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Messages - Birdie

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Don Briscoe Passes Away
« on: November 04, 2004, 04:26:12 AM »
Far too young. Words just don't seem to come freely.  May he be at peace in God's arms.


Rainey, we were informed last night that two of the kids would be bringing there instruments, they play in a band.  Don't worry there will be plenty of parental supervision.  I am sure the nieghbors will be just thrilled with what is happening at our house.


Hurray!  All of us New Englanders are still walking around in a state of shock and exhaustion.  My son is off to Boston tonight to join in the craziness.  Oh, to be young.  I on the other hand will be home dreading tomorrow.  Why did I tell my l5 year old she could have a Halloween Party?

Birdie--the insane

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A bit of frivolity
« on: October 16, 2004, 01:13:50 AM »
LOVED THE BABY!!!!!  that was great!


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: In Case You're Wondering...
« on: October 16, 2004, 01:01:42 AM »
I also have to post my thanks.  Like so many others I stumbled into the V-net and found a wonderful place to visit.  It helped me through some difficutl times escaping into the world of DS.  I also found so very wonderful people who take the time and so much work to put this together for us, not to mention the special people who post here.  I don't get to visit or post as often life seems to be in the way.  You all are the best.

Cheers to you.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: "desperate housewives"
« on: October 06, 2004, 03:58:20 AM »
Add me to the people who enjoyed DH.  I got a hoot out of it.  I think I will give my nieghbors a second look.....


           I am sending you positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.  Rest and take care of yourself.


Great pictures! Thanks for the early morning laugh.  From what I am seeing posted everyone looks like they had a fantastic time.  I think much better than the weekend I had at the Cape in the rain and being forsed to watch golf.   Thank goodness the hubby kept putting Gin and tonics in my hand.


            I haven't been around much. sorry to hear about your surgury.  I hope it isn't serious and that you are on you feet again soon.  Speedy recovery.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Sunday the 25th B-Day
« on: May 04, 2004, 12:49:53 PM »
Thank you for all your kind birthday wishes.  I have not been on line much lately.  There has been a great many changes happening in my life.  In fact I am in total over load.  Like so many people in this economy my husband fears a lay off is in his future.  After great thought I decided it was time to go back to work full time.  At least this will help with health insurance if what he fears comes to pass.  Than a double punch, my mother has been diagnoised with lung cancer.  We are trying to be hopeful   If you don't see me posting very often know how much I appreciate this forum and the great people who visit here.  Take care.  Much thanks


Hope you had a fabulous day!  May you have many, many, more.

Happy Birthday!


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:OT - Van Helsing
« on: April 13, 2004, 02:38:10 AM »
I don't know about it being a copy cat of Dark Shadows.  I do have a thing for Hugh Jackman.  My sister tells me it is because he has a young David Selby look.  My son tells me the movie is going to be awesome and I should like it because I like vampires and that kind of stull.

Birdie---Hugh Jackman......if you could read my mind...

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Happy Birthday, Carol!
« on: April 09, 2004, 01:32:42 AM »
Happy Birthday Carol!  I know this is a late greeting but haven't been able to be on line much.  Computer trouble, kids, work, life.  I wish you the best.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:Darling ProfStokes
« on: April 09, 2004, 01:19:01 AM »
A very Happy Birthday!


What a sad state of affairs.  I for one can not stand the so call "reality TV".  Why are are TV's getting bigger and the quality of the screens are becoming more advanced but now there is not one d*** thing  that I want to sit down to watch.  At night we just play the remote game and ususal settle on TCM.

Olh well, thank goodness for VCR's and DVD's.
