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Messages - JS

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I agree with what MagnusTrask has said. I also think that it is wonderful to be able to delve into a another world and put those things aside that trouble us, at least for just a little while.
Taeylor is a great example of what any of us can do, instead of dwelling on that which plagues us. Thank you Taeylor  for sharing that with us. [ghost_smiley]

I think that many of us can relate to the one sided love story of Barnabas and Julia. Julia was so in love with Barnabas and he didn't even have a clue. Barnabas was blind to Julia's love for him because he was always searching for his Josette. This is a wonderful love story that kept me hanging on and wishing that Barnabas would wake up and smell the coffee but it never happened. I'm still holding out for this love story to continue in the new film.

The problem that I was having the other day was that the ds board would go to a white screen and no further. That was at home but at work where I am now there is no problem. I don't know?? ?? I even tried a different browser. [ghost_sad] Other than that I'm so happy that we are the new #23 of the top 40. [ghost_cheesy]

We should pass Star Trek tomorrow. We are only 64 votes behind them. Let's everyone vote like crazy.  [ghost_cheesy] 

P.S. Has anyone else had trouble getting on this board the past few days or is it just me?

Thanks, I was hoping someone would do that. [ghost_wink]

We reached 145,000 today I'm glad that we did it today instead of yesterday. Because we have a banner all to ourselves. Yeah Dark Shadows fans! [ghost_cheesy]

We are almost neck in neck with Star Trek the original series. We should be getting a new banner at about the same time or a day later 145,000. By next week we can overtake them. Keep the votes coming. [ghost_cheesy]

If we don't do anything else we need to set our sites on toping Star Trek the original series. We are so close. "Let's get R done". As Larry the cable guy would say. [ghost_grin]

Thank you Joe for sharing that video of Jonathan Frid and John Karlen. That was so nice of you. [ghost_smiley]

The Treksters are losing momentum and we are gaining ground. Let's not quit now Shadow Meisters. [ghost_wink]

The race is getting tighter by the day. If we can just stay consistent DS will definitely be in the top 20 in a short while. [ghost_grin]

Me too, I have always dreamed of living in my own Collinwood on the New England Coast somewhere. [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Knowning all you do about ghost, would you?
« on: July 15, 2008, 07:31:27 AM »
I personally would rather visit a haunted house than live in one. It would bother me to know someone was watching me all the time. I like some privacy some time.

I loved all the women on Dark Shadows, they were all special to me but if I had to pick the hotest one of all it would have to be Lara Parker hands down. [ghost_grin]

We are snapping at the heels of two Star Treks once we are there there will be no stopping us. We are now # 24 and if we continue at this rate we can make it into the top 20 very easily. [ghost_cheesy]

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