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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '24 I / Re: A Twist on DSFMS
« on: January 07, 2020, 08:10:02 PM »
It's been a long time since I watched the pre-Barnabas episodes, but I do remember vaguely some of what Dom described regarding Liz/Joe/Burke. It's a valid argument to make that maybe Liz was trying to encourage the Carolyn/Joe relationship so that Joe could eventually take over the family business. After all, with as troubled as David was it wouldn't necessarily be prudent for Liz to plan on him making it into adulthood with a sound mind, enough at least to run the business correctly instead of in to the ground.

I remember the two fests that I went to, somewhere around 2008ish, the autograph lines were set up in a way that would personalize the item, especially with pictures and/or programs. I want to say that one of the bobbleheads I had signed was personalized to my mom because she was the one holding it in line. I wasn't really excited about that, but it is what it is.

Most actors were getting pictures passed to them with sticky notes on them that someone had written the name of the fest goer on, so the actor could just sign it and move the line along quickly. I'd have to dig out the photos I had signed to see exactly who did it this way, but if I recall correctly it was mainly the more popular actors (Lara, David, Kathryn) versus those whose lines maybe weren't as long.

I've seen that many times, along with "To my next victim" or some variation of that. I can't believe the seller is asking $49 for this! I would think her autograph is readily available for much less.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: A Twist on DSFMS
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:17:44 PM »
I agree that it seemed, early on, that Liz was grooming Carolyn to take over the family affairs in the event Liz was no longer around some day. It makes the most sense story wise. And perhaps that expectation is what left Carolyn feeling trapped, almost like her life was being planned out and she didn't have a say in it's direction. Which also could explain why she rebelled so much in the early episodes (i.e. dating Buzz) and had more of a tumultuous relationship with Liz as time wore on.

I was interested in watching this series but I saw a lot of things online that were not exactly what I would call good reviews. I suppose it could just be that some are missing the tone that the series is striking for the viewer. MB's recaps above seem to shine a bit more light on how the show actually is, which is intriguing. However, given that I have a current back log of entertainment to catch up on (tv, movies, and books) I might not get to it for some time.

I think this blogger suffers from the same curse a lot of us do--once DS was introduced it spurred a lot of other interests in later television shows for those of us who are fans.

Also, as someone who watched True Blood and read all the books, I can attest that the first season of the show followed the first book relatively closely compared to the later seasons of the show. In fact, most people I talk to agree that the later seasons of the show get wildly off book and suffer somewhat for it.

"Now fans can get in the mood for the upcoming film"? You think they're referring to the potential new TV series on the CW, or just plain don't know what they're talking about?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Hawkes Harbor
« on: December 11, 2019, 09:45:26 PM »
I loved the novel.  Brandon, did you find the one deliberate editing "whoops" where the name of one character remained intact after all DS references were removed and changed?  Despite fearing the wrath of you-know-who and his army of lawyers, it was a bone thrown to us DS fans (and probably caused those not familiar with the show to scratch their heads). 

The ending went way off the bible, but it caused me to tear up. 

I did catch the editing "mistake" and it actually made me do a double take and re-read that section because I was unsure if she was referring to a different character all together or if she were using a slip of the hand as a nod to DS.

The best part of the book were the flashbacks showing the relationship between the Willie/Jason characters (Jamie and Kellan in the book). Those provided a lot of character depth for Willie and Jason both, and I enjoyed imagining their relationship being as close as it was, though in the show it seemed to devolve very quickly thanks to Barnabas. I also thought that in the series Jason always came off at as Barnabas-lite, i.e. taking advantage of Willie and treating him more of a child than a cohort. In the book this was less pronounced, though still evident.

Louisa as Julia was a poor substitute, and if the book had remained DS oriented and the names not changed, I think the Julia character would've be wildly inaccurate in the book. At the very least, she would've broken character a couple of times.

Reading this book makes me wonder what other characters could've or would've been delved into deeper if this publishing line had continued.

Current Talk '24 I / Hawkes Harbor
« on: December 10, 2019, 04:29:38 PM »
I did a quick forum search on "Hawkes Harbor" and only came up with a few mentions of it in past years.

I just finished reading the book last night, having picked it up earlier this year at a discount book store. I wasn't expecting much, and I have to admit that the beginning portion of the book was a bit difficult to get through. But once I was in, I was in for good.

It wasn't difficult to discern who each character represented from the Dark Shadows world, and the same goes for the settings used most in the book. I have to say though, that I found some of the relationships between characters to be a bit unexpected from how they were presented in the show. I have to wonder if these were present in the first draft of the novel, or if they were the result of changes made after the DS Gods determined that the book would not be an officially licensed DS novel?

The relationship between Jamie (Willie) and Grenville (Barnabas) was really all over the place. The early part of it (where Barnabas practically abuses Willie at every turn) I found to be pretty accurate. However, by the end of the book (SPOILERS HERE) where they practically became road trip buddies was a little much for me to swallow. And Jamie's fate at the end of the book was also not what I would've guessed given that Willie is always involved in later DS projects (particularly the audio dramas).

Anyway, has anyone else read the book and what did you think?

EDIT: I must not have been searching the Home page of the forum, because I just found more mentions and a topic. However, I'd enjoy talking about it further if this topic stays up.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Dr. Guthrie's Run of the Place
« on: December 05, 2019, 06:14:21 PM »
The ghastly ghost of Dameon Edwards would have, quite possibly, been the most terrifying discovery for Guthrie in the house :D

And to think, maybe he heard Quentin's gramophone playing in the distance somewhere in the West Wing. Or opened what looked like a linen closet only to find a strange children's playroom.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Please, Sir, May I Have More?
« on: December 05, 2019, 06:09:33 PM »
There is always something bittersweet to me about getting to the end of DS, even though 1841PT is definitely a rough watch for much of the time. One of my favorite sequences in the entire show is the very last one, where Thayer David does a voice over of what happened to the Collins family in the short term. The camera panning around Collinwood and showing the empty sets while he does so is very evocative for me, and almost somber.

I've always thought it was nice that this moment exists because there are too many times where television shows get canceled or end and they don't have the time to try to wrap things up. While this isn't exactly a well though out, well planned and/or extensive wrap up of all the storylines, I think the fact that in 1971 the effort was made to attempt to provide closure for a soap opera is pretty marvelous.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: This is the End, My Only Friend, the End...
« on: December 05, 2019, 02:29:36 PM »
Though it's execution was questionable, I always liked the idea of "The Lottery" as a storyline. I thought delving deep into the history of the Collins family and going two centuries back to the 1600s to explore Brutus' curse was great, although it didn't necessarily match up with the timeline of the Collins family from the regular time band.

I think where 1841PT fell short was that, as you described, it didn't use the same actors from 1840RT like 1970PT did. 1970PT was excellent because it used the same actors playing (mostly) the same characters, but these characters were polar opposites in some cases. They built on the strength of what they already had, and threw in some new people for an extra twist. They failed to do that in 1841PT.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: What/If
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:30:05 PM »
Interesting points Patti! Imagine if David had actually succeeded in killing Roger at some point, it sure would've made a good portion of Burke's early storyline practically moot. Who would Burke have taken revenge on? Liz?

And, could you imagine Liz knowing that David killed Roger and covering it up? That would've made for yet another (this time real) reason for a character, maybe even Jason McGuire, to blackmail her!

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Dr. Guthrie's Run of the Place
« on: November 26, 2019, 06:21:10 PM »
Was this during the time they had Guthrie come explore the house to help explain away some of David's "irrational" fears? It would be interesting to think that he found more than he mentioned, and that those things included what Joeytrom listed above. This would be a good tidbit to potentially include in the new version of DS, if it makes it to air, that some character or other found a notebook of Dr. Guthrie listing some crazy things that he uncovered inside of Collinwood, and that leads this character to want to investigate these claims.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Oohh, the CURES I'm Gonna Get
« on: November 25, 2019, 05:41:20 PM »
Julia was usually one of the least annoying characters to me, outside of the incredible over acting and "Oh-oh-ohhhsssss" that Grayson loved to employ. Sometimes those could be a bit much. However, there were a couple of times throughout the series where Julia was definitely more of a party pooper than a party enjoyer and the example above was certainly on my list!