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Messages - Ronny G

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Kathryn and Lara are also going to be at the Hollywood Show at the Burbank Marriot (where the DS fests have been held) next weekend alongside the casts of The Brady Bunch, the Sound of Music, and Laverne and Shirley!

Thanks for posting. Very informative. I didn't know there was bad blood between Curtis and Frid.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1013
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:21:03 AM »
I have to agree with some of you regarding Maggie's "painting."
It looks awful. I think it looks like it was done with crayons or colored pencils. Good likeness of KLS, though.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Return To Collinwood
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:57:40 PM »
Thanks! That's good to know. I might actually buy the book now!

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Return To Collinwood
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:50:22 PM »
What is the quality of the book like? Is it expensive looking or cheap? Do the photos reproduce well. I own the very first boook KLS put out, My Scrapbook memories, and it was top notch. actually, the first few books she did were beautiful-looking books, sometimes hard-covers, but some of the later ones were cheaper-looking compared to her earlier ones. The photos didn't reproduce well And the size changed to smaller paperback-type versions.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1005
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:22:11 PM »
I just watched 1007, and you can see in the closeups that the scar is definitely fake.
I can clearly see scotch tape on his eyebrow, which they used it to pull his skin up. And it looks like they drew a line in purple marker. LOL

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:16:27 PM »
I didn't care for Jeb either, and they say first impressions are everything.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:32:01 AM »
Someone got their complete set early and posted a review of its contents over at amazon.
According to the reviewer, the coffin-shaped box is well-constructed. The spines of the individual cases form the image of Barnabas resting in his coffin. However, I was disappointed to learn that the covers of the cases are all black with no artwork or photos--just the title. The discs are also black. The reviewer seems to like it, but I'm more of a visual person, and I would've liked more photos on the cases.
I'm also not too crazy about the coffin-shaped box. I know it's Dark Shadows, but I find it a little morbid, and I wouldn't want to put it out on display in my room, except maybe Halloween, because I'm afraid it might remind me too much of death and funerals. I would've preferred a more simple box with photos of the Collinwood mansion, because that's where all the action takes place.

Judging by his comments, I think I'll stick with the individual sets I have. I think they look classy sitting on my shelf, and I like the little episode guide leaflet with the photos, and the postcards.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1006
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:24:48 AM »
I love the little hand tick CP uses for Cyrus!

I've been noticing little things like that, too.
Chris Pennock was never my favorite actor on DS, but now that I'm re-watching these episodes again, my attitude is changing. I find myself enjoying his performances more this second (or third) go round. I especially like the little nuances and mannerisms he is putting into his characters to differentiate them from one another. You can tell he put a lot of thought into his acting.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1005
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:13:36 AM »
Some nice close-ups today of Horace Gladstone's huge scar over his eyebrow.
Now I wonder: is that a real scar or makeup?
If it's real, the doctor really botched it up.
Loving his nosy-ness, especially when he was caught snooping around at the back door: "Oh, I was just about to knock!"---Yeah, right.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: A Thought about 1970 Parallel Time
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:47:53 PM »
Well now I'm rethinking, and I remember that KLS played Josette and Lady Hampshire(?), so she can be sophisticated. That's not the same as evil. I guess I got off the subject.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: A Thought about 1970 Parallel Time
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:40:04 PM »
I'm watching PT, too!
I agree, it would be fun to see KLS play evil, but I don't think I would've like Lara as the ingenue.
I feel like we got a taste of Lara as an innocent character when she played Catherine Harridage(?), and I didn't enjoy her character as much.
I think Lara is about 7 years older, and acted more mature and cultured, and dressed in more sophisticated clothes than KLS. I don't remember her wearing mini skirts as much as KLS. If they switched roles, I would have liked them to switch wardrobes, too, and dress Lara younger and KLS in more chic outfits, but I don't know if it would work. KLS had such a baby face with the round cheeks and LP had more refined features.
I guess that's why they call it typecasting.

Current Talk '10 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #1003
« on: March 16, 2012, 09:15:57 AM »
I really enjoyed this episode.

My first thought of Fred was: where the hell did he come from?
Then when Ang set her sights on him, I knew he wouldn't be around for long!

I loved the campiness of this episode.
I loved how Ang was leading him on. There's no way in hell Ang was attracted to this handyman, but I loved how Fred actually thought he was going to get it on with her.
Actually, turns out he was right, just not the way he suspected.
That was some kiss! Sucked the life right out of him!

I have a big poster print of that Barnabas portrait hanging on my wall that MPI Home Video made (probably for the VHS releases).

They should consider changing the name to "Light Shadows".

I just watched the trailer from Ellen.
I did not like the choice of soundtrack music they played. I like the songs on their own, but not paired with the images I saw on the screen. It sounded too upbeat for me, and it didn't suit the look of the film.
The cinematography looks beautiful, rich, expensive, and then they play some cheesy Barry White song??? Where's Robert Colbert's exquisite music and grand orchestra?
I don't like the humor, but I found the type of one-liners they showed to be on the sarcastic side which is tolerable.
Unfortunately, the trailer did not make me want to see the film. It's does not look like the type of film I want to see.
I'll wait to read the reviews from people who go to see it, or I can wait for it to come out on DVD.

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