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Messages - Debra

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Current Talk '03 II / Re:Good vs. Evil - Poll 1
« on: July 05, 2003, 01:28:19 AM »
How about Quentin as Grant Douglas, man of mystery?  Okay, we all know that he liked to chill out at the Kit Kat Lounge in nearby Rockport, ME,(and that he wore snazzy suits that Bruno Hess would have killed for!), but what adventures could Quentin/Grant have experienced during the nearly 72 years that he was traveling around the world?  Hey, maybe someone could write a book on those so-called "lost years of Quentin"?   

  That's a good one!  I too would love to know just what he was doing for tlhose 72 years in between??   Maybe he doesn't want to remember. ;)

My favorite is the haunting of Quentin at Collinwood.   And as Cassandra had mentioned in her post,  he was truly one of the scariest ghosts around back then.  Those eyes were the most evilest I had seen on the show then, so cold, mean, and evil.  You could tell he definetely was an angry ghost!!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Diana (Millay) & Dracula!!
« on: July 05, 2003, 01:09:31 AM »
Wow, this does sound great!!  I sure wish I could go!!! >:(


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Maggie On Dynasty
« on: July 05, 2003, 01:07:08 AM »
Thanks Gianni for the info!!

I remember the Marlena/Satan storyline as well so it'll be cool to check that out again!  Havent seen these shows for awhile now.


Thank you Professor Stokes!   I am going to check it out.   Hopefully, we can all make a difference!


Wow thanks MsCriseyde for the link to listen to the internet audio!!  I'll be looking forward to it!

Deb :)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:DS Pre-empted
« on: July 05, 2003, 01:00:30 AM »
I hate when they do this.  I could understand it not being on for the holiday, but why the 3rd??   Do they need two days to show these marathons?   >:(


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - Life
« on: July 02, 2003, 11:54:47 PM »
Debra,  good luck with your daughter.  I am sure you have asked her anything going on a school, or with friends?  What I tell my kids is my biggest regret is not finishing college.

Thank you Birdie for your well wishes.  The problem was that she just recently tells me that she has always hated the school that she's been attending since the 9th grade.  Since we practically live up in the boondocks here, finding another school nearby is out of the question.  They do however have night school classes (in the same school) but they're quite different from the daytime classes, and also have a whole different personnel of teachers that work individually with each child if they appear to be having trouble keeping up with the work.  My daughter seems to be all for this and is going to be starting in September. These nighttime classes are for kids (or adults) who for whatever reason didn't finish high school and it's a way for them to receive the GED.  Im still quite upset over it as I had wished to see her graduate with cap & gown & diploma walking down the aisle with the rest of her class.

My daughter had a very bad spell at 13 and 14, then straightened out to where we thought we had the worst of it licked. She did very well in college... and then boom. Now, at age 22, she's having some god-awful reversion to 13. The problem now is that she has adult issues to deal with and they're building up to where the hole she's in is very deep indeed. We can't -- and won't -- dig her out of it. All I can do is hope that everything we've taught her over the years about actions and consequences is going to get through to her before the worst happens.

Mark, I believe you're doing the right thing in letting her figure out how to get out of her problems on her own, since this is part of growing up.  But on the other hand I know how hard it is to see all of it happening in front of you.  The worst thing for us is to witness our children having problems and not being able to come to their rescue,  like we did when they were small children.  The only thing we can do is offer our guidance & support which I think, is the greatest gift that a parent can offer their young adult children.
I wish you well Mark and hope everything turns out okay for your daughter.

Thanks also for the well wishes.   Yes I am grateful that at least she's willing to go for her GED because I've seen so many kids just totally give up on education without even giving it a second thought.   But nevertheless, it still hurts me not being able to watch her walk down the aisle along with the rest of her class.

Things were so different for me growing up.  Leaving school, especially in the 11th grade never even crossed my mind,  (and if it had Im sure my strict Sicilian parents would have erased it from my mind in no time!!)

The only thing I wanted to do was graduate, get my diploma and get on with my life.   While I never attended college, I did work right away and stayed there full time until I had my first child.   Sure, there were other kids in my class that eventually dropped out due to one thing or another, but for me, I just couldn't see spending 13 of your young years in school, year after year, day after day, only to leave it all only year ahead of schedule.  And as much as I got tired of school also (especially during the teen years) I wasn't going no where until I got that piece of paper in my hand, my diploma that I went to school all these years for!

Lets hope the 2nd half of 2003 is alot better for all of us!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT - Life
« on: June 29, 2003, 07:40:17 AM »
Patti,  I hope you'll be feeling better soon!!

I know what you mean about 2003, so far it stinks for me too!!  The winter started out okay but as soon as the spring and summer came along, things got worse and worse.   My youngest daughter gets expelled from school, she's 17 and suddenly decides that she wants to get her GED instead of finishing school.  Im heart sick over this!  All my other kids finished high school and are now in college and this has to happen.  What happened to that beautiful baby girl that I bought home from the hospital??  Suddenly, she's a different person.  My older three went through that rebellous teenage stage early at age 13 and 14 and got it all out of their systems, and this one never gave me any trouble whatsoever, but now at age 17 she starts??  I figured she's be past that stage by now, but no, now suddenly she's turning into an instant rebel.    I am so heartbroken over this it isnt funny.  But the more you rant on to them and try to preach, the more rebellous they get.     The thing that gets me is that I never had any problems with her growing up while my other three use to have me pulling my hair out!!  Now everythings reversed, they're doing wonderful and she's acting up.   Yeah, this year has been the worst I've had in a long time.   Sorry for going on and on but I needed to vent also.  Thanks for listening,

Julia, I hope things get better for you too.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Which Witch sWitch Week
« on: June 29, 2003, 07:22:21 AM »
Wow, this sounds interesting!!!  I can't wait to see what the big secret is gonna be! 


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Blooper This Thursday
« on: June 28, 2003, 06:46:11 AM »
I agree with you Castlebee.  Did they really have too many people hanging around the set during all of the taping?   IMO I think the camera man should have been able to see who is suppose to be in full view range of the camera, and who shouldn't be.   These kind of things just kind of really spoil a good scene for me.


LOL!!   I can't even begin to tell you what went on at one of our relatives wedding's when one of my Grandfather's relatives didn't like someone from the bride's side of the family.  What a riot that turned out to be!

Cassandra,  You don't even want to hear what goes on in our family gatherings when theres some sort of disagreement going on.   All I can say is that it got so bad one time that the cops showed up!  Now, we know better, who to invite, and not to invite!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Blowing It
« on: June 28, 2003, 06:27:55 AM »
In honor of MB's wonderful one-pic montage of the schnozz, I want to wish everyone a Happy Nose Day.  I will celebrate it in style, as I am afflicted with summer allergies, and I don't even need the putty to make mine look like that.  But I will use my special nasal spray (which I will now call Yaeger's Antihistamine) just for this occasion, along with lotion-enriched tissue for when I need to vacate it.

LOL Gerard, thanks for the laughs!!  I really needed that today!!

Deb :)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Bad Hair Day At Bruno's Bungalow!
« on: June 28, 2003, 06:17:18 AM »
I wonder if he and Sabrina swap wigs every now and then!

I wonder sometimes if Bruno is wearing a wig or if his hair is really that high?  It just looks too perfect and always stays in place.   If its not a wig then I wish I knew what styling gel he used, lol!!  Im sure it had to be Dippidy Do since that was most likely the most popular brand being used back then.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ugh!
« on: June 24, 2003, 09:21:25 AM »
I remember my mom wearing a wig just like that back then.  It seemed as if everyone's mom had a wig just like that too.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:PT Characters
« on: June 23, 2003, 08:45:07 AM »
I agree...I don't think 'soap' viewers back then could've accepted AM as above; now though, your average viewer would revel in it!

Im in agreement with you Patti.  Im having a hard enough time trying to accept Julia as Hoffman in this storyline.  But she does play it off so well.  I imagine it could have been the same for Vicky but like you've mentioned the viewers would have a hard time accepting this back then.


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