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Messages - Evan Hanley

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Current Talk '06 I / Re: Thoughts on 1840
« on: May 11, 2006, 02:57:14 AM »
1840 is amzeing time period. with the trial of Quentin and Desmond. i think its so kool how [spoiler]Valerie of all people saves them in the end.[/spoiler]that scene is amazeing when the head of zachery lights up. so kool. i dunno and i will never understand why curtis did not like 1840 or the levithins. everything is good except adameve. i like adam until he gets bossy with barnabas then he just gets plain annoying. eve is annoying as well. and the 1995 time period and the ghost of gerard and daphne i dont care for. but 1840 is truly amazeing. my fav John Karlen character is desmond and kendrick.

Evan Hanley

Current Talk '06 I / Re: My thoughts on Leviathan thus far
« on: May 11, 2006, 02:50:10 AM »
As i have said before its my fav time period and the best time period in my opinion. there is some boreing parts yes but when jeb hawkes arrives the time period is amazeing. Alexander was annoying at times but he was kool to.

Evan Hanley

I would love to have a ds shirt. But i would love to have a shirt with nicholas blair and evan hanley and charles dawson. these are all the characters that the best ds actor played mr. humbert allen astredo.

Evan Hanley

Happy Prof Stokes,

sorry this is getting out late. hope all is good with you.

Evan Hanley

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Dark Shadows Collection 23
« on: April 08, 2006, 02:46:28 AM »
When i started this post... i was not complaining about the size of the case. I love the skinny cases. Iam complaining about the inside.

Evan Hanley

Polls Archive / Re: Chris Pennock
« on: April 05, 2006, 06:40:45 PM »
Besides Humbert being my fav actor on the show, Chris is my second fav. HIS BEST Character with out a doubt is Jeb Hawkes. I have met Chris several times at  the fests. and got my pic taken with him at the world trades marriott where a fest was held one time. pre 911. that was 2001. the following fest i took my pic of me and him. I told him that pic was taken pre 911. He signed the pic to me and said "we survived". then signed his name. I love cyrusjohn yeger, and i love gaberial in the wheelchair. I dont care for sebastion.


Iam a day late... but yesterday was Humbert`s Birthday. He was the koolest actor on ds.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Dark Shadows Collection 23
« on: March 29, 2006, 02:07:48 AM »
The keep case where dvds sit. its horrible.


Current Talk '06 I / Dark Shadows Collection 23
« on: March 28, 2006, 11:01:48 PM »
Did anyone purchase the dark shadows collection 23 dvd set today? I just want to say that the packaging is horrible. on this dvd set. does anyone agree?


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Roger Davis: Most and Least favorite
« on: March 28, 2006, 10:56:47 PM »
Well i like Mr. Davis as Charles Delaware Tate!! I thought when and quentin argued it was awsome. and how petofi tortured him. I liked Jeff to a point. Did not care for peter bradford. I liked Ned and Dirk as well.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Dan Curtis Has Died
« on: March 28, 2006, 10:51:27 PM »
I have already posted about Dan`s death, but i want to say that he is a genius and he never got the credit he desrved.  He gave us the greatest show on earth and that is ds. There never will be a better show then ds. You will be miss dan, but what u gave us will never die.


Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: Dan Curtis Has Died
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:52:47 AM »
Iam so sad and so shocked. i have been crying since i heard the news. i just dont know what to say.  My prayers go out to his family and to his friends. I just wish that he would have came to a fest.

Evan Hanley

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Which actors will be attending the 06 fest
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:23:45 AM »
It would be awsome if my boy came Humbert Allen Astredo!!!! He is just so kool. It would be awsome if mitch ryan came and lisa richards, donna mckensie, kate jackson. I want to meet kate so bad i think she is so pretty!!! I wish they would have a fest in Philly!!! I mean whats wrong with Philly???


Polls Archive / Re: Quentin Collins
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:14:55 AM »
Quentin Collins so kool, and funny. I love him as the ghost!! Especially when he stands up at the top of the stairs and laughs. Him Swithing bodies is AWSOME!!! I love him as grant douglas. Its so kool when he gets into a fight with jeb hawkes!!! And i love him during 1840 parell time especially when [spoiler]he goes on trial for witchcraft.[/spoiler]By the way he played THE BEST DRUNK ON THE SHOW!!!!


Current Talk '06 I / Re: Humbert Allen Astredo
« on: March 19, 2006, 03:50:51 AM »
The hat was awsome!!! it made him so kool!!! and the gloves and that evil smile he always made when he was about to get his way. GOD HE IS SO KOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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