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Messages - Angelique Wins

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"...please remember this very important part of the forum's guidelines:

It's also up to you to be sure to read and follow any instructions that might be posted to either the "Testing. 1, 2, 3..." board and/or specially marked topics atop any of the other boards. Failure to read additions/amendments and/or special posts will not be considered an excuse should you violate a guideline or fail to comply with a request.

While my question is not about the mysterious future archive board, I do have a question about the above quote.  I usually count on "show unread posts" to see what I've missed, but recently, I can be gone for a week or so, and see that there are new posts from the "most recents" listed on the home page, but when I click "show unread posts," it says "No messages."  If I only have time for a quick visit, but don't check out ALL the new posts, are the newish ones (which I still haven't read) lost in BoardLand?


[cheer]  Yay!!!  Happy Birthday, rainingwolf!!!! 
(Don't know where you are,
but it's still your birthday here-11PM!!! ) [ghost_cheesy]
[occasion13] [occasion15] [occasion16]
Birthday Wave!!!! [thewave]


"...we could all make our own original shirts."

I've been meaning to answer this thread, but I lost the bread crumb trail to my Collinsport logo.  I've made my own shirts for the last few years.  You're welcome to use it too, if you want.  My logo, that is, not my shirt. [lol3] It's not a FORUM logo, but it IS DS.

I tried to post a thumbnail so you could see, but it took up the whole screen, so I didn't think that would be a good idea.  Anyway,  here's where it is.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Nancy!
« on: June 14, 2008, 06:39:15 AM »
Happy Birthday, Nancy!!!!!   [cheer] 
[occasion13] [occasion15]
 Hope you have a great vacation!!!

P.S. It's only 10:40PM here, so technically, your birthday wishes are not belated.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Bill Malloy and the early days of Collinwood
« on: April 26, 2008, 08:05:14 AM »
If "Silent" Suzie (or is it Susie?) had taken Maggie/Josette's place as Barnabas' new love interest, perhaps she could have...conveyed her emotions by artfully employing facial expressions, movements  and hand gestures?

I vote for interpretive dance personal favorite, semaphore flags. [cheer] (Ok, not exactly semaphore flags, but you get my drift...)

And then, if she needed to go to Julia for therapy, she could have acted it all out with hand puppets.


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Bill Malloy and the early days of Collinwood
« on: April 19, 2008, 07:30:40 PM »
I agree with everybody here!  I LOVE the Beginning!!!!!  I recently reached a stumbling block in my fan fic concerning my portrayal of Roger and so marathoned the first 200 episodes--a ton of which I had never seen before.  The characterizations were GREAT!!!  I found the answers to my problem (Thanks, Adamsgirl!) and had a blast besides! 

As much as I loved the Dark Shadows I knew--1968 on, I discovered this GREAT, FUN, SPOOKY soap that was completely fangless!!!!  The Trials and Tribulations of Angelique and Barnabas will always be my favorite, and Catherine and Bramwell are in the running too, but right up there near the top is the Beginning!!!!  [cheer]

The one thing I didn't like about the Beginning episodes (though I have seen many here disagree) was the Laura storyline.  I don't know why.  I guess partly maybe the inconsistency thing?  She had been successful with David Radcliffe.  Is that why she moved on to another family in the same area?  And now she keeps coming back until she gets to carve a Collins notch in her Presto-log? 

And I forget now (not owning the episodes, just borrowed them), was it 1867 when she was successful with Daniel Radcliffe?  Because that would establish the 'return every hundred years and marry Louis Edmonds' thing?  But then she showed up in 1897???  But she wasn't in 1797  (Of course, we weren't either to begin with.  We got 1795.  But didn't Barn recognize her?  Because she was married to Cousin Uncle Jeremiah?

Let's 100 years... 

OK.  I'm getting one of my continuity headaches again.... [bnghd]

Anyway, I digress.  Yes.  The EARLY DAYS of COLLINWOOD.  Been there.  LOVED THEM!!!!  GOT TO HAVE THEM!!!!!


Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: April 19, 2008, 08:23:45 AM »
"O" is for ODD.  The family, the townspeople, the town.  Just downright ODD, the whole lot of them!!!  LOL!


Hi Jonathan Frid!  Thanks for coming to visit!  You picked an auspicious day for your first post!  The anniversary of the very first day that arm came up out of the coffin and got poor Willie!!!  AND...are you ready?  (Of course, you are)...TA DAH!!!!!  My BIRTHDAY!!!!!  Yay!!!!   [cheer]  Hmmm...the NEXT year on the very same day on the show, Roger brought home his lovely wife Cassandra...

Hmmm...must be a cosmic date...

Ok, everybody!  DS Wave for Jonathan Frid!!!



Thanks, Everybody!!!!  [wavey]   
      [hello]        I had a great day!!!!!
[beer]    Here's to you!!!!   [92c5]


Hey, thanks Midnite!!! [wavey] You're the BEST!!!!  And thanks for all the work you do on this great board!!!!   [cheer]

See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!  See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!   See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!   See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!   See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!   See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!!   See you in Burbank at the FEST!!!!! 

Are we saying that the main entrance to the house is supposed to be on the back of the house?    I'm slow tonight, maybe more so than I realize.

Well, the way it first started out was that they actually showed the FRONT of the house where the big doors are and where the covered drive is.  But the view that we are used to seeing:  big sprawling mansion with the big solarium windows on the right hand side and the tower to the left is actually the BACK side of the real house (Seaview/the Carey Mansion) that they used for DS.

I think they just LIKED the BACK view much better, and continued to use it.  Anybody who hadn't seen the beginning episodes would just naturally figure that what they are looking at is the front of the house.  And since outside shots were never done again, nothing has to be explained.  LOL!


I don't know if somebody has already mentioned this before, but the one thing that I has always bothered
me is the main front door of Collinwood. I'm sure alot of you have noticed the outside of the front door is
always nearly covered with bushes, scrubs, tree limbs and vines. It looks like the front of Collinwood is nothing
but a forest there.

It would seem to me the production designers should have made the outside of the front door with front
steps and main drive way or maybe use a fake picture of a landscape when you see the characters walking

I think one of the problems was when they switched from black and white to color.  They had actually filmed around the house at the front door, the covered walk/drive through.  I haven't seen the beginings much, but I believe there's one scene with the sheriff's car there and Roger is talking to him.  After they went to color, they didn't shoot the outside scenes again. 

And then, of course, there's the fact that they pretty much gave up showing the outside of the FRONT of the house.  The back is much more picturesque with the tower and all and that is SOOO Collinwood for me.  They did come up with a terrace for the back and a fountain (no, not a Grecian urn, just a fountain trickle, trickle, trickle...)  But yeah.  You open the front door when the world is in color and the woods are smack in your face!  LOL!  That made it so funny after they stopped showing the driveway.  Much more believeable for Carolyn to slam the door and immediately speed off when her car could be right there instead of the woods.

I remember another time when the sheriff was coming.  I won't say why because I'm not up to date on the spoiler thingy and don't know if it's working.  Anyway, they were looking OUT the French doors at the back of the drawing room.  "Oh.  The sheriff's here!"  Then they turned completely around, walked back out into the foyer and opened the door and sure enough, the sheriff was there.  I thought the French doors looked out on the terrace and the woods beyond.  Hmmm...maybe Patterson was taking a short cut.


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows font?
« on: April 16, 2008, 07:05:17 AM »
I forget what font the "ark hadows" part is, but the D and the S are in Old English, which is a commercial font, not free.

I think Proud's right.  Anybody else wanna 'Name That Font?"  Somebody sent me one called "Devil's Night 3" which was really close.  I'd suggest just browsing any Free Font library you can find.  (And I won't even get ON my soapbox and talk about what a misnomer the 'Old English' font is.  That kind of thing just makes me crazy.  "Yep.  Just sittin' around the meadhall with Beowulf and the guys.  Practicing our calligraphy.")


Current Talk '08 I / Re: Collinsport Idol
« on: April 16, 2008, 06:53:27 AM »
Judah Zachary--"I Ain't Got Nobody" Cab Calloway


Games / Re: Live by OUR Rules -START the LIST!
« on: April 14, 2008, 06:01:44 AM »
I"m  [stfl], Angelique Wins. I especially love #63 and #64. #63 because it's so true. And #64 because so many characters are that foolishly unwise - and they sometimes  pay the price with their lives. It's also very interesting how #64a seems to work.  [b003]

Thanks!  You are too kind.  Yeah.  #63 IS true.  And #64 just makes me CRAZY.  "You IDIOT!" I yell in the direction of the tv set.  And when I saw #64a acted out, I was like, "EXCUSE ME?  Um...VAMPIRE here???" 

And I do have to confess, I threw in #62 cause I've recently been watching the early Barn eps. and more than once, Carolyn hears Liz and Jason arguing, and instead of taking a tip from Mrs. Johnson and hovering near the door, she just barges in--like they're going to TELL her what they were arguing about! 


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