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Messages - MrsJ

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows University
« on: September 03, 2002, 12:34:29 AM »
Neat course...congratulations, Mark!  
I wish I could have taken a class like that way back when I was in school...


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Where are all the rabid Angie fans?
« on: August 30, 2002, 02:45:31 PM »
Anyway, I'm a HUGE Angelique fan.  I find her endlessly entertaining as a powerful witch with a complicated history, as a woman scorned, and as a supernatural rival to Laura.  I think she adds to every storyline she's in... she certainly makes the best entrances-- my favorite is coming up in 1897!  And I love discussing her, especially with Nicky.  Yet maybe I'm not understanding how you meant it, but to me a rabid fan is intense and unyielding whereas I enjoy hearing other POVs.  And I can't imagine that a union between B & A could be blissful for very long, nor do I accept what happened at the end of 1840.  Also, I mean no disrespect toward Lara Parker, but I prefer to focus on the character rather than the actress.  So am I disqualified? ;)

Anyone else? :D

Angelique is indeed entertaining, and certainly essential to the series.  I use to love to hate her when I was a kid, lol.   Other than Julia, Ang. is the only other female in Barn.'s life that has any brains.  I don't buy the whole 1840 ending thing either, and think it was just a ratings ploy.  Just MHO, of course.  
I hated what they did to the character during the Leviathan sequence...


I can't imagine what could have possessed her to "give up" her powers for Sky Rumson.  The guy was such a loser!  We were given no motivation, no background...and are suppose to accept that Ang. is content to be a housewife to Mr. Wonderful????
For me, one of the *worst* DS moments.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Return of Donnie!!!
« on: August 26, 2002, 04:00:34 AM »
I see Don B in the montage. . .how exciting!  I look forward to his re-introduction .. although I have to admit I found some if it a bit lame. . e.g. Julia getting in a car with him 10 mins after seeing him and screaming. . .that shows a MAN wrote that episode!


How true!  Although she "warms up" to Chris eventually,
there is, IMO anyway, a certain reluctance on Julia's part to help him with his unusual affliction.  Barn. has to kind of shame her into it (at first), as I recall.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Judith Fellows arrives at Collinwood?
« on: August 24, 2002, 07:14:07 PM »
"Don't make me take steps, Mr. Collins.  Don't make me take steps!"

You BEAST!!!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Minor Question about 1970 PT storline
« on: August 23, 2002, 08:01:29 PM »
My personal opinion is that RT Julia and PT Hoffman really aren't all that different.

Sure, they have very different stations in life, but they are both fiercely devoted protectors of the undead.  

Can anyone disagree?  *shrug*

                   Joe    :)

Hmmmm, a very interesting observation...the difference being that RT Julia is devoted/obsessed with someone who turns out to be"good" rather than evil.
So, the question is, how far would Julia go to protect Barn....she's already killed for him.  Very thought provoking question, got to ponder a bit more.  ?!?


My fave non-DS performance by our dear Grayson was as Miss Judith Fellowes in "Night of the Iguana". Miss Fellowes was such a dedicated chaperone to young Charlotte Goodall and that evil "Rev" T. Lawrence Shannon was so cruel to her. Miss Fellowes was so dedicated to Charlotte she was willing to sleep at the foot of her bed if Charlotte so desired! ;D

A powerful performance as Judith Fellowes for certain.  I'm always torn between her role in "Iguana" and that of Pepe in "Satan in High Heels".  I understand it is a film she would have rather forgotten, but her portrayal of Pepe is a delight to watch.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Davis Has Many Fans...All Electric...
« on: August 17, 2002, 10:26:34 PM »

So, I ask you:  are there any Roger Davis fans in DS fandom?

At the festival banquet this year I sat with a woman who proclaimed that Roger Davis was her favorite DS actor...said he was just so "intense".  Well, I certainly couldn't argue with that...


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ouch?
« on: August 17, 2002, 02:12:33 AM »
and just what was the purpose of "the cutting of the sweater" when attending to Joe's wound?  ... Joooolia, all you had to do was lift it up a little..[idea2].. Duh!  lol... these scenes just crack me up

Well, cutting the sweater is just so much more dramatic, ya know!   Too bad it wasn't Adam's sweater  ;D

And those scissors used by Dr. Julia looked about as sharp as that letter opener.  Grayson Hall seemed a tad irritated as she tried to cut that sweater... she looked about ready to tear it off.  Now THAT would have been something to watch!  :o


Current Talk '02 II / Re: SLAVE SCAN
« on: August 15, 2002, 05:10:45 PM »
Carolyn gets my vote for evilest victim lol. She was realllly loyal to Barnabas. When Barnabas mentioned that he had to do something with Dr. Hoffman, she got that evil smile and asked if he was going to kill her. NB was great in her scenes as Barnabas' victim.

Yes, she was.  But don't forget...

SPOILER for later storyline...

Marie Wallace as Megan Todd.  She absolutely relished the role of *victim*.  She was, IMO, the ultimate seductress.  How could the poor guy resist?!  ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Opening Voiceovers
« on: August 13, 2002, 04:27:50 PM »

P.S...Who do you guys think does the best Opening Voiceovers??...I love to hear Grayson Hall myself.

So do I.  She's got the most exotic voice for a dramatic an aside, I've heard a couple of radio dramas she'd been involved in.  The quality wasn't great, but what a treat to sit back, close my eyes and just listen to that voice!  It's a shame she didn't do more of that type of work.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Ecrutiating scenes to watch
« on: August 13, 2002, 04:18:24 PM »
For me, *any* scene where Hallie Stokes speaks is excruciating to watch.   ::)


Current Talk '02 II / Re: When Did Black Eyeliner become pase?
« on: August 11, 2002, 10:24:33 PM »
I was watching some MPI videos, the 1995 stuff. .and I hate the extreme closeups that Kaplan would sometimes do but more than that I HATE all the black makeup on Grayson's eyes!  When did the eyeliner go out of fashion!!!

You mean you don't like the fuzzy caterpillar look?  ;)


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIDNITE!
« on: August 10, 2002, 08:29:39 PM »
Happy Birthday Midnite  ;D

Enjoy yourself and do something selfish!!


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Barnabas's Best Moments
« on: August 10, 2002, 08:08:52 PM »
When Barnabas decided to go to Collinwood and "tell all" to the family. .admitting his part in what had happened and promised to try and exonerate Julia. .  .I thought that was one of his more mature and self-less moments. . .(and a 2nd declaration that he feel a sincere friendship for Julia  rather than the advesarial or full of self-interest thing he had going on earlier).  

What are some other purely selfless and good/mature Barnabas moments?

Purely selfless...hmmm...I'm thinking...there must be something...

This may not exactly qualify, but it did show a twinge of conscience on his part.  Back in his early Vicki obsession days, when Barn. was still a vampire, Vicki stayed overnight at the Old House due to one of those infamous storms (scandalous, really!)  Anyway, after she is asleep (in Josette's room of course) Barn. sneaks into her room and stands at her bedside, staring at her invitingly exposed neck.  He starts to approach her with fangs bared, then stops himself and backs away, silently closing the door as the unsuspecting Miss Winters continues her slumber.
That has always been, for me, one of the most powerful scenes Frid gave as Barnabas.  Everything worked for me...the lighting, music, and Frid's subtle use of body language and expression.  

So...what was the question again??


For me the series at this point will be a scream-fest as I absolutely relish each and every response Eve has for Adam; Either about him or especially to his face - Providing much needed comic relief to this almost preposterous storyline. And it doesn't help much that every time I read the name "Eve", I hear it as Bette Davis spoke it so deliciously throughout the film, All About Eve. EEEVE...

LOL!  Eve is too much fun...she's such a haughty b****!

(As an aside, it was cute to see Robert Rodan and Marie Wallace together again at the fest this year).

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