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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Which is the dullest knife in the drawer???
« on: August 02, 2002, 10:51:53 AM »
Julia: The stand-by-your-man thing is cute, but not when he is acting dumber than a box of cheese.

I'd hafta go with Julia. Goodness. If it weren't for her, no one in the freaking town, much less just the estate, would be able to do anything, and there wouldn't BE this mess. And ..... DUH! Obvious allusion to cheese! Think Stokes!!! Or Roger! Or someone! Cripes!! ....... Barnabus?! *gags!*  :P Unless perhaps she found fangs attractive [fangs] Bleh!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm in LOVE with Willie!!
« on: August 02, 2002, 10:44:41 AM »
Your conscientiousness about server space is very much appreciated, and since you brought it up, what really would help is if it's referred to in replies in the rest of this topic instead of "quoted".

LOL MEEP!!! >.< Sorriessss Midnite ^_^ *bouncebounce*

And funnie funnie Quentin magazine, too! Altho, I must [ashamedly] admit that I don't quite understand it all ... but ... erm .... I'm waiting to learn ^_^ Still love Willie's ....  ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: CELLAR CABINET CAPER
« on: August 02, 2002, 10:41:26 AM »
I believe Prozac would come in handy on many occasions


Bwahahaha .... or Ridlin for the occasional insane Willie Loomis! ^____^ Too bad we [thus far] haven't gotten a really really hyper character. That woulda been soooo funnie. This eternally optimistic character who was always up @ say ... 4 am, making Mrs Johnson coffee or cleaning out the fire place in the drawing room, or shaving the ice off the driveway after a heavy snowstorm. And they would have driven absolutely everyone insane with their insatiable appetite for happiness and perkiness .... *semi twitch* Can you believe people have actually told me I need Ridlin? *falls off chair laughing* Hehehehheheeee!!!!!  8)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Josette's Musicbox
« on: August 02, 2002, 10:33:26 AM »
I was never a big fan of the playroom theme, but the Blue Whale songs (all two of them) always drove me batty.

O.O!!!!! *sharp intake of breathe*

I've never heard the alleged "playroom theme" but I LOOOOOOOOVE the blue whale songs!! They're so much fun! I get up and dance around! *dances in circles* They're so much fun! DO DO DOOOOO ..... DO DO DOOOOO ..... lol I'll hafta go find my wav of it now ... bwahahaha ^_^

I was so surprised to see "early" Maggie Evans making a play for Joe Haskell when she recognized that his relationship with Carolyn was turning sour.

*grumbles loudly* It was turning sour, but yeah it STILL COULD HAVE WORKED OUT!!! *grumbles* Maggie ..... grrrrr .....  >:( Don't you have to mush grapes to make wine? Their relationship was in the mushing sour pruning stage that no one really likes, but it would have turned into wine eventually!! Honestly! Grrrrrr .... *goes off to write a FF* *more grumbles* She should have listened to Sam when he told her to STAY OUT OF IT!!!!

~The cynically oreo-stuffed Daphne  :P

*sigh* I miss the old Carolyn!  :( She just isn't the same..she's all toned down now *nods head sadly* The old Carolyn was more fun to watch and she was more she's just depressing at times  :( but still great. Carolyn and Joe should've stayed together IMO. I think they're relationship was more interesting then Maggie and Joe's but oh well.

AAAAAIEEEE!!!!! *runs around in circles* HAHAHAHAHA *dances* OMG You agree with me!!!!! Eeeeeveryone says that Carolyn and Joe should have broken up. So she had issues! [argue] *waves hands dismissively* EEEE!!! ^_______^ *GRIN*
Depressing is good sometimes, much more interesting than happy, IMO lol .... but .. aww *pat pat* I miss the old Carolyn too. She was soooo kewlll! We can throw a pity party ... and invite Carolyn ... and Joe .... and NOT MAGGIE!! Or we can invite her and throw her off Widow's Hill .... [fangs] *EVIL LAUGH*
CAROLYN AND JOE FOREVER!!!! THEY SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!! *evil manic cackles* [frkoff] [flmthrw] weeeeheheheheheeeeee

Current Talk '02 II / Re: RINGS loud and clear
« on: August 01, 2002, 04:23:43 AM »
LOL as long as we're not talking about that freaking green filigrew pen from the eeeeeeeeeeearly days .... omg that thing!! BAH! It never went away! Like some old ancestors or something! BLEK!!

Joe gave Carolyn a watch, which she lost and then went out looking for and found Bill Malloy's body floating downnnn there in the ocean off of Widow's Hill. Or so I think. Someone wrote a FF about that .... Joe and Carolyn are sooo cuuutee ....

Erm, yes rings! They [the ever-evil Barnabus and Julia duo] hid one of Maggie's rings in Willie's candlestick holder and then Barnabus knocked it over and the police found the ring and took it as evidence that Willie was Maggie's kidnapper. GRRRRR! I betcha if Willie found out about that he wouldn't be so freaking loyal to Barnabus. GRRRRR .... Maybe Willie and Julia should get together, and they could BOTH leave Barnabus ^___^ YAAAAY *applauds* [hello]

~the ever-so-pessimistic Daphne ^_~

I like David better when he is less homicidal, and Roger is better when he doesn't hate his son. But those are the only two positives that I can think of in regards to the changing of the original Collins.

LOL! NONONO!!!! He's so much more interesting when he's like psychotic!!!! *evil laugh* And Roger was much more ..... interesting too, but in a kind of different way. In a "WHY does he hate his son" kind of way, and ... well duh, cuz he thought David was Devlin's son [hey, they both had hair lol]. That was soooo much more interesting!!! Now the whole "we're trying to be a happy family, and all this supernatural stuff that we can't explain is going on, so we'll just ignore it" thing is just .... grrr!! Makes them all seem so stupid. There were always rumors about ghosts in Collinwood anyway, right? And Carolyn was SOOOOOOOOO much better when she was a %)(@* .... she was just so funnie! I loved it when she was going out with Buzz. Cuz it was just soo .... not what everyone wanted her to do. And now she's all like ..... sweet. [scrm] [puke] It's so boring!!!!! LOL .... *chills out* yeah okay ..... It used to be like, with Carolyn and Joe, they worked through Carolyn's problems [not having a father, the kids in school thinking her mother was a witch; etc] and now it's like Carolyn and Tony work through Tony's problems. And not that that's BAD ... but .... BAH!!! LOL I don't like it as much. *pouts*

The only real change I *LIKE* is that the cast became more familiar with each other, and they'll touch each other more .... like Carolyn and Liz will kiss on the cheek, or Vicki will kinda sorta pat Maggie if Maggie's hysterically crying. LOL Or something. I'm STILL waiting for Carolyn and Vicki to hug ..... but I just don't see it happening. LOL!  :P Alright, I'm shutting up now! *hops off soapbox* *EVIL CACKLE* But I'll be back .......

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Gothick!
« on: August 01, 2002, 03:59:45 AM »
WOW Happy *really late* birthday Gothick!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D Hope it was a blast!!! ^______^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam and High School Memories
« on: August 01, 2002, 03:55:27 AM »
Hey Daphne...

I'm certainly glad you got THAT out of your system!  ROFL

Feeling better now?   ;)


LOLOL!! I could rant for hours and hours ..... I'm so ready to like ... graduate now. LOL idk why. I wanna get OOOUUUTTTTT of this state. LOL it's like an after-effect of road rage or something. Seriously. But HS people are just like ..... bah! They're not like artists or something kewl that you'd find in college, cuz I know you'd still have your share of preps and wanna-be's in college, but then you'd have like a whole other like .... WAVE of people who are just like "I do my own thing.  I don't care what you think, so [oky] $@(* off" ya know? And that's so kewl ^____^ LOL of course, none of this is probably true, but people say that college is easier than HS, because you take courses that you WANNA take, and I'm already taking AP courses, so eeeeeeee I'm excited about college now. So weird. A month ago I was like *cowers behind the safety of HS* NOOO!!! Don't let them take me!!! LOL ... how odd. BAH!  :-/

« on: August 01, 2002, 03:48:36 AM »
Welcome back Daphne!  where ya been lately? :)

LOL thanks!!!! I dunno. I'm going thru one of those "bahhhh I'm too lazy to do anything so I'll just stay in bed because it's FINALLY summer and I don't have to go to school today" stages. Or something. I should ask Adam, seeing as he's such a big fan of Freud ^_~ But then I'll dive passionately back in to all the things that made me so happy that I pushed away, and I'll just wonder what was wrong with me!!  ::) Bah, I don't get it!! *le sigh*

I was thinking of those old rubber dolls called Stretch Armstrong - anyone else remember those?

LOL!!! I remember those!! They always used to break cuz my brother and I would tie one arm to a door and them RUUUUUUN in the other direction as fast as we could. LOL!!!! My mom had a FIT cuz the goo inside would lead alllll over the carpet ..... but we put a band-aid on it! Apparntly that wasn't good enough .... *grumble* LOL  :P ::)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: OT: I passed!
« on: August 01, 2002, 03:42:07 AM »
I pulled into the License Bureau with my mom and I immdiately see the manueverability course with one of the cones knocked over. Obviously the person taking the test before me failed-such encouragement. Then, I see a girl from my History class who is getting ready to take her test. We wish each other good luck and I have to sit there and wait. I watch and see that she passed, which made me happy, but I was soooooo nervous! Anyway, the lady finally came and I had to take the manueverability test. In the middle of it, a fly starts buzzing around in the car and distracting me and making the lady mad. Such luck. But, I managed to pass-didn't even brush against a cone-and started the driving part, which I passed as well. Phew, what a load of weight of my shoulders! :) Thanks for all the good wishes everyone!


LOLOL ... first off, thanks!! Congrats to you too!

And 2nd off .... I didn't have 2 take a test 2 my license ....... *DUCKS* ... lol Texas is just weird like that. We have to take Drivers Ed, and we take a test to pass THAT, and then once we pass Drivers Ed, you just wait until you're 16 and you can get your license. LOL ... or that's how it was for me, anyway. Cuz now they passed this law where you have 2 wait 6 months after you're 16 to get your license. I have a friend in NJ, and he said they have 2 wait until they're 18! LOL!!!!! I was like "sux 2 b u!" LOL ..... how kind ^_~ But I passed my Driver's Ed test, sooooo .... I guess that qualifies me, no?? Teehehe *giggles mischeviously*

I know what you mean about volunteering to do errands! I do that too! I'm like "I'LL DO IT! LEMME DO IT! I'LL DRIVE!! OOOOOOO I WANNA!"  ::) I think my parents are inventing stuff for me to do to get me outta the house. HAHAHA ^_^

Congrats again!! LOL You actually had to pass something ^_~

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm in LOVE with Willie!!
« on: August 01, 2002, 03:34:04 AM »
but maybe in the next issue........

FOCLMAOWTIMES!!! OMG!! *dies laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! The pic of him and NB just looks sooooo scandalous like that! I always thought it looked kinda candid .... *wink wink nudge nudge*

And willie's gonna hafta get in line behind ME for Quentin!! [pimp]

teehehe ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Hands of My Harem!
« on: August 01, 2002, 03:30:23 AM »
AWWW *blushes* Thankies everyone. I drove to my riding lesson today, and I get out of the car, and I'm like "*POINTS TO CAR* JANET JANET! *BOUNCE* LOOOOK! *HOPS UP AND DOWN* I DROVE HERE!!!! Eeee!!" and she's like "*jaw drops* LEGALLY!?" LMAO!!!!! it was so funnie ^_^ And I got 2 drive the "GOOD" car, too. *giggle*  8)  ::) lol I'm a dork ^_^

Oh my dear were do you live? :o :o :o :o LOL and Congratulations Daphne!

Texas .... figures. LOL!!! Hahaha .... but thankies ^_^

*pranceprance* I have posting privialeges [sp] back YAAAAAY! ^_^

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