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Messages - LOOKE300

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I would think the main thing would be the new delay now it won,nt film until at best until early 2011. but im sure next it won,nt film until the end of 2011 is depp going to keep delaying filming it to make other films its been 3 years it should be put up or shutup  time for depp  make the film or drop it stop playing games.

should casting it not have begin already so far as anyone knows only depp has been no expert but i don,t think they cast at the last minute don,t they most of the time have these movies casted a long time in advance.

It seems unlikly this depp film will ever be made you had the wb tv show that went nowhere,fox tv show nothing happen.the onty new ds thing that went anywhere was the 91 tv show and ofcause that lasted only a few episodes. dose anyone have a opiniun why?

wake me up when this movie is in theaters. this has been 2 years and it will be at least 2 more years i can.t be interested in anything that takes that long. why must burton be the director there are many good directors out there depp has to have the same director on every film this whole thing has turn out to be a bore.

If its true about filming in the summer won,t they have to start casting soon/

afthe the movie he played a killer kid on the soap guilding light for a few months and did a good job.

the kid who played damien in the remake would make a good creepy david.

He did the 3 pirate films so why could,nt he do more then one ds film?

ITS hard to get excited about something that,s going at a snails pace ,sorry to snails  that i just insulted you. something that will not be seen for 2 years at the earlys. when do you think casting will begin. i hope im still alive when this thing comes out.

Is it not possible that depp has moved ds ahead of some of his other projects and its going to move faster then any of us though.

yes alexander gould he,s on weeds now on showtime dose a good job and if they film soon is still young enough to play david. david henesy did a great job as david don,t recall him ever fubing his lines he was a better actor then some of the adults.

dose anyone have a opion on what childstar should play david

dose depp own all the rights to ds or only the movie rights,if  in the unlikely event someone was interested in trying again to get a new tv show on the air would they have to buy the rights from depp or dose the curtis estate still own those rights?

IS anything ever going to come of this its been like 9 months and not one new thing about this suppose film. is johney depp  comiited to this or was it just a passing fancy At least when the new tv show was planed there was a lot of news about it even though nothing came of  it.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: 2004 Pilot Episode
« on: August 20, 2007, 11:06:47 PM »
they tried to blame it all on the director when it all fell apart but having read many things on this its clear there were other factors. like the wb change there mind on doing remakes of old shows they also passed on lost in space plot the same time as ds. some at the wb didn,t even want to do the plot. but because john wells was behind it they did the plot but the ones who were against it from the start won out.

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