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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Why Doesn't Barnabas Just Go Home?!!!
« on: February 27, 2003, 04:47:08 AM »
                I like the way you think.  The Barnster could clean up.  Good luck with the back surgury.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:HAND SURGERY NEXT MONTH/OT
« on: February 26, 2003, 03:46:10 AM »
Good Luck Annie,
                             After the surgury make sure you do all the therapy.  My husband had hand surgury about nine years ago.  He had an accident.  He was very faithful to the excersices given him and everything went very well.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:SOUR GRAPES!
« on: February 26, 2003, 03:40:20 AM »
Good Luck to LAFB big show.  My daughter was in "Birdie" in a summer theatre goup a few years back.  She played the mayors wife.  She really suprised all of us. It is a great show for kids.  I have to say I loved being in shows in high school.  Our CYC put on a show every year.  I even sang a solo, and I have a horrid voice.

Enjoy--Birdie--who never fails to go off subject

Current Talk '03 I / Re:King Johnny
« on: February 26, 2003, 03:21:51 AM »
I don't know every time he refered to himself as King Johnny I cracked up.  It is a good thing I didn't have a drink and have to take as slug every time he said it.  I would be passed out on the floor by now.


The terrorism is a scary thing but it would not stop me.  In fact I might be in NYC on Sunday.  Actually, the weather is more the deciding factor for that trip.  My older sister, mom, and myself are sceduled to visit the other  sister in Jersy this weekend and thought of popping into the city on Sunday for a show.  We are suppose to leave Friday but they are also saying the S word again.  And the kid might have basketball playoffs.  Guess we are in the holding pattern.


Raineypack, my sympathy goes out to you looking for college that is a good match for you child is not fun.  A word of advise keep the school within a driveable distance of home.  We keep a 2 to 3 hour drive away for both our college children.

Lets talk about college dorms.  My daughters first year there were three girls in what should have been a double.  You could not walk into the room.  Unbelievable.

My son's room is like a mini apartment.  They have a couch taken from some lounge.  TV, DVD, VHR. Playstation 2, N-64, two frigs, two micro waves, 2 computers.  Isn't it sad how they have to rough it in school.

Funny, he is in a dorm at U-mass, that is use to party in some 25 years ago.  Found my old diary a week ago in a fit of crazed cleaning.  Let's just say it is something I will never share with my children.

Sorry this is so off topic.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Fest Nostalgia
« on: February 24, 2003, 12:32:42 AM »
Another great one Connie!

Now I will have that song in my brain for the rest of the night.  I will have DS taping while I get ready for work and Charity/Pansy will start singing, and the rest of the day that song will be in my head.  Let's just say the younger people I work with just don't get it.

I will be so glad when Feb. is over!  I had the grunge last week.  Now the twelve year old has it, with a nasty cough.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Practical magic
« on: February 22, 2003, 04:06:47 PM »
Put me in for the staircase through time.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Blast from the Past
« on: February 22, 2003, 04:04:28 PM »
Witch Doctor---please-- my oldest daughter is a big chipmunk fan.  Now nineteen she still will sit down and watch Alvin and was horrrified that I got rid of the Chipmunk movie.  I think she dug it out of the trash.

Dom, thought of you yestereday I had the Supremes Cd. in my hand to buy at Best Buy but put it back.  My  mad money was spent of course on my kid.  She needed a really cool shirt to wear for St. Patricks Day.  She is the most Irish of my four. Also the pooch went to the groomers,  Will pick it up next time I am down that way.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Sexy Dude (NOT Quentin)
« on: February 22, 2003, 03:49:34 PM »
I have to say I am with the group who he creeps me out.  Yuk, would hate if he even touched my arm.   I do appreciate his wit.  The charactor of Petofi is very interesting and complex.  I have to stay with the majority and vote the ones with sec appeal are Quentin, Barnabas and Chris.


Current Talk '03 I / Re: Worcester
« on: February 15, 2003, 06:14:21 AM »
Wow, I would not even attempt to pronounce any of those names.  It would not be pretty.  

Ringo, Worcester has an airport too!  Of course not many planes  come in.  It is kind of a sorry joke in this part of the country.  They built the new terminal to tall in blocked the tower.  Than somehow one of the run ways has shrunk.

I grew up close to the airport.  Can you believe growing up we could go up in the tower?  How things have changed.  


Current Talk '03 I / Worcester
« on: February 14, 2003, 06:23:37 AM »
Now we have an idea where Tim has gone.  Kudos to Nancy Barrett for prononucing the city's name correctly.  I am impressed.  I know I have mentioned this before but I grew up in Worcester  I remember it thrilled me that my favorite show would mention my home town.  As young viewers we were dancing around the room to know have Worcester (pronounced Wooster) sometimes refered to as Worm-town  was named on TV.  


Happy Birthday Annie!

Ringo mentioned all those other famous people who share your birthday and I am going to mention one more.  My son Joe turned 21 today!  If you are in a bar and this very cute tall dark haired blue eyed young man flashes his new ID, tell him not to over do it.  Have a wonderful birthday.  Happy Dreams.  After LAFB photo how can you lose.

Birdie--the old tired mother of a child who can drink legally

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Gypsy Emotions - - does no one care?
« on: February 09, 2003, 03:55:57 AM »
You are all going to laugh or be appalled but when DS was in it's original hey day one of my good friends was a gypsy.  At least my mother told me her family were gypsies.  I have no idea why this was so.  They did live in a house even though it was not in the best condition.  The lack of supervision there was unbelievable.  Thank goodness my mother never knew the half of it.  Every adult in our area thought of them as gypsies.  There were three of us and we were inseperatable.  I am still best friends with the other non- gypsy.  Her parents took us to the movie Hell's Bells at the drive-in.  Something my parents would have been horrified that I saw at the time.  There are so many crazy stories that I can't tell here.  They still make me smile.  The gypsy friend drifted apart from us by 8th grade.  Wonder what ever happened to her?

Birdie--still wondering why that family was considered gypsies.  They had a very American last name


Current Talk '03 I / Re: MATURE Fan Question
« on: February 09, 2003, 03:41:01 AM »
Of course I had DS pictures plastered all over my bedroom door and closet door. My mother would not let me hang anything on the wallpaper.  I didn't have a locker at the time I got hooked on DS.  I think I was in the 5th or 6th grade.  I had the cards, the books until 1981 when they were destroyed in a cellar flood.  Why did my mother force me to take them to my house they would have been safe in hers? I still have the album.  I don't remember anyone making fun of me during the original run.  Of course, now I have seen a few raised eye brows when people find out I am still a fan.  I suffered a few snickers when I went to the fest in 2001.   Wonder what they were saying about me behind my back.

On the bright side my daughter had a photo of David Selby in her locker last year.  A few kids even recognized it.  This year I don't know what she has hanging on her locker door.  She still has a few pictures of the Q-man on her bulliton board hanging in her room.  Also of course the photo of her with the real thing.  I am still jealous hers came out so much better than mine.  My pictures are in the photo album.


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