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Messages - Gerard

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:ProfStokes Senior Poster
« on: June 05, 2003, 01:09:00 PM »
Congratulations, Prof. Stokes!  Now don't forget all us little people down here!  LOL!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Idea for "Return to Collinwood".
« on: June 05, 2003, 01:01:53 PM »
Although a remake would be interesting, a where-are-they-now, next-generation would be far more interesting.  I think the two main characters should be not only an adult David (married with children), but also Carolyn.  Maybe they could convince at least Nancy Barrett to reprise the part.  The two could be co-heirs, master/mistress of Collinwood.  But I think it should start out with everything having been calm and quiet at Collinwood the past thirty-some years when suddenly - boom! - "something" happens, dredging up memories and away we go. Gerard
Not a bad idea, Gerard. TPTB could even incorporate a little real life into Collinwood--with Carolyn singing in NYC but living in Collinwood during the off times; David living in South America trying to find Burke Devlin; Willie tending the Old House in his old age while Barnabas is "away"; Maggie finally becoming wealthy with her publishing empire while Quentin became a matinee idol and Angelique finds happiness in marriage and motherhood. What a story!
You're not going to believe this, Carol, but that's pretty much what I thought the opening story should be!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Idea for "Return to Collinwood".
« on: June 05, 2003, 01:11:58 AM »
Although a remake would be interesting, a where-are-they-now, next-generation would be far more interesting.  I think the two main characters should be not only an adult David (married with children), but also Carolyn.  Maybe they could convince at least Nancy Barrett to reprise the part.  The two could be co-heirs, master/mistress of Collinwood.  But I think it should start out with everything having been calm and quiet at Collinwood the past thirty-some years when suddenly - boom! - "something" happens, dredging up memories and away we go.


Current Talk '03 I / A Stiff Upper Lip
« on: June 05, 2003, 01:07:52 AM »
If you've taped today's (Wednesday's) episodes, and haven't erased them yet (or if you have the professional tapes), take a look at what I think is a good blooper.  At the beginning, following the dream, when Carolyn is going spastic at the cottage, Jeb kisses her harshly.  She then wipes and rubs her lips.  When the camera comes in for a close-up, there's a very obvious cut and blood on her upper lip.  Looks like Jeb pulled a Mike Tyson on her, going for the lip instead of the ear.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Can anyone tell me.....
« on: June 04, 2003, 09:14:20 PM »
...why Phillip Todd was wearing blue plaid pajama bottoms in a jail cell, in Collinsport, in 1970  ???

I was just wondering... ::)

Because it was 1970!  Everyone wore blue plaid pajama bottoms back then.  I'm sure Barnabas even slipped some on when he crawled into his coffin.


I've seen it.  Like Mark said, it's watchable once, just for the heckuvit, if there's nothing else and nothing else to do, and the remote is too far away to reach and change channels.  It's also just another rehashing of the Alien theme - people trapped and the bug-eyed-monster bogeyman is gonna get them.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Been Long Time Gone :(
« on: June 04, 2003, 02:23:00 AM »
Hi, Donna!  So good to have you back and so sorry about your losses and the really rough year.  And now make sure to find somebody to hook up that VCR to your digital cable!  When I lived in Alaska, there were times when DS came on at 5:00 a.m., so good thing I had that VCR!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Admit it love her.
« on: June 02, 2003, 01:14:11 AM »

I'm trying to picture who Ang would look good with...any ideas?


Hey!  As Judy Tenuta says:  It could happen.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Holidays for Collinsport
« on: May 31, 2003, 09:03:58 PM »
Boy, I couldn't agree more, Stuart.  They did make things look more "homey" in the first season regarding the everyday things normal people do.  That, to me, constituted some of the best scenes.  Such as the ones set in restaurants with people dining in the background, waiters coming and going.  Or Carolyn cuttin' a rug to rock'n'roll with hordes of other twisting cats and moondoggers at the Blue Whale packing the dance floor.  And just seeing them in the kitchen at the breakfast table, the toaster right over there on the counter.  Don't forget seeing - who was it? Carolyn, I think - ironing.  Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, witches, Phoenixes and Lovecraftian monsters may cause turmoil, but you still gotta eat and get the laundry done.

Kinduvan aside, with regards to PT1970, I always thought it would've been neat if they had made mention about other "slight" differences on a more major scale.  Imagine them mentioning President Humphrey, or alluding that there had never been any World Wars (the Kaiser still was the now-constitutional monarch of Germany, the Hapsburgs were the same in Austria-Hungary, and even the Czar in St. Petersburg).  Stuff like that would've just fascinated me.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Worst Hair on DS?
« on: May 31, 2003, 08:52:49 PM »
Two words. . .

Crazy Jenny

Actually, I kinda got use to Crazy Jenny's do.  It was so, well, so '80's.  She probably coulda gotten a recording contract had she been around ninety years later.  Can't you just see her video of Crazy Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?

The one do that really bugs my mousse is when Liz starts wearing those gull-darn bows.  She looked good in her original beehive, all regal and such, but when she got her 60's go-go bob, she looked just as nice in a well-since-I'm-no-longer-imprisoned-in-Collinwood-I-might-as-well-go-Goldie-Hawn-in-my-clothing style.  So why did she just hafta ruin the new look but wearing those bows?  Little Lulu looked hipper.


I didn't even notice!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Now that's how to start summer!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:And I've waited so long, Willie......
« on: May 29, 2003, 11:06:51 PM »

That Willie would even for an instant consider staying and helping the man who: enslaved him, beat him, tormented him, threatened him, framed him, belittled him, betrayed him......isn't just stupid.  It's sickening.

I just pictured Willie taking all that into account when he returned, shrugging, and then thinking:  "Eh, it's a living."


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: May 29, 2003, 11:03:27 PM »
1970 PT wins my nomination for the most uneven of all the storylines.  I thought it coupled some of the series' best moments with some real duds.  I absolutely loved what they gave Thayer, Grayson, and Louis to do.  I had mixed feelings about Lara's work on the storyline but some of it was really excellent, and darling Hannah Stokes was a hoot to watch (Paula Laurence--is that the name of the actress?).  Nancy and Johnny made a great pair, too, though their screen time was greatly diminished due to various film involvements.


[spoiler]After the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Will and Carolyn (nee Stoddard) Loomis (which were, unfortunately, on so very little), I'd hafta say that my next one was PT Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.  It was something to see her completely switched over from being the reign-with-an-iron-fist mistress of Collinwood in Normal Time to the PT poor relative, having to replace her flashy wardrobe with frumpy outfits that everyone's Aunt Gertrude wears.  But - alas - her time on the small screen was limited as well, since she had to go with her brother, Roger, who was turned from a rather conservative gentleman in NT into a PT cross-version of David Ogden Stiers and Bobby Sherman (with those clothes), to  "visit relatives" living up in Lyndhurst in that other Parallel Time.[/spoiler]


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Is Sabrina Stuart for real???
« on: May 29, 2003, 07:07:49 PM »
What's ironic is that the scene done in flashback in which she sees Chris morph was a really fine example of acting.  The way she is all bubbly and bouncy as she enters his apartment to set up for the surprise birthday party.  And she does have a few other moments throughout her tenure as well.  But overall, much of what she does does come off rather flat.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: May 29, 2003, 03:38:11 PM »
I, too, am pretty much of a fan of PT1970.  Okay, granted, most of the characters high-tailed it outta there, visiting relatives and such (while their alter-egos were busy doing things at the Lyndhurst Estate), leaving the "left-overs" to carry the story until near the end when everyone returned home from visiting relatives to wrap things up.  And I did not care at all for the Jekyll-Hyde thing (one lesson learned:  drink weird chemical concoctions and your face turns into a mass of costume puddy).  But for some reason, over-all, I liked it.
