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Messages - 4everfridean

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I will know some time tomorrow (Friday the 11th) whether or not I'm going on, and I will post it.  Thanks again -- Julie  :)

I admit I don't think JF is sexy in looks.  However, his deep voice, his longing, and the way he played Barney made him very sexy to me.  I had a hard time getting past his stained teeth.  LOL Hope I didn't step on toes.  Theygrossed me a bit.  HOWEVER, at times he came across very sexy.  I would have let him bit the hell out of me. :)

I sort of get that, because there are times I can't believe they let him in front of the cameras looking like that.  But I think many people back then took smoker's teeth more in stride than they do now.  And it's worth noting you never see that on his later pics.  Julie  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Day 2 for my DS Song
« on: July 07, 2008, 11:00:42 PM »
Day 2, and THANK YOU for your votes!

JF as Barnabas Collins stole my heart when I was 7 years old.  I have come to appreciate the qualities many of the other male actors have (must mention Karlen, Mitch Ryan, Don Briscoe and Joel), but Jonathan Frid IS THE MAN when it comes to heat because he isn't classically sexy.  His raging sex appeal is in the way he carries himself, the eyes that you simply MUST look into when shown up close, and as several others have mentioned, that voice.  Quick, pass the smelling salts, I'm gettin' the vapors over here!  LOL

Julie  :)

Maybe if we all vote enough the song will make it into the new movie! Now that would be cool!

When I wrote the song, I saw it in a very theatrical situation, with Barnabas speaking of Josette in 1795, and then in the present day.  Having it come to the attention of someone connected with the movie and get a placement -- a DREAM COME TRUE.

Julie  :)

Where do we go to see the vote count?

Unfortunately, as far as I know, not even the contestants will know if they have advanced until the results are posted on Friday.  I will have no way of knowing how I'm doing.

Is there a way to download the song to put on an MP3 player?  Right click and save to download.  Thanks for asking.  :D  Julie

If you've attended the last two Festivals, you may well have seen either my performance or the video of the song I wrote, "Light In The Shadows", inspired by Barnabas and Josette and which I now sing in tribute to JF.  I recently performed a very short version of this song for the USA World Showcase in Las Vegas.  While I did not win a judges' trophy (thanks in large part to a snafu in which my backing track failed and the judges were never aware of it because I just sang a cappella right away), I scored highly enough that I made it to the Web broadcast of the show.  The audience vote, ultimately, is what decides who wins the grand prize of the competition -- a guaranteed $5000 prize or the chance to choose three bags from six on a table.  You choose the right three bags, you win $100,000.

I know for a fact that I need the support of the DS fandom to get this done.  If you want to just vote without looking at the video, click here:  This will take you directly to my voting page.  You vote, and then click vote again to confirm your vote.  Now, UNLIKE the Rich LaBonté voting site, there is NOT a time limit between votes, you can vote as often as your little fingers can click the mouse.  (However, no electronic voting allowed.) 

I only have between now and midnight PDT Wednesday to rack up as many votes as I can.  There are 40 contestants this first week, and only 20 move on to week two, where the judges' trophy winners await.

If you want to see the performance video, snafu and all, go to, and click on Part 3.  I am the third performer on this video.  However, if you have trouble with video downloads for any reason, there is an audio version (with track) up on my Web site,  The video that I showed last year is on the Video page of my site, if you are interested in that.

I would love to stand before the audience in January 2009 as the Grand Prize Winner, and tell them all about how Dark Shadows brought this song into being, and how much the DS Nation supported me!  Thank you!

Julie  :)

I haven't posted here in FOREVER, but I couldn't miss this, I mean, my member name says it all.   Thank you for coming over, and I hope you'll post every so often as we get closer to the Festival dates.

Excellent, this was about the time I originally posted to some of the Yahoo groups about this.  I wanted to get an update around to everyone when I discovered today that nominations would close February 28.  As best as I can figure, the inductees will be announced on March 5.  So pass the word around again, there may be people who were not on the boards, lists, and so on when this was originally discussed.  And Stuart, if you're here, thanks for putting it up on  That's huge exposure.

Julie  :)

I don't know if this was posted here before, but I have been posting to several groups about getting Jonathan Frid a star on Canada's Walk of Fame.  It is a much bigger deal there than the Hollywood Walk is here because most of the inductees are selected on the basis of popular nomination.  You may only nominate once -- it's not possible to stuff the ballot box.  But if you have enjoyed JF's work over the years, whether on DS, his other movie work, stage work, or his one-man shows, this is a way we fans can show our lasting appreciation for what this man's talents have brought to us.  I feel it's high time his native country showed appreciation to him as well.

Here is the link to nominate JF for this honor:

The nominations will close on February 28, a little less than two weeks from when I post this.  All who nominate now will be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Toronto for the induction ceremonies and Tribute Gala, which is a big deal for the Canadian entertainment industry.  Please pass this link along to any and all DS-related forums that I haven't posted to myself, so as many as possible will get the word.

Thank you so much!
Julie  :)

Welcome Julie! 8)

Hey, thanks!  Sup??

Julie  :)

The graphic on the audio site is gorgeous, btw.

That doesn't surprise me one bit, Stuart is a past master of great graphics.

Julie  :)

It's Julie-of-the-Gold-Dress!!!  Yay!!!!   [cheer]

LOL, glad to know I made an impression on someone -- though your DS star namesake did pay me an ultimate compliment the next day when she looked me straight in the eyes and told me, "YOU were one of the highlights of the show!"  I was like, whoa.

Thank you all for your welcomes!

Julie  :)

That's a gorgeous portrait of Frid.  Welcome to the boards!

Thank you, G., I look forward to posting here "early and often".  And there are more where that came from.

Julie :)

Welcome, Julie!   [wavey]  I hope we'll get to hear from you again soon.

Is it your beautiful collages that adorn the home page of the Frid list?

They are indeed mine, thank you.  :)  I'm glad to be here and to meet new DS fans and chat with my friends I already know.

Julie  :)

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