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Messages - katrinavantassel

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It took nearly all of Adam's strength to fight back the tears when he realized they'd taken his favorite green sweater to the cleaners.

Adam was at once horrified when one night outside the Old House he was confronted with his deepest fear: meeting his cousin Frank N. Stein lurking in the yard.

Joe positively could not believe that somehow Sam, his girlfriend's father, had talked him into driving him to distraction.  [chkyy]

"I know what you must be thinking: 'Just HOW can one head of hair be THIS stunning?', well the secret is that I fluff till I puff.  [flower]

Jason was quite turned on, fascinated and highly anticipating after Vicky made the offer that if Liz was too tired on their honeymoon night, she would be more than willing to throw him off the cliff for her.

The patrons at the Blue Whale were shocked, horrified and disgusted when they saw that all the music selections in the juke box had been updated.

Trask was amused when Barnabas told him

Magda was shocked when Trask told her

Barnabas looked askance at Magda after she told him she'd be the new model for Cover Girl.

Thanks for posting this update. How exciting there will more produced this year than last! I wonder who the new cast members will be??

Awesome - thanks for the good news! I love listening to these on my commute to work.

Does anyone know if there will be more DS dramas made after the Angelique story? I tried to find out info on the dark shadows reborn site but apparently it is down/not there anymore.

For the record, while I enjoy all of them, the stories with full cast are my favorites. Reminds me of those old-fashioned radio plays with the sound effects, music and all  [ghost_smiley]

Is anybody here going? I was playing with the idea for the longest time but ultimately decided not to go as I couldn't find anyone to come with me and I didn't feel comfortable driving all the way to NJ by myself.

Rachel was a shameless eavesdropper when it came to listening to recommendations for investing her 401K.

Judith: Oh, my gosh, get it off me! Get it off me!

Rachel: Sorry, you'll have to talk to Dr. Who for its removal.

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