier!!!!!

That's great about Nicky.  Any info on Jase?

OMG I don't think even Nicky was 17 back in those days!

Yeah, he was.  And he is busy with his doctoral studies now.  See what I mean?  It feels like it was yesterday that he started the Creative Board on SciFi to post his Angelique stories.  [haironend]

I've often thought of asking if anyone is in touch with Nicky - however busy he is with whatever he's doing, I couldn't believe that someone that involved with DS doesn't show up here once in a while.  Doctoral studies - wow!  Do you know in what?  And, what about Jase - it's pretty much the same with him.


Sorry I'm so late - had a really busy week and never had time to do DS!!

Hope you had a great day!!!

[crowdhappy]  [band]  [occasion18]  [occasion15]

Let's not forget that as depicted in today's slideshow, Julia wasn't the only person unable to detect Liz' pulse:

However, Julia was a doctor, the others weren't.  Liz had been saying for quite some time that she would appear to be dead but wouldn't be.  Naturally, everyone dismissed that at the time, but when it actually happened, you'd think Julia would have taken more time to be sure.  AND, there had already been a previous incident when she appeared to be dead, but came out of it shortly afterwards.  So, that really should have been a clue to Julia that this could be the same thing, and you'd think she'd wait awhile and perhaps try some other means of determining the truth.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday to BuzzH!
« on: October 16, 2006, 06:47:49 AM »

Hope you had a wonderful day!!

 [hall_smiley] [hall_smiley] [hall_smiley] [hall_smiley]


Hope you had a lot of fun!

 [hall2_smiley] [hall2_smiley] [hall2_smiley] [hall2_smiley]

As much fun as the pumpkin was, I really liked all the pictures of the cat!!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:02:59 AM »
The one that thrilled me the most was "Dark Redempton" by Stephen Rex Goode.  He used to post on the old SciFi BB that Chapter 1 was up, then Chapter 2 etc.  In those days I was going to the library every day to keep up with things and that was too much to consider reading.  In mid-October 1997 I got a new computer at home and finally had the Internet.  So, at that point I started reading it.  I finally caught up to where he had last posted and then had to wait for each chapter.  I used to send comments to him and proofreading errors.

By now I don't remember too much of it, just the gist of it, but it was a very intricate, involved story with all of the regular characters and a whole cast of new ones interacting in amazing ways.  He incorporated the descendants of the Rose Cottage family, so there was this whole additional cast of Collins characters and some other new people along with all of the familiar people.  I've always wished someone else on the boards would read it so I could get their reaction.  There was one scene in particular that I think would amaze and interest any DS fan.

Here's the URL - I hope someone tries it!

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite Chris Pennock role
« on: October 15, 2006, 06:46:54 AM »
I went with Gabriel - both of them.  I never cared for any of the other characters, and as a result, probably didn't think too much of Chris.  But while Gabriel was bad, he was bad in an interesting way and Pennock really depicted him well, and the PT version, too.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Least favorite Roger Davis character?
« on: October 15, 2006, 06:41:36 AM »
I'd have to go with Ned.  I really hated him!!  Dirk wasn't too great, but he fit the story and he had his moments.  Most of the others I didn't mind.  I wasn't wild about any of them, but I didn't hate them.  Ned was horrid.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Collinwood should be on MapQuest!
« on: October 11, 2006, 07:11:56 AM »
I found this thread fascinating and just wanted to weigh in on it too.  My favorite part about Collinwood's location is the shrinking amount of distance throught time between the Old House and Collinwood.  In pre-Barnabas, it's a good 20 minute walk between the two.  Later, Julia can run between the two houses and it only takes about 5 minutes.

And don't forget when

[spoiler]Julia was hypnotizing Vicki and taking her to see Barnabas in the coffin, hoping to subconsciously turn her against him.  One time, Carolyn went in to make tea or coffee.  Julia hypnotizes Vicki, takes her to the Old House and shows her the coffin, brings her back and out of the trance--all before Carolyn comes back in the room!![/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: October 07, 2006, 07:06:18 AM »
There's a bit of disappointment that they didn't return to the present day family, but in general I found it satisfying for an ending.  It was the only "other time" story that didn't have a "regular" character in it.  I wonder if they knew they would be canceled when they started the story.  They were doing 1840 and then had to reintroduce the PT room.  There's no reason why they couldn't have just wrapped up 1840 without this new story intruding.

However, they new story HAD begun - one was curious about what it was all about and what would happen.  They did follow the regulars back to present time enough to show that they had succeeded and all was well.  Then, there was this new story hanging there, so they went back and finished it.  While a present day real time ending would have been preferable, under the circumstances I found this acceptable.

And, I rather liked the concluding narrative - it wrapped up the show nicely.