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Messages - proudhug

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Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: CollinWiki update!
« on: November 21, 2005, 06:08:05 AM »
Thanks for the kind words, guys.  It really means a lot.  And a big thanks to everyone who's contributed to CollinWiki so far, even if it's just adding a missing comma; it's all important.  The more people who join in, the faster we'll get this ball rolling.  Although I did create the webpage and have so far contributed the majority of the information found therein, I don't want to think of it as my site.  A wiki belongs to no one person but rather a community.  It's true, I am very "proud" of the site so far, but nowhere is the site referred to as "Proudhug's CollinWiki".  All first person references are pluralized, and I even encourage others to add/edit/change the "important" pages on the site.  I look forward to a day when I can go to the site to look something up I need to know.

Now, I by no means mean to knock any of the amazing reference works done by many other fans and writers, but I (not-so-modestly) aspire for CollinWiki to become the source for information on all aspects of Dark Shadows, in one easy-to-use location.  It certainly won't supplant everything of course, and I wouldn't want it to, but it can make for a good quick-check site, or even a long, fun leasurely read.  Obviously, the wiki-nature of the site creates the possibility of some unreliable information, but I trust with some good editors and admins this can be largely prevented.

I'm very excited about this project and I'm extremely grateful for not only those who've contributed so far, but also for those who share in my excitement and plan to visit regularly.  Not only am I new to the whole wiki thing though, I'm still relatively new to Dark Shadows itself, so I'm desperately hoping for some of the more seasoned experts to help us out and expand our group of editors.  Most of us have been talking about Dark Shadows for years and still haven't run out of topics to discuss, and ColliWiki gives us a chance to all contribute to the DS community in a new way.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: CollinWiki update!
« on: November 19, 2005, 07:25:31 AM »
Thanks Annie.  I've been coming here for a few years, but didn't start posting until recently when I decided to create the Dark Shadows wiki and wanted to share it with everyone.

... And it's proudHUG, btw. ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / CollinWiki update!
« on: November 18, 2005, 05:30:29 PM »
Well, I'm 1/49th done my work on the original series of Dark Shadows.  Woohoo!  I've finished most of the work on the first 25 episodes, so far for the Dark Shadows Encyclopedia and it's looking pretty good.  Along with the other work done so far by some of the other editors, we've got a total of 35 of the episode articles begun, plus Brian Kurtz has done some excellent work with the Innovation comics and Marilyn Ross novels.  Altogether there are over 320 articles begun in just over two months!  If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to visit CollinWiki.  We're hoping for as many contributors as possible.

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 13, 2005, 09:02:57 PM »
I sure wouldn't complain about doing the research to find out.  ;)

ECS: Now, let me see that juicy neck of yours, David.  C'mon let me see it!
DC: Please, aunt Elizabeth... Don't bite me please!  This show would get too lame if a vampire ever became part of the plot!

MR: Quick Louie, I went on a bender last night, what's my next line??!!

ROTFLMFAO!!!  That's the best!  [stfl]

Haha, this is the funniest and strangest thread ever!  The whole topic is moot on so many levels.  Obviously, the mods aren't going to change their rules... especially without a reason.  The message is there for a purpose and that's their prerogative.  And besides, there are simple ways around the whole anti-right-click thing anyway, so who cares.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Episode #89
« on: October 27, 2005, 11:33:19 PM »
James Blair was Burke's banker.  He inexplicably replaced Stuart Bronson when Barnard Hughes became unavailable.  Blair did all of Burke's evil not-so-secret financial deeds when he was trying to acquire Collinwood and the Collins businesses.

Sam: "Maggie, if I told you once, I told you a thousand times... you're much to old for piggy-back rides!"
Maggie: "But Pop!  Just this once?"

Current Talk '05 II / Re: first episodes
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:45:24 AM »
I was at a friend's house one day several years ago and we had the TV on Sci-Fi, waiting for my favorite show "Earth 2" to come on.  I saw some old, black and white, extremely cheap, video-taped show on beforehand and asked him what this was.  He said he thought it was "Dark Shadows" but he'd never watched it.

Later that night when I went home, my curiosity about that show was still with me so I went online and read about all about "Dark Shadows."  I must've spent two days straight reading Mr. Juggins' site.  What a cool friggin' show!  I checked the Sci-Fi schedule online and found out they had recently started over from the beginning.  I don't remember anymore which episode it was that I'd seen, but I remember it had Bill Malloy in it.  I didn't get the Sci-Fi Channel myself, so I went to Amazon and ordered the first volume of the Collector's Series VHS tapes.  I watched it when it came and instantly fell in love.  I was so disappointed that I didn't have more episodes, so I ordered all the way up to Volume 10!

While waiting for the next batch of episodes to arrive, I kind of forgot about the show for a bit, but when they came, I quickly gobbled down those episodes and when it ended with Bill's body being found at the foot of Widow's Hill, I vowed never again to let myself catch up to the number of episodes I've got purchased.  After the Collector's Series ran out, I naturally switched over to getting the DVDs... and the rest is history!

I guess the reason why I like the early episodes so much is because I was one of the fans lucky enough to actually see the show from the beginning their first time.

Barnabas: "Come look, Burke.  People are talking about us on the 'web'."
Burke: "I'd heard it was true... but I just couldn't believe it was possible!"

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0853
« on: October 02, 2005, 01:17:21 AM »
"Oh, I'd say you're about a B-cup... I'll check what we got in the back that might go with that outfit."

WHAT?!?  Burke gave YOU his silver filigreed pen??  He promised that I could have it when he was done with it!

Current Talk '05 II / Re: the "language" of d.s.
« on: September 28, 2005, 11:31:33 PM »
Ditto, MB.  I have never fast-forwarded through DS unless I'm researching something specific, not even the credits!  To do so is disrespectful to every single person who worked on the show, IMO, right down to the gaffer (did they have gaffers?).  Actually, I can honestly say I never FF'd any show or movie, even if I've seen it a million times before.  If I get bored or interrupted, I'll stop what I'm watching, but never FF.  I hate it when people shut movies off before the credits are done.  Now that's not to say that I'm paying attention to every scene that's on, but I'd never actually FF to get to something "better."  I even watch the commercials on the MPI videos every time.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Collinwiki?
« on: September 28, 2005, 06:27:00 AM »
Thanks for the clarification, Midnite. :)  I wasn't inviting others to brainstorm here, I was just inviting others to brainstorm period, not thinking it mattered where (though naturally, I'd prefer that it's all kept on the wiki).  I personally don't distinguish between discussing Dark Shadows and discussing CollinWiki, be it the content of the project or the creation of the project, so that's why I was a little confused.  Having just reread this site's guidelines, I see that the board's purpose isn't as broad as I'd thought, and that you're completely right that discussing what to include on CollinWiki may not at times be appropriate for this messageboard.

Haha, once again, I think this thread has gone into irrelevant territory, but oh well.

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