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Messages - Stuart

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The Dramatic Readings releases are a secondary range to keep Dark Shadows moving along for Big Finish between the full-cast seasons. Series two is currently being written, and will resolve the cliffhanger we left The Rage Beneath on, fear not. The logistics of coordinating our overseas cast for the full-cast recording blocks - and we're trying to make series two as big and ambitious as we possibly can - made the idea of doing some simpler, character-led releases in the meantime an attractive one.

The "talking book" format - and I hate them being called that, because they aren't books - allows us to tell some more character-heavy stories and to feature some of the characters played by cast members no longer with us. And it allows us to do some offbeat stuff, like getting Alec Newman onboard. Ever since Big Finish got the license to do Dark Shadows, I'd hoped we'd get Alec to do something for us, and he's utterly brilliant. I'm bound to say that, obviously, but really, he is.

So those are the reasons. Some logistical, some creative, but I think we've found already just how well this format works for Dark Shadows, and we've got high hopes for these stories.

Hope that clears things up.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: New Big Finish Dramas
« on: August 22, 2008, 03:11:00 PM »
The title Clothes of Sand is a poignant one for such a story, and must surely be taken from the song by the late Nick Drake...

it certainly is!  I love Nick Drake's music, and that song is really something beautiful.

I know there are a few Doctor Who fans on here, so please excuse this quick plug for a recent project I've worked on...

I've just designed a new Doctor Who coffee table book which hits stores this week, in time for Christmas.  The Encyclopedia is a full-colour hardback guide to the new series, with lots of pretty pictures and obscure facts and figures.  I'm not sure how it's being distributed in the US, but it will be available in the larger chain stores, and is also available from Amazon:

Hope you'll check it out.



I'm working on putting series two at the moment, and we're looking to have it recorded by the end of the year.  It will be another series of four CDs, but this time forming a more closely-linked serial.  There will be some proper announcements on the website nearer the time, but expect some new members of the original cast coming aboard, lots of twists and turns... um, and Windcliff.  Possibly.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / DS Journal Updates
« on: February 15, 2007, 05:10:00 AM » - Dark Shadows Journal Online

* New on the site

Haunted Halloween Party - Photos from last October's celebration
Audio Drama Previews - Go behind the scenes of The Christmas Presence and The Rage Beneath
News Updated

I'd just like to set the record straight on the recent delays that have affected the Dark Shadows audio range. 

Producing Dark Shadows on audio has been a long-held dream of mine, and Darren Gross and I have been kicking ideas back and forth about how to make it happen for over two years before my association with Big Finish Productions finally gave us an opportunity to make it a reality.  The task of producing officially licensed, original "Dark Shadows" productions is one that everyone involved takes very seriously.  This license was an unprecedented one, and with that opportunity comes an immense responsibility, both to the show's history, our actors, and to the ongoing world of Dark Shadows.

At this point, we've been working on this project non-stop for over a year.  The setbacks with the final CDs were due to factors beyond our control and everything possible was done to prevent them. All of us at Big Finish have done our very best to deliver a range that fans and newcomers alike can enjoy, and, believe me, these delays are as frustrating for us as our general audience. 

Rest assured that Big Finish is commited to Dark Shadows and I can confirm that, based on the sales of the initial CDs, the company will be producing a second series of four plays, which will be released from Summer 2007.

We hope you'll enjoy "The Christmas Presence" and "The Rage Beneath", and will look forward to further CDs in the new year.  Once again, thanks for your support and apologies for the delay.

Stuart Manning
Producer, Dark Shadows
Big Finish Productions

37 | Dark Shadows Journal

* New on the site:

Todd McIntosh interview: An insider's view of the 2004 WB pilot's makeup department head featuring photos from the production.

A Dark Shadows Halloween: Holiday ecards and wallpaper, plus our Barnabas jack-o-lantern design, as seen on

Yes, but unfortunately he got Craig's date of death WRONG!  He died last Sunday, September 24th, not the 25th!  Sheesh!   ::)
And, now I COULD be wrong about this, but I don't think Craig was responsible for David Selby's website

Craig set up David's website when it first launched way back when.  I have, however, corrected the date of his death... I'm human, typos happen.  I'm sure we can all find better ways to remember Craig than raking back and forth trying to pick holes.

39 | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site:

Betsy Durkin Interview: We chat to the second actress to portray heroine Victoria Winters
News Updated: An obituary for Craig Hamrick, plus other recent news.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick - prayer request
« on: September 18, 2006, 01:42:18 AM »
I've known Craig for eight years now...  I've been trying to think of something to write for a couple of days now, without any luck.  Anyway, here's a moment that I think sums him up perfectly.

Over the last couple of years, Craig travelled to London a couple of times with his partner Joe, and when he was in town, we'd catch up for lunch and gossip.  So, last summer, we spent an afternoon in Trafalgar Square, in the blazing sunshine, chatting about life and work, kitsch TV and Big Brother.  Something made him touch on his illness, and he shrugged "Well, I know I'll be like this for life," as if he didn't have a care in the world. And I really think he didn't.

That moment will stay with me forever.  There was an amazing thing - a man completely at peace with himself and the inevitable.  It was easy to forget Craig's health, because he had made his peace with it a long time ago.  No anger, no regret, no sadness - just an ordinary guy who enjoyed the world, his partner, and was having a great time doing so.

Honestly, I don't think you can mourn a life as well-lived as Craig's.  At the moment I'm scared of losing my friend, but I know how very lucky I've been to know him.

BUT it occurs to me that the person might be someone who was not at the Festival. 

The cameo was recorded at the Festival hotel with one of the weekend's guests.

I was looking at (I thought) Dr. Who CD titles and came across a writer's cred in your name.  Oops?
You might be thinking of Scott Alan Woodard, who wrote the fourth DS CD, "The Rage Beneath"...  He's contributed to the "Doctor Who" range.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: D.S. FESTIVAL 2006 WEBSITE
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:10:38 PM »
While it still wouldn't have made it massive, due to space limitations they weren't able to recreate the entire drawing room set - just part of it.
Patrick DeBlasi, who built the set, is planning to expand it, so you might see more of the room at a future Fest.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / DS Journal: New Updates
« on: August 13, 2006, 09:52:24 PM » | Dark Shadows Journal Online

New on the site...

* Murder in Prime Time

Kathryn Leigh Scott discusses her new murder mystery novel

* Big Finish Audio Drama Previews

We go behind the scenes of the first two Dark Shadows audio dramas from Big Finish!

These can be purchased at the fest and still get the preorder price, correct?

We will be offering subscriptions at the Festival, allowing fans to purchase the CDs and still receive the pre-order discount.  There's more information on the website.

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