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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '03 II / Re:A Bout of FDSMS Solved
« on: July 15, 2003, 02:17:26 AM »
I never thought of that!  Thanks, Jennifer!  I feel like I'm 13 all over again!


Current Talk '03 II / A Bout of FDSMS Solved
« on: July 15, 2003, 12:14:26 AM »
When I first saw the episode during which Quentin finds the voodoo doll while Maggie was changing, I was positive that Maggie was topless (her back, of course to the camera).  Then, decades later when I saw it again, there she was, wearing a slip.  But that couldn't be - I was just so positive she was au natural.  Well, I shrugged it off as just another case of Faulty Dark Shadows Memory Syndrome (FDSMS), most likely caused by the hormones of a 13-year-old boy who was madly in love with TLATKLS.  So I watch it again today, but this time I decided to do an experiment (I was watching the taped episodes).

I had mentioned in another thread that I grew up watching DS totally in black and white - we didn't get a color TV set until '76.  Rewinding the tape, I then toned the color all the down to b&w.  Replaying the scene, the color of Maggie's slip blended into a flesh tone and she looked like she was momentarily sans top.  It was not a faulty memory; it was not the result of a pubescent boy hopelessly in love.  It was the result of an old Admiral black-and-white television set.

Today, I feel vindicated.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Angelique Stokes Collins (de Winter)
« on: July 13, 2003, 01:27:03 PM »
I don't think Angelique (PT, of course) really knew what love was; she was way too self absorbed.  She confused it with wanting to be worshiped, and the poor, little thing confused that with how she felt about Quentin.  She was undoubtedly the most popular girl in Collinsport, making herself that by being crafty (again, I'd figure her craftiness was more of the manipulative rather than the witchy kind).  As a teen, she had set her eyes on Quentin because he was the principle heir to the fortune of one of Maine's wealthiest families.  Certainly, the girl had no intention of marrying the grease-monkey at the Collinsport Auto Repair shop.  And once she manipulated herself into his life (maybe with the help of her father), everyone told Quentin that she was the only one suitable enough for being his wife.

Regarding her age and Daniel's age, I'm gonna squash numbers here.  I made Daniel 12.  Quentin (who I make to be 34) and Angelique married right after she graduated high school and she became pregnant during their honeymoon.

As for all those other men in her life, they were just more trophies.  She never had - you know - with them (unless she belonged to the Macrame and Zen website), but just strung them along.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / I Want My Macrame!
« on: July 13, 2003, 01:10:37 PM »
Hey!  What happened to the Macrame and Zen sex website?  Doggone it anyway, I was just getting ready to finish macrame-ing a set of potholders and a bondage sling, and you had to go and fix the problem!  Now what am I suppose to do with all this left-over yarn and studded leather?  Huh?


I've seen that documentary a coupla times.  Honest to Pete, doesn't that scene of her giving testimony look and sound like something right out of a soap opera?  Sam Hall could not've written it better, and Lela Swift could not've directed it better.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:J & A
« on: July 11, 2003, 09:19:28 PM »
I'll bet when PT Julia was a widdo-kid, she was one of those who would pay some geeky kid a nickel to eat worms, and then bet all the other kids on the playground that he would do it, turning her nickel investment into a huge profit.

As for PT Angelique, I picture her as "Chris", the evil girl who tormented Carrie, arranging to have a bucket of blood dumped on her during the Prom, except it was Angelique who then set the school on fire afterwards with her powers just for kicks.

PT Alexis volunteered in the high school library (until Angelique burned it down) and received a special recommendation at graduation for having a perfect attendance record.

PT Maggie was a cheerleader at Collins High, as well as president of the Esperanto Club, and treasurer of the combination Latin Debating and Art Club.

PT Quentin was star of the track team and all the girls thought he was just dreamy and looked like Elvis.

PT Carolyn spent most of her time in detention.  That's where she met PT Will.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Watching the Color Episodes in BW?
« on: July 11, 2003, 08:08:07 PM »
Every once in a blue moon (or, I guess in black and white it would be a grayish-white moon), I will do that.  The major reason is nostalgia.  We did not get a color TV until 1976, so all of DS was b&w for me.  And sometimes it does appear better in b&w, a bit more atmospheric, just like the series did before it switched to in-living-color.

I've got two b&w vs. color TV stories, speaking of that.  Back in the mid-sixties, our next-door neighbors were the first ones in the neighborhood to get a color TV.  There was a great deal of excitement, especially since the movie, The Song of Bernadette, was going to make its first TV appearance (it was made in the early '40's, and starred Jennifer Jones and Vincent Price).  As a matter of fact, the advanced publicity about the airing of the film was one of the reasons why our neighbors purchased that fancy color TV set.  This was something really big - the movie being on television, I mean - in our neighborhood because it was primarily Catholic, and those old enough to have seen it during its theatrical run 25 years earlier had not seen it since.  So the night of its broadcast, we all piled into their house, the lady-of-the-house spending the entire day cooking up treats, the man-of-the-house going down earlier to the local tavern (run by my uncle and aunt) to pick up crates and crates of beer and soda.  We all waited in anticipation as the broadcast began, the 20th-Century-Fox logo appearing, the credits rolling.  It was only then that those who saw it almost a quarter-century earlier remembered.

The Song of Bernadette was filmed in black and white.

Well, we stayed and watched it anyway, eating all the treats, the kids downing the soda while the grown-ups enjoyed the beer.  My dad would let me sip the foam off the top of his beer to my mother's disapproving glare.

Like I said, we got our first color set way later in 1976.  Ironically, it was pretty much for the same reason our neighbors got theirs more than a decade earlier, causing that sensation.  Gone With the Wind was making its first commercial showing on TV.  Fortunately, that one was filmed in color.  But to digress a bit, I grew up watching The Wizard of Oz when it was aired annually, to a big broohaha (Danny Kaye would host).  Of course, I'd only seen it completely in black and white that whole time, until 1976.  I was utterly amazed during the horse-of-a-different-color scene in the Emerald City.  The horse actually kept changing colors.  Nineteen-years-old, and I never knew that until then.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Maggie Collins, as seen by Grandma Moses
« on: July 11, 2003, 01:09:45 PM »
Actually, with Maggie's portrait, we should count our blessings.  It could've been on black velvet - with her having those great, big, round sad eyes.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Maggie Collins, as seen by Grandma Moses
« on: July 11, 2003, 12:42:47 AM »
I was gonna say that Maggie's portrait does look like something a high-school junior would make for inclusion in the town-wide "Youth Art Month Display" at the local shopping mall.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re:Whats Happening
« on: July 10, 2003, 08:52:11 PM »
I'm really enjoying this - it's a riot!


That is a terrible tragedy.  I hope the families find solace in their great losses.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Lost Blooper - Does Anybody Know
« on: July 10, 2003, 02:27:33 AM »
I don't think there was a blooper of that magnitude; although it was rare to re-shoot a scene when it blooped, they would if it was something that magnimonious I would imagine.  Probably Tony and his mom suffered from what all of us who watched DS in its original 66-71 run:  FDSMS (Faulty Dark Shadows Memory Syndrome).  There were some scenes that I was positive they showed, and they never did.  For example, even though I saw the entire Quentin-haunting-back-to-1897 storyline, I was positive that the cause of the haunting was not Quentin's ghost, but Petofi's consciousness trapped in Quentin's body.  Most likely, I confused [spoiler]the haunting of Collinwood by Judah Zachary in the guise of Gerard Styles[/spoiler] with Quentin's haunting, but it sure seemed that way to me.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Confused Family
« on: July 10, 2003, 12:34:08 AM »
Okay, now today Quentin called Will his "brother-in-law".  I'd hate to be the executor of that estate when it goes into probate.


Yep, The Night Stalker.  That was the first movie, the one about the vampire on the loose in Las Vegas, with Darrin McGavin and Carol Lynley on his trail.  I believe it was based on the novel The Progeny of the Adder.  That was followed by The Night Strangler, where-in McGavin's character goes after another supernatural creature rampaging through Seattle.


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Hello
« on: July 08, 2003, 08:39:46 PM »
I think everyone's still recuperating from the Fourth of July weekend!  Must've been a wild one!  I'm taking off for an overnighter so I can dump a friend off at the airport early in the morning.
