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Messages - johnpeternyc

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"My reaction to grief is a certain kind of nervous action," she wrote in her diaries shortly after the assassination of John Kennedy. "I just keep moving, walking, pulling away at things, praying to myself while I move, and making up my mind that it is not going to get me. I am not going to be licked by tragedy, as life is a challenge and we must carry on and work for the living as well as mourn for the dead."

The above is What Rose Kennedy said in her diary that was recently released about the passing of her son John Kennedy.  I thought it was an interesting commentary about dealing with grief.  I am indeed praying to myself as I move every day as I mourn for Craig.  I do think Mrs. Kennedy had a lot more gumption than I have.


You are a remarkable and dynamic woman.  I am grateful for your passion and presence in my life.

Thank you for your inspired and courageous words below.

All I can say is WOW.  You captured so eloquently the roller coaster you are on.  We are here for you.

I just want to say this, Sunday I lost a friend. I layed in his bed with him on Saturday and spoke to him knowing somehow there would be a call from Joe the next morning. Yes, I know how brilliant he was, he was a great talent. He was also a great friend and pulled me out of more messes than I could count. He called me everyday when I had my hystrectomy and of course we know what he was going though. I still hear his voice in my head. I remember him telling me all about this great guy he meet named Joe. Craig touched so many people's lives by his work and I thank a Higher Power that his work will live forever. But you see my friend didn't last long enough to see 40. All these posts about Gay rights would mean the world to Craig I can hear him saying write people write! He was a boy when I first meet him. Hidding from the straight world of the mid-west  In NYC he became what he always was a proud gay man. Some of us here are putting thier hands on the keyboard and writing about Craig or gay rights. And Then shut off the machine and just forget it. How do I shut off my feelings of loss? how does Joe? or Craig's mother who lost a child as a mom myself I can't think of a greater pain.

I get into bed and talk to Craig. My child is 10 she may have memories of him there is video now. But he can't hold her.  You see people. to me Craig isn't a post he was my strenght when I was ill which I am right now. He made me laugh at myself, he made me brave, proud and grateful. I know somewhere near Joe is griefing for his partner also a pain I can't even think of. I am leaving him to that pain to work though for right now. For 4 years I held my breathe when Craig had to have yet another operation. If I called and heard Joe's voice I choked up for a monent.

There are people on this board who are morning a great loss that is to be respected. Without those people right now I would be out of control right now. So please remember Craig isn't just a post he was a proud gay man and I have to explain to my 10 year old what happened to him and where he is. So to people like Connie remember that when my phone rings it will never be Craig again. I cry, I laugh, I ask questions of God, but most of all I remember that boy that came off that plane 13 years ago and I smile. One day I will smile again when I think of the man he became here in my city, our city. My daughter will know who he was what he stood for 20 years from now. Connie, will you remember your post that long from now? Craig was about words, beautiful words of love and friendship. Love to my friends who have gotten me though this

Beth we love you to, and a point has been made.  You are a calming influence and I agree to the prayer.

You know after 20 years do you really think the publication will change it's stripes? No matter what we yell about here at each other blinders will remain on some in FanDumb and will always remain.

Let's close this discussion with a prayer for peace and understanding AND heart felt sympathy to Joe, Craig's spouse.
And the hopes that the future will bring tolerance and understanding and celebration of our differences.

Special Message to my friends I love you all  Peter, John, Buzz and my Special Karlenfan  ;) and MsCriseyde!

hmmmmmm...I accept your apology

Why I bother with this, I don't know.  Don't take what I said and twist and turn it to mean something else. 

Here's the bottom line:
I just find it disrespectful to use someone's death PLUS someone else's failure to note that person's partner in a death notice, as a jumping-off point to preach and politicize.  Then it goes into someone else's personal problems of being persecuted by DS fans five years ago.  I was under the impression that these different types of political issues were off limits here.

It also struck me as unfair to make negative assumptions about someone because they didn't put any survived-by info in a newsletter.  That's why I didn't think it appropriate to make inferences in a public manner.  No one knows what is in her heart or why or why not Craig's partner was not mentioned.

For the record:  I feel a person's partner/soul-mate - whatever you want to call them, should always be noted in an obituary in the same way anyone's loved ones are noted.  That does not mean however, that I would jump to conclusions about the writer if they were to omit something. 

That's all.  Now if it makes some of you feel better to preach at me, or make certain assumptions about me, (someone you don't even know), then by all means, go to it.  This is the very thing you are decrying.

AGREED which is what we are also trying to accomplish here by having this frank and open dialogue sharing with each other...and hopefully also to get people to think differently moving forward.

There is alot of passion on this subject. It comes down to the fact the man was well loved by many people. In the end it does not really matter what other people think of you. The people who love you,care for you when you are sick and make you feel good about yourself are the ones that count.
Not mentioning someone's live partner was in poor taste but in the end when we all go it is not the obituary that tells about us, it is the friends,family and loved ones who share their memories of us, cry and laugh together. No piece of paper,publication or newspapter can put in words our true worth or the value of a relationship.

Trust me Janet we are focused on his legacy.  That is the point here.  Why shouldn't a fan of any age read ShadowGram or any document that speaks about Craig and not get to see the full picture?  What if a fan read this and was so compelled because they loved Craig's work to actually feel confident he to could be successful as an out gay man.  

Let me give you an example of the amazing power of words.  Last night I mentioned earlier Frank De Caro (TV's Ive Got A Secret) was in the audience supporting us.  A young man read Frank's book that he wrote ten years ago.  The book is called "A Boy Named Phyliss".  It is his autobiography about growing up in a homophobic part of NJ to Italian Immigrant parents.  A young mand named Jim Colucci also lived in a homphobic community in NJ nd was conflicted due to also being gay and from Italian immigrant parents.  He read the book.  He found comfort in knowing he was not alone.  It changed his life.  He was able to come out and is now himself a succssful author.  His TV books have sold thousands of copies.  He tracked Frank down to let him know about the amazing impact he had on his life.  He and Frank are also now a couple so that is also a nice bow on the package.  

I agree with what the posters are saying about the neglect in mentioning Craig's partner Joe, but lets not get lost, a wonderful person has passed away and we should stop the bickering and concentrate on Craig and his legacy.

I love you!  This is a perfect summation of my feelings.  Well said and thanks for the visual..I can hear Edith in my head now.


Yes, it is sad when anyone has to pretend to be something else he or she is not for the sake of a career or, in some parts of the country and world, just to not get beaten up or killed.  In any obituary the family should be mentioned and certainly in the case of a homosexual couple, the surviving partner.  This strays a bit from DS but does anyone remember the All in the Family episode where Edith and Archie travelled somewhere to visit a cousin's home - the cousin had recently died.  Anyway, the cousin had a "special friend" and Edith and Archie soon found out that the "special friend" was in fact the cousin's longtime lover.  Archie wigged out, of course, Edith reminded him that "you ain't God" and a special family heirloom Edith was planning on taking home with her was instead given to the girfrlend of the cousin. "I think you should have this instead," Edith said, something like this.  As  a teenager watching the show, it was a lesson to me as I had not much exposure to what gays have to endure at times and it taught me something.  It's that lesson that causes me to be sad Joe was not mentioned in the obit.   I learn other lessons from my friends and my brother who have had many trials to face because of their sexuality.

If someone has a problem with homosexuality, DS fandom is a really bad place for him or her to be. ::)

Let me second Buzz' emotion.  At the end of the day this is exactly the kind of conversation Craig would support.

Connie¢â‚¬¦Let me set another record straight...and I am in NO way speaking for Joe Salvatore.  I am speaking from my perspective¢â‚¬¦and since you are still reading this you must be interested din what I think.  By the way Connie Joe is Craig's Soulmate...and NOT JUST THE MAN HE "WHO HE SHARED HIS BED WITH".  Talk about poor taste you (cant type it because it will get deleted)¢â‚¬¦person.  Talk about an apology¢â‚¬¦let's start with yours.

Joe is a talented theater professional in his own right.  I mention this as a matter of course in that many of his works he has written and/or directed surround one central need only check out his website created by his life partner Craig.  One of the last conversations Peter, Joe, Craig, and I had a few months ago talked about people finding their voice.  Making sure that people were respected...that the truth was told.  Joe wrote a piece called Transfigured which tells the true story of a homphobic hazing incident in Massachusetts at a prep school there.  Horrible right that something like that could happen.  They were perhaps they "didn't know better"...well people we are adults.  We should know better.

We are not protecting anyone from DS in 2006 from 40 years ago.

We are not protecting Middle America...because there are a bunch of "Mos'" in the hinterland.   In fact there are even some of my sisters of Sappho in California.  Perhaps they would have the courage to read this¢â‚¬¦maybe even to right this wrong and we could all move on.

Craig considered the SG publication an "outstanding paper and email newsletter" now is the time to be outstanding...and perhaps even outspoken.

Is this a crucifixion?...while I do like your flair for the dramatic...that is absolutely a gross exaggeration of what is going on here.  Like any letter to the Editor...people should know in a fair and balanced way how a person feels.  I couldn't send this directly to SG since I don't trust it would get printed accurately or completely.  I chose to post in a place where I felt safe and welcome.

I neglected to mention Anna Shock was there last night.  Anna has been there for me in a way I hope to repay some day.  She was the first one to make me laugh about Craig and his funny spirit.  She drove all the way from NJ to Brooklyn to cheer Janet and I up on Monday.  Last night she drove to get Janet from NJ to Brooklyn, drove to NYC for the show...drove Janet home...and then headed home to NJ.  Because that is what friends do.  They band together in crisis.  The are not devisive or bitter or exclusionary.  Anna they way you have helped Peter and I and for that I am eternally grateful.  I love you Anna if you are out there. 

Get back up there honey because I got your back.  At the end of the day.  I didn't know anything about Dark Shadows until I met Peter.  So it is being gay that brought me here.

What has kept me is the camaraderie and what I thought was acceptance of DS.  I mean for Christ's sake.  I am out everywhere in my life.  I work on Wall Street and everyone there knows I am gay.  They also know that I am professional Bea Arthur impersonator.  People either deal with it or move on.  But every day I live my life as who I am.  Not as someone people think I should be.

Riddle this one Batman:

Isn't Dark Shadows post Barnabas about a man who lives his life with a secret? Who is befriended by a woman who wants to make him normal?  Only for him to find out that he was destined to be his old self because he could conquer evil and defend the people he cared about?

I find it absurd that there is intolerance in a group that should be celebrating diversity.  We don't treat differently any of the fans who come to festivals who have special needs. Why should gay people be treated differently.

Putting some clarity around this.  Let me make clear the following.  Many of the actors on DS have worked and had deep friendships with gay people there whole lives.  I know this as I consider Marie Wallace a friend, Lara, and as everyone knows Nancy and Peter and I worked together.  I can't think of three more accepting and loving women in the world.

So in closing let me just say.  Step out of the closet if you are in it¢â‚¬¦even in a small way.  After all October 8th is National Coming Out day, embrace who you are.  Allow the world to know you accept people despite their life partners, hairstyle, disability, if they wear fangs, etc¢â‚¬¦

Last night we celebrated Craig's life in Peter and my last show of this Judy/Bea run at Helen's.  We both dedicated songs to Craig and talked about this courageous and gifted man.  We showed a picture of him, and him and Louie, and his books.  In attendance were Janet Ferrara (Craig's "Grace"), Marie Wallace, Joe Franklin, Jim Colucci, Frank De Caro, RJ Jamison, and a host of others.   We laughed together, we cried together, and we knew he was watching.  I also know he is watching this and somewhere I feel the pat on the back.

ShadowGram wrote:
**** SG pays tribute to CRAIG HAMRICK, DS fan, author, and researcher, who passed away on Sept. 24 after a long battle with colon cancer. Craig was born on Oct. 9, 1966, in the same year as DS. He actually discovered the show through the Marilyn Ross paperback novels years after DS had ended production. Growing up in Coffeyville, KS, he did not have access to DS reruns, but when the revival series aired on NBC in 1991, he took notice. Soon he became involved with fandom and lent a hand to the DS Festivals. He also began exploring creative ways of his own to harness his interest in DS. Craig was an accomplished writer, photographer, computer expert, and animal lover. After moving to NYC in the mid-1990s, Craig helped promote DS on the Internet by establishing the excellent DarkShadowsOnline website. He guided several DS actors onto the web, designing and operating their sites. He also befriended a number of the NYC-based personnel, such as Nancy Barrett, Diana Millay, Marie Wallace, and the late Louis Edmonds. He wrote Louis' biography "Big Lou," his own compilation "Barnabas & Company," and a DS novel among others, and advised on a number of other DS-related books.

Perhaps Craig's greatest gift to DS was his strong will and upbeat determination as he fought the cancer for 4 years. He was able to attend and assist at the 40th Anniversary Fest in Brooklyn exactly a month ago. Craig leaves behind many wonderful memories and contributions that will not be forgotten. Those who wish to remember Craig may do so to the ASPCA - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NYC office: 424 E. 92nd St., NYC, NY 10128-6804), or to your local animal shelter.

 :-[ How can they not mention that Craig shared his life with a wonderful man?  SG can mention that he befriended DS actors but not the fact that he left behind his soul mate and life partner - Joe Salvatore.

I knew Craig and I know that he was an out and proud gay man.  As was his friend Louis Edmonds.  As were many other DS actors (some who were forced to stay in the closet because of this business).  I know he would want me to speak up here.
The only way we can individually and collectively be catalysts for change is to speak up when there has been a wrong.

bang...zoom...right in the kisser

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Salem Branch - Your thoughts
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:00:05 AM »
Ldy Annne I understand what you are saying.  I of course respect your opinion.  By the way I am sitting here looking out my window and I just noticed that the leaves are starting to turn colors.  I was surpised at first even though this is the first day of Autumn.  Then i remembered I had taken two Xanax pills only moments before.  I then offered myself freely to my husband.  I can assure you there were no children present.  :)

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