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Messages - CD_Tate

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Satan in High Heels sounds like a hoot!  I love the descriptions at Amazon and imdb...  Looks readily available; it's going to the top of my online DVD shopping list...   I love that kind of stuff...

Joan, of course, in any number of films.  Which I would pick as my favorite?  "The Reckless Moment"

I've just got to see that one!  

I just looked it up, since you mentioned it, and it turns out that The Deep End--one of my favorite independant films from last year--was a remake of that movie...  I can't wait to see the original, with our dear Ms. Bennett...  But it doesn't look like it's out on video or DVD...   Oh well, I guess I set up a TiVo wishlist for it, and keep my eyes open for latenight TV...

Anyone else?  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 22, 2002, 05:37:47 PM »
I still wish they could push the release schedule up to every 2 months...If they are still watching this thread maybe they can clarify what the release schedule will seems they are releasing sets a month apart in Aug and Sept...I am assuming it'll be quarterly after that...I'd love to have all these in less than 8 years...but, anyway thanks again to MPI
I completely agree that every other month is the ideal schedule...   I don't think I could swing it every single month (budget-wise)--but quarterly would take an awful long time to complete the series...

Every other month is the schedule they're using for all the Star Trek boxsets, and it seems to be working well.  I hope DS follows suit...

I've watched Star Trek Next Generation so many times I've lost count, but it wasn't until tonight I realized (while browsing the imdb) that Kathryn Leigh Scott played a lead role in one of my all-time favorite episodes: Who Watches the Watchers?  

Of course, right away I had to watch the episode again; luckily I just bought the DVD set...  There she is, playing a character I've always loved, and I never put two & two together!  She plays Nuria, the leader of a primitive Vulcan-ish race.  Picard has to beam her up to the ship in order to convince her that he isn't a God, and they share several wonderful scenes together.  It's a truly extraordinary performance.

I'm sure there's plenty of great roles and guest spots I haven't come across, but it's always great to see one of the regulars pop up somewhere else.  

Another favorite of mine is Thayer David as the evil Count Sagnussen in the adventure film Journey to the Center of the Earth starring James Mason...

What's your favorite non-DS performance by one of the Dark Shadows gang?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 21, 2002, 08:36:37 PM »
While not exactly the answers we were hoping for (at least in the latter case) I want to thank MPI for paying attention to us here, for caring about our opinions, and keeping us informed.  Getting such specific and personal responses from them in this thread is very encouraging.  Thanks MPI Marketing and DVD Authoring!  

Current Talk '02 II / Bramwell?!?  (spoilers)
« on: August 21, 2002, 09:18:55 AM »
I watched the whole series in its entirety last go-round on SciFi, and the final arc really perplexed me.  For years and years, nearly all the primary actors played multiple parts, but Barnabas was always just Barnabas...  Then in the final arc of the show, he suddenly plays another character for the first time--his own son, at least in parallel time...

Since Barnabas was, more or less, the character which kept the series going, why did they discard him near the end?  Was it a suggestion of the producers or writers?  Was Jonathan tired of the role?  Just curious if anyone's ever heard any insider info or speculation about this...


My  vote has to go with the Dell kid...  He was cute in the original *ONE* commercial, but has been darned annoying in every ad since.

As for Jeff Clark, he's terrific in every way.  (Not really, but somebody has to stick up for the guy around here!) :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: This Weeks Montage
« on: August 20, 2002, 12:33:43 AM »
Of course its the good doctor, I would know her hands anywhere... you are all so funny guessing who the body belongs to!
Me too -- though I'm not sure if I recogized the hands, the body or the --ahem--'s, but I knew it was Julia right away...  

I'm not watching the current run (yet) and what I can't remember is what the bottle's for...   :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 19, 2002, 08:57:02 PM »
Count me as a happy fan of the first DVD set--and someone who's eager to buy the entire series...   It's already a huge improvement over the VHS set, and considerably cheaper to boot...  

Sure the extras on set one are slim--they've got to spread them out over 25 (or however many) sets, and there's not a lot of material to choose from which hasn't already been released on the Special Edition DVD...

As for the quality--I don't have an HDTV, but if I did, I'd fully expect them to be much worse than on a standard set.  None of the current generation of HDTVs do a good job of dealing with poor source material--it's also a big issue with weaker satellite connections.  Better DVD encoding would help, but it's not the sole cause of the quality degradation, much of it has to do with how it's converted to the HDTV screen.  The discs look beautiful on most standard TVs, and perfectly decent (to me) on my computer's DVD-rom--which has a much higher resolution than HDTV...

Given the huge number of episodes/sets that will be forthcoming, I (for one) would not want to see them spreading out their 40-episode packs over a larger number of discs--not for the marginal quality increase that would result, given these original materials...

I agree that we're not being treated to some deluxe presentation.  Other than the nice menu, it's pretty basic.  Then again, this is MPI we're dealing with, not BBC or Warner.  I would love improvements, but I'm pretty darn happy with what we've got.

« on: August 19, 2002, 08:16:06 PM »
My biggest fear having Julia as my doctor would be that (as you know) the poor lady never, ever sleeps...   Up all day with the Collins family, up all night in co-hoots with Barnabas...  

I'd hate to have her making medical decisions about me when she'd been on a week-long non-sleep marathon.

Back off the coffee, Julia!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: New Member
« on: August 17, 2002, 04:11:19 AM »
Well, heck-- I'm gonna muscle on in here and use this thread to introduce myself too...  My real name's Alan, but you can call me Charles Delaware... :)

I discovered the board about a month ago and then got sidetracked-- I really only started posting in the last day or two...

Watched most of the original broadcasts way-back-when...  I especially remember being scared to death of "the hand of Ct. Petofi" in 6th grade...

I also watched the SciFi airings last go-round...  This time out I drifted away about the time Barnabas showed up...  

I'm buying the DVD sets, and would much rather watch that way--but I notice most of the conversation around here is tied to the current SciFi viewings, and I don't want to be left out!  Maybe it's time to fire-up the old Tivo season pass again...  :)

Anyway, it's great to be here, and thanks to all!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ouch?
« on: August 16, 2002, 11:17:01 PM »
If he wanted to hurt himself he should've just banged his head on the boom mike like everyone else.  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Davis Has Many Fans...All Electric...
« on: August 16, 2002, 10:36:00 PM »
Absolutely!   ;D  

I loved him on both Dark Shadows and on Alias Smith and Jones--although Pete Duel was, of course, the preferred Hannibal Heyes...

As a board newbie, I'm surprised that he's not much liked.  Besides Quentin (of course) I've always thought that Davis's characters were the best romatic leads on the show...

By the way:  Great Board!  Glad I found it!  (Is there an approriate thread for me to introduce myself so I don't go too far off-topic here?)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Sing Along
« on: August 16, 2002, 12:08:50 AM »
(Julia puts her knuckles to her mouth, and gasps!)

"Barnabas!  It's one of the clues!  The night I sang my song!"

;D ;D ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Sing Along
« on: August 16, 2002, 12:04:12 AM »
Can't get me enough of that Pansy Fay...  

"I'll do the hoochie-coo...   And ta ra ra boom-de-yay..."  

Nice montage!

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