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Messages - adamsgirl

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I meant adjective, not adverb -- DUH! My fingers ran away from my brain, but then again, what else is new? LOL!

You, Peter and Josephine are in my prayers, John. Humbling? Yes -- that's a very appropriate adverb for what is happening to many of us these days. Have faith, John. The way I see it, things can only improve from here. [easter_kiss]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: '91 DS will air on Chiller Sunday 3/29
« on: March 30, 2009, 07:01:16 PM »
I tuned in for Beauty and the Beast as well on Saturday and was highly disappointed. I have no idea why they changed the scheduling, but I believe B&B will air sometime this week, so check out the schedule.

About Barbara Steele, I thought she did a good job as Julia, despite Grayson Hall being indelibly etched in my mind. However, for me, Jim Fyfe didn't cut it as Willie. It's not that he didn't do justice to the part as an actor. I just couldn't get used to him at all. He seemed, to put it bluntly, too simple. Of course, that's totally subjective.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: '91 DS will air on Chiller Sunday 3/29
« on: March 30, 2009, 12:45:07 PM »
It couldn't hurt to try, David. There's been a running "Witch List" for the original DS for years now, but it would appear Chiller's moving in the right direction with this by starting with the '91 series.

I did watch the whole thing yesterday and also DVR'd it. Of course, I had some issues with it where it diverged from the original (Maggie and Sam running the Blue Whale -- eeew!). However, all in all, I thought it was very well done. The casting, for the most part, was spot on. Ben Cross, though, really blew me away. He captured the essence of Barnabas so well -- the angst, the self-loathing, the undying love for Josette -- I so enjoyed his performance. I have to take issue with the character of Angelique, though. Lysette Anthony did a good job given what she had to work with, but I thought the writing made her very one-dimensional. She was evil incarnate. There was nothing even remotely sympathetic about her character. In the original, I found Angelique to be quite sympathetic, even early on, despite all her dastardly deeds. Another thing that struck me was, Barnabas so completely rejected Angelique in this series. If you recall, in the original, when he goes to visit Angelique in her room, supposedly to lay down the law about his imminent marrige to Josette, he can't resist her -- he grabs her and kisses her quite passionately. In the '91 version, it's obvious that she disgusts him.

OK -- I'm done nitpicking. The bottom line for me was, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. Seeing this series again and having watched the 2004 pilot, I'd venture to say the WB remake wouldn't have been able to compare. Then again, maybe I'm not being fair since Dan Curtis himself was appalled at the 2004 pilot and wanted time to tweak it.

I have HODS on VHS that I bought quite a few years ago. I watched it when Chiller aired it last October, and to be honest, I don't think anything was missing, if that's the version you have. HODS was just (to me) another vampire movie. It disappointed me big-time. The only thing that it had in common with DS was the whole cousin-from-England thing and familiar characters. Other than that, it might as well have been another Christopher Lee movie. NODS was cut to ribbons before its release, I believe, in theaters. From what I could see, it had a great deal of potential. Hopefully, the restored version will fill in those obviously missing blanks.

I've never seen Darkness at Blaisedon, although I've seen snippets. I, too, would love to see it in its entirety. Perhaps MPI has it? I'm going to check that.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: '91 DS will air on Chiller Sunday 3/29
« on: March 26, 2009, 02:40:46 PM »
How fabulous! This is great news. Hopefully, it is a big step toward airing the original. And I agree about the network in general. It started out well enough, but then it descended into just another clone of the Sci-Fi channel, also owned by NBC Universal. Now, however, it seems they're making changes again. They're even airing Beauty and the Beast, one of my fave shows from the late '80s. [easter_kiss]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Darks Shadows The Revival on Hulu
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:12:22 PM »
While it's great to see these on Hulu, I'm a bit confused. It is, after all, a Dan Curtis Production. I know when Gooba was showing the original DS episodes, they were told to cease and desist. That said, I don't agree with that approach, although I realize it's a legal copyright issue. I say, let someone on the 'Net air these things. Why not? In my humble opinion, it can only serve to help sell the DVD's, which is a position I've maintained for years. [easter_evil]

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Prayer for my family.
« on: March 21, 2009, 03:11:00 PM »
Greg, you and your family will be in my prayers. I can only say that your aunt and uncle can never truly be gone, although you can't physically see them. They will be looking after you and the family in a very special way from here on in.

Newark is, quite bluntly, a hell hole. It is crime-ridden and very dangerous. You don't want to be traveling around in that city. Sticking close to the hotel is very much advised.

That is a problem. Last year, we didn't have a fridge, but the year before, one of the rooms (we spilled into two) did have one. I agree about driving in Jersey. It's a royal pain. As for the coolers, I didn't think about the ice problem. It's not as if there were a convenience store where you can run and buy bags of ice. Oh, well -- guess that diet I wanted to go on will be forced on me anyway -- LOL! [snow_silly]

When it was announced the festival was to take place here, I expected that food choices would be limited. However, as Nancy pointed out, the weekend is not about the food, and there's virtually no time to go out to eat anyway without missing something. Given that we know there aren't any convenient, inexpensive places to eat, we can make other arrangements. Those of us who don't have to fly can bring coolers, and those roomies who live elsewhere can share in that. A fridge in the room is the best bet. I think we can tolerate cold sandwiches for a weekend. Perhaps a meal or two at the hotel won't be too outrageous either.

What fun stuff there! Great interview, and it brings back so many of my own early-day memories of DS! [snow_wow]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: The Case of the Disappearing Adam
« on: December 28, 2008, 08:58:56 PM »
I admit the storyline had lots of flaws, but Robert Rodan did a masterful job as Adam. Also, the whole disappearing act was handled so sloppily, it left too many loose threads. Adam and Barnabas were supposed to have this connection wherein whatever happened to one, happened to the other. So, I always wondered, [spoiler]when Barnabas once again became a vampire, did that mean Adam did, or did it mean Adam was dead. If Adam wasn't dead, then Barnabas couldn't have reverted to being a vampire, right?[/spoiler] So many questions with no answers! It was frustrating and still is. Even worse, once Adam went into that bedroom of Stokes', there was never a mention of him again (at least, that I can recall). [bnghd]

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Niki Nidiffer
« on: December 27, 2008, 12:46:08 AM »
You have my deepest sympathies, Janet. Please know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

What amazes me is, no matter where I go, I inevitably meet DS fans who just squeal with delight over the mere mention of the show. That's always by accident. I don't normally go around introducing myself as a DS fan. It somehow comes up in the coversation. Frid's name then comes up, and I'm happy to tell them he's been at the last two festivals. Thus, I'm elated to see this question come up in a syndicated entertainment column that MB pointed out to us. It proves to those naysayers who call DS a "washed-up" soap from the '60s, that the show is still very much alive and well in the minds and hearts of legions of fans.  [8_2_73]

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