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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Dear Gerard,

Hope that you are resting and recovering rapidly from your surgery!  Will be sending good vibrations your way! [peace]

And I'm in agreement with those who recommend holding out for the hard stuff - it really will help you to rest, and you'll be back up and around before you know it!

Wishing you happy TLATKLS fantasies!


Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Question
« on: March 12, 2003, 11:04:59 PM »
Take care of yourself, Carol! Hope that you're feeling MUCH better soon.  Glad that the doc said you're progressing well.  Will keep you in my prayers and send good vibes your way! [peace]

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Somethin' Stoooopit!
« on: March 12, 2003, 06:47:50 PM »
(singing)....And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like I love you.
[luv] [82e4]

Oh, whatta cheesy novelty that song was, Ringo!  LOL Thanks for reminding me of it - always liked it for some reason...although I was sorta creeped out that Frank was singing a love song with his daughter.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ms. Barrett's/Charity's/Pansy's Dramatic Lines
« on: March 12, 2003, 06:33:50 PM »
It makes lots of sense to me, Luciaphil.  Was wondering kind of the same thing.  It seems almost like NB's Pansy/Charity is a combination of the two women's spirits - there is much of the assertiveness and self-posession (excuse the pun) we saw in the real Pansy, yet we still see the introspection and the vulnerability displayed by Charity before she got zapped by the Count's meathook.

It's almost like Charity Trask was a willing host for the unquiet spirit of our fave Cockney showgirl...

Oh, and yes!  Nancy Barrett totally did deserve some kind of acting award for this particular role - Carolyn Loomis wasn't too shabby either!

Here's hoping that you have a speedy recovery, Annie - and that you get a wonderful prognosis from the doc on the 25th! [okg]


Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Random Thoughts on Quentin's Room etc.
« on: March 08, 2003, 12:06:17 AM »
I liked the character of Istvan also and thought they could have kept him on a little bit longer as well.  But since King Johnny's character was short lived and Istvan was only there as his sidekick it was only logical that he go too.   I believe that Istvan was also the only Black character to play on the show.

Cassandra, wasn't there a Black nurse who refused Nicholas Blair entry to the room of a dying Tom Jennings while he was in the Collinsport Hospital?  She was rather saucy as I remember, and appeared to be a good judge of character - she let Maggie Evans right in to see Tommy J.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Random Thoughts on Quentin's Room etc.
« on: March 07, 2003, 10:40:07 PM »
Hmm....well, I would think Quentin would look just fine draped over just about anything -- a short bed, a long bed, a chair, the bannister, my lap....whatever.

Oooh, yes please!  Or on my lap...or whatever, LOL!  I'm willing to share if you are, Connie!   ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Random Thoughts on Quentin's Room etc.
« on: March 07, 2003, 10:35:04 PM »
A church old enough in 1897 to no longer be in use probably would have been constructed before Victorian High Gothic came into vogue.  Especially in Maine, I'd expect it to be the classic white, tall-steepled church ubiquitous to all of New England...and the rectory would look similar. 

I have to agree with Raineypark.  Tiny little clapboard churches are all over the Maine landscape.  They are very drafty and plain.

Sorry folks, didn't know this as have never been to New England.  The only rectories (sp) I've seen were here in the South and back in the Midwest, where I'm from originally.   :-

Also sending a belated Happy B-Day to Bob the Bartender!  Hope all your birthday wishes come true!!!
- can you float candles in beer?  [beer]

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Random Thoughts on Quentin's Room etc.
« on: March 07, 2003, 07:46:00 PM »
Hey Vlad - interesting observations!

I too was disappointed that Istvan didn't get any credit.  And he was disposed of so ignominiously by Barnabas - who should've at least tried to get him to disable King Johnny or go after Petofi. hubby is built just like Istvan, too - or so he thinks!  ::)

An aside - the other day my husband was watching DS with me and, upon seeing Petofi, said "He looks like a werewolf on crack!"  After thinking about it for a second I admitted "well, that's pretty much what the character is!"  :D

What's with the Rectory?  I feel like I've seen the set somewhere before, and I don't mean the first time I watched these eps.  Does anyone know if it's a rebuild of some other set we have seen before, like Nicholas Blair's house or something?  Love the set though!  It's very eerie and totally perfect.  Trying to imagine what it looks like from the outside is fun - I keep picturing a smaller version of Dr. Lang's place.

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't catch Petofi vowing to destroy all the Collins family either.  Though one could certainly infer this from what he's done since he arrived in Collinsport.  He's had a field day with Edward, Jamison, and Barnabas, and is fixin' (as they say here in the South) to do Quentin some serious mischief.

It is puzzling that they haven't shown Quentin's bed, 'specially since it's where he does all his best work![coolbrows]   Was also wondering if this was the suite of rooms he shared with Jenny, or if they stayed in another part of the house.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:OT - Taste in Comedy Question
« on: March 06, 2003, 12:04:41 AM »
Have seen him only in a couple films and his HBO special Dress to Kill, but I agree, Castlebee!  Eddie Izzard is hysterically funny, talented and a cool guy!  ;D

Current Talk '03 I / Re:If There Was No Sam Hall on DS
« on: March 05, 2003, 10:10:23 PM »
Loved the insight into the behind the scenes situation with Grayson and Sam Hall, Gothick!  And her opinion about Julia is too funny!!

I don't have enough information to comment on Sam's contributions to the show or to the character of Julia, but my feeling about Julia herself is this: with or without Sam, Julia is (for me) the emotional core of Dark Shadows.  Sure, Barnabas has the corner on the reluctant vampire deal, but Julia's unrequited love and dogged loyalty to him just rings so true.  Grayson's subtle (yes, at times it really was) portrayal of these feelings seemed so real.

This may not have been the healthiest of relationships, but it really felt like love - more than any other 'couple' the show presents, IMO.  I know this won't make the Barn/Vicki, Barn/Angelique or Barn/Josette contingents happy, it's just MHO.

Julia really showed the man what love is - it's a pity he didn't pay better attention.  Barnabas could have learned alot from her.  ;)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Count Petofi and Lord Kitchener
« on: March 04, 2003, 03:35:50 PM »
Way interesting Vlad!  Looks like the DS writers goofed again - Kitchener wasn't even made a 'lord' until after the events of 1897 took place.  Oh well...perhaps Petofi was 'remembering' something that had yet to happen.

And also interesting that there is debate over Kitchener's sexuality, given that the same debate has occurred regarding Petofi's sexual proclivities.  Hmmmmm.  ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Goodbye (almost) to Magda?
« on: March 04, 2003, 03:23:56 PM »
Very interesting Gerard!  Especially the part about Magda and Quentin meeting up again; although I'd like to believe that maybe they'd have at least one more adventure together.  Can you just see a geriatric Magda tromping around the woods with Quentin, being chased by some supernatural baddie?  ;D

Current Talk '03 I / Goodbye (almost) to Magda?
« on: March 03, 2003, 06:43:33 PM »
As far as I can tell, the character of Magda Rakosi only appears in one more episode (856) after today, which I find disappointing, 'cos I've been really digging Grayson in this role.

So what do y'all suppose happened to Magda after her days (and nights) running errands for 'Meester Barnabas' ended?  Could she have gone back to the gypsies?  She's in deep sh** with them right now, isn't she?  Did she help Mrs. Fillmore to raise Quentin's daughter Lenore?  Or did she wander off to Pennsylvania, where she settled down with a nice country doctor by the name of Hoffman?  ::)

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