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Messages - The charming Mr. Blair

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Things not in 1795 i would miss most!
« on: April 07, 2002, 03:18:48 AM »
I am so addicted to technology. I have an electric heater that I program to heat the bathroom in the morning so I always have a warm, toasty bathroom to go to.
AS much as I am disapointed with television, I am addicted to it. I know how much more satisfieing it is to read a good book, but still, I turn on that stupid TV even when there is nothing good on. I often feel life would be so much richer (except I wouldn't have my DS) if I was born in a time before TV. BUt, I am a hopeless addict who only manages brief periods away from TV on my camping trips.
Running water, toilets? What would I do without them?
Automobiles? love the freedom they give. Hate the conjestion, suburban sprawl, and rude (downright evil) drivers the create. I might not mind living in a period before cars.
Rapp and Hip-hop music? I might be worth doing without running water to get away from this stuff. What would Abigail and Rev. Trask think of such evil sounds?
Positives of the eighteenth century. Clean air, clean water, undeveloped land.
Negatives: dirtier people, more uneducated people, rapidly disapearing unspioled land.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PICK A CHICK
« on: April 06, 2002, 04:18:50 AM »
I would have never got sucked into the storyline of the first year of DS if it wasn't for the beauty of Alexandra Moltke. Something about her charm made me want to watch.

1 Alexandra Moltke
2.Kate Jackson
3. KLS
4. Laura Parker
5.Joan Bennet
6. Grayson Hall ( something about her)
7.Nancy Barrett

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Things not in 1795 i would miss most!
« on: April 06, 2002, 04:05:52 AM »
Jennifer: you had to mention the Rex Sox. You know Barnabas showed up at Collinwood in the summer of 1967. The year Yaz won the Triple Crown and the Red Sox lost the World Seris in seven games to ST. Louis.
Now I wonder if maybe Angelique might of had something to do with that? ?!?

« on: April 06, 2002, 12:40:47 AM »
I know the cold ocean water should help stabalize the atmosphere against thunderstorm activity; however,for some reason we are once again expierencing atmospheric convection (as usual) in Collinsport. As a meteorologist, I cannot find the source of this phenomenom. Perhaps it is the supernatural?
Any way look for more unusually mild February weather. AS a matter of fact we still have not had a trace of snowfall in Downtown Collinsport, while in other sections of Maine snowfall has been abundent.
So, it's the same old story: no snow and mild temps as far into the future as I can see. AND, look for more of the same as winter turns into spring, and spring into summer.
I tell you there must be a witch in Collinsport. ?!?

Current Talk '02 I / Laura shure played a great corpse
« on: March 26, 2002, 04:26:52 AM »
Those hynotic eyes that made Laura Parker so amazingly convincing as a witch sure translated well to her role as a corpse.
That gaze into space was so right on. I take it she has seen her share of dead people. I found it to be rather frightening when Ben opened the coffin.
Very good episide today ;)

Also: I can't wait to see the episodes that follow. As much as I am enjoying this storyline, I can't wait for the return to 1968. I am curious about just how things will change because of Victoria's trip to the past. Will Barnabas suddenly remember her? What about the arrivial of Cassandra (aka you know who)? I have never seen these so I am going to be loving this.
This should be fun.

Games / Re: Collins' Library
« on: March 24, 2002, 04:14:56 AM »
Don't forget the best seling smash from 1967 ( I am sure Victoria brought a copy with her):

"MY Favorite Family Incestors" by Roger Collins ;)

Games / Re: Collins' Library
« on: March 23, 2002, 04:56:29 AM »
Joshua Collins the great American Visionary and patriot would have an interesting assortment of books.

Adam Smith: An Inquirey into the Nature and Causes of Wealth in Nations
Thomas Paine: Common Sense
Immunal Kant: Critique of Pure Reason
Roger Collins: I can be a overbearing Patriarch ( If I only believed in myself)
Joshua Collins : Memories of A Revolutionary War Hero
Joshua Collins: Money and Social Standing before Family
Nancy Babbit: Tuck Everlasting
 *Yes a story of living forever for Sarah that does not involve biting people

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Alias Smith and Jones fans
« on: March 20, 2002, 04:18:35 AM »
Hey, I know that face. I was a big "Alias Smith and Jones" fan. Roger Davis is the guy who took over for  the original Hannabil Hays. I don't remember the first guy's name but he was very good in the part. Played the part of a fast talking and likable con man very well. Kid Curry has the fastest gun in the west and Hanible Hays could talk his way out of anything. I know the original Hays shot himself to death. I don't know if it was intentional or a stupid joke gone wrong. I do know that I never liked Roger Davis as Hannible Hays.
Why do I remember this stuff? ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Time and Space
« on: March 20, 2002, 04:10:00 AM »
Great observatiom Josette. Vicki traveled through time, but she is essentially occupying the same space.
I guess that is what always amazed me about the concept of time. All this "stuff" went on: dramas were played out-- people laughed and cried, lived and died -- won great victories and suffered tragic defeats --- great forests flourished for millions of years and were cut down -- right where you are sitting now ?!?.
I guess that is someting to dwell on as I drink my port tonight. :o

Current Talk '02 I / Jason McGuire
« on: March 18, 2002, 03:28:06 AM »
In honor of Jason McGuire I celabrated St. Pactrick's Day today by cooking corn beef and cabbage and listening to Irish music. However I stopped shot of trying to move in with, and con, any reclusive widows.
Actually, being Irish I celabrated without the hoopla of going to the over-crowded bars with all the intoxicted people who do not know what they are celabrating.

Happy St. Pactrick's Day everybody!

Current Talk '02 I / ;) ;) ;)Re: Rate those DS Bad Guys/Gals
« on: March 10, 2002, 03:37:11 AM »
I would have to say that for me it is Rev. Trask.
I guess I have a major problem with the holier-than-thou people who condem other in the name of religion.
Second, 1795 was about 100 years after all the Salem witch hoopla, so this guy was a real crackpot. This guy was about as fanatic as the Taliban.
I would also say that Angelique is right there with Rev. Trask, but I am so impresses by Laura Parker that I find it impossible to hate her just yet. This is my first time seeing her, and let me tell you she is one heck of an actor. Great speaking voice too! And those eyes that are both evil and innocent!! ;) ;)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Used to watch DS in 60's
« on: March 05, 2002, 01:01:00 AM »
I only saw the last few months of DS's original run. I watched everyday with my sisters after school. I remember holding a lottery with my sisters to see who had to spend  night in our "haunted" basement.
Before I started watching the show I remember hearing stories of Barnabas Collins, who was supposed to be such a scary villian. The only Barnabas I saw the first time around was not very scary, perhaps even a nice guy.
I am gald that I had the chance to see the "bad" Barnabas and I can't wait to see him grow as a character.

:-* ;)Brian

Current Talk '02 I / Re: french accents
« on: March 03, 2002, 03:41:14 AM »
Does Laura Parker really speak with that accent? She has a very plesent speaking voice, and a very expressivand attracive (however scary and evil) face.

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