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Messages - mfmdpt

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a few questions: Was there any mention of DS: the Musical?

The DS musical was announced with a great deal of fanfair, but it's anemic demise over a year ago got very little attention. :-/ I hope you weren't looking forward to it. :(

Was that Sci-Luv documentary the special that was gonna be on the Sci-fi channel a loooong while ago now? [sounds like it! - too bad - but wasn't there two of those in the works?]

Yes, there were two, Ringo. Both of them were shelved once Sci-Fi saw the completed versions. SciFiLuv was sort of like an Antique's Roadshow for DS collectibles. Sciography was the documentary that ended up being a whole lot less than was hoped for. But sadly I can't say that really surprised me because when I taped my Seaview segment (way back on November 22, 2000) I heard some stories from the Executive Producer, Andy Schatzberg, about how they'd practically ambushed Anne Rice with an MPI tape of the 1970PT Will Loomis/Barnabas storyline and asked her if she'd "borrowed" the idea for her "Interview with the Vampire" (which she's flatly denied, BTW), and how they planned to bring up the whole von Bulow trial because, in their opinion, it was "news worthy." :-/ There were also times that I refused to answer some of the questions they'd scripted for my segment because I thought they were just too ridiculous. (There's a point where I'm standing outside the house while a friend, who's also in the segment, is answering some questions where I look like I might be pissed, and that's because I was. ;)) I honestly got the impression that they hoped they were going to get an older version of the obsessed 13-year-old I wrote about in the online article, "A Young Fan's Odyssey to Find Collinwood -- or how I came to realize a dream - and lord it over my friends," but they got a big surprise when I turned out not to be an obsessed 13-year-old trapped in a 44-year-old's body. LOL! At one point I jokingly said to them that I wasn't going to run up to the tower to kiss it just so they could get the shot because I had to show my face in public after the show aired. Andy kidded back that was too bad because it would have been a great shot, but I honestly think he was only half-kidding!
Truthfully, the ONLY reason I agreed to do the segment was as a tribute to my mom, who'd passed away six months before the taping. And it does seem as if that concept got through mostly intact. It's just too bad that most of the other segments seem to have turned out so badly. :(

What is 'Frid's Hair?'

KLS took some of Frid's hair one day while DS hairdesser Edith Tilles was cutting it.

Does DC have to 'sanction' these events?

I'm pretty sure he has no involvement in them whatsoever. They're fan based and run.

how is the convention 'laid out' - two or more ballrooms, or just one big room, er wot?

There's one big room for the actors' appearances and the various presentations, and a few smaller rooms for autograph sessions and the dealers.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HODS question
« on: June 23, 2002, 02:03:18 AM »
One holdup is that photos are still being uploaded to it.

That was my fault, Darren.  :-[  After I'd  posted the HODS CHAT transcript I got the idea that reading it would be more fun if there were screen captures to go along with it. I thought adding them would be really easy, but it took me forever to space the captures so they'd relate to what was being said in the transcript.  :-/ But I think it turned out well enough that someone reading it doesn't also have to be watching hoDS to really understand what was going on.

Hopefully you'll enjoy it all once you get to see it. It was a lot of fun when we did it.  :D

Stokes enters anyway, saying the worst that will happen is having to hear the pitiful riddle. (Doncha love it?-painful for all of us!)

I've always thought the riddle was pretty inventive. I love how the last line, "And one door leads to the point of return," gets Julia into hot water when Stokes questions her about its possible meaning. That's a great scene.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS - Appropriate for Children?
« on: June 05, 2002, 06:32:05 AM »
I'm still somewhat envious of friends whose mothers (and/or fathers) had no problem allowing them to watch the show.

Not only did my mom let me watch DS, she watched it with me. When I was 13 she drove me all around Newport, RI looking for "Collinwood." When I was 15, she took a friend and me to a drive-in in a neighboring state to see the triple bill of house of Dark Shadows, Night of Dark Shadows and Vincent Price's Cry of the Banshee because NoDS hadn't opened in any local theaters yet and I had to see it during opening week. And she was even a fan of the '91 NBC series.

I guess you could say she not only let me watch DS--she was probably my chief abettor whenever I decided that there was something I "just had to do" to feed my teenage obsession with anything and everything DS related. [lghy]

We have in this ep what some consider the Big Blooper today, when Barnabas screams to Julia in the doctor's office, "Remember. . .remember someone," and Dr. Lang fills in the name of someone he never even knew: "Dr. Woodard." Wanted to get that out of the way first thing.

Well, obviously this was Frid's mistake and Addison Powell saved the moment. And within the context of the story, Dr. Lang probably couldn't have pulled out of thin air that Barnabas might have been referring to Woodard. But as far as Lang knowing who Woodard was goes, he might very well have because Barnabas had been relating his past history to Lang and it's not out of the realm of possibility that the subject of Woodard's death might have come up during those discussions. ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dr Lang's length of stay
« on: May 12, 2002, 10:46:58 PM »
By the time of the 1990s series, the original fan base had eroded in numbers.  Yes, there are a lot of us, but not enough to keep the ratings as high as they needed to be.

I've posted this before so forgive me for repeating myself, but what I find most fascinating about the ratings for the '91 series is that if it were aired today and still pulled in the numbers it did in '91, it would routinely be ranking in the Neilsen top 30, even on its lowest viewed week, which was the 3/15/91 ep, which pulled in 11.4 million viewers. Also, the '91 series pulled in Friday's largest 18-49 demographic, which seems to be more important to networks nowadays than ratings even are.

It's also interesting to note that in '96 the head of programming at NBC, Warren Littlefield, admitted to Curtis that he'd made a mistake in canceling DS, and he wanted Curtis to revive the show as a series of made-for-TV movies, something similar to what NBC had been doing with Perry Mason. However, Curtis told Littlefield that he wasn't interested - quite possibly because he still felt burned by Littlefield's treatment of DS after Brandon Tartikoff, who was the show's biggest supporter, left NBC.

He was obviously looking for a larger fan base.

That's certainly true.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Dr Lange's length of stay
« on: May 12, 2002, 10:13:04 PM »
Methinks Curtis himself is an over-the-top kind of guy who wants everything done that way.  Subtlety isn't his strong suit, is it?

Which probably explains how RD could have been Curtis' favorite DS actor. [lghy]

We all think we know who the real Mark Rainey is? Don't be so sure. A recent unauthorized search of a warehouse owned the person claiming to be "Stephen Mark Rainey" uncovered a particularly gruesome discovery. Check it out here -- if you dare...

Angelique's portrait hangs above the mantle (when was this painted?)

It must have been a self-portrait that Angelique conjured out of thin air. ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Happy B-Day to mfmdpt!
« on: April 11, 2002, 05:56:44 AM »
Thanks so much for all the well wishes, everyone!

Well, everyone except for Mark. But I'll have a "special" private message for you, Mark. [vryevl]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Whine, American Style
« on: March 21, 2002, 06:20:14 AM »
Remember the old show Love, American Style?

What a trip down memory lane browsing that site was! I'd completely forgotten about at least half of those actors, but their names certainly brought back some happy memories. Thanks for the link, Mark

As for Kathleen ;), many fans are suprised when they learn that she had a pretty busy career after DS. But what was I saying just yesterday about several of the actors going on to do some of their better work after their stints on DS? :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: How Hairlarious!
« on: March 20, 2002, 06:03:08 AM »
I havn't seen these eps, but the guy can't be that bad of an actor, can he?

It's not so much that he was bad on DS, Miles, it was that he was often limited and not exactly subtle. Understatement wasn't a concept RD had a grasp of - LOL! His vocal range went from normal to screaming with little, if anything, in between. And his method to convey every emotion from the deepest despair to the greatest joy was to touch his hair. His hair isn't even at issue, it's his proclivity to seemingly always be touching it that is. ;)

Say what you will about Grayson and her mannerisms, but the woman could always convey what her characters were feeling with as little as a simple glance to an all out display of emotion. Most of the DS actors could. And that's really the thing that makes RD stick out like a sore thumb.

Let's just say that most of RD's work on DS wasn't his best (though, like several other DS actors, he could be quite good in almost everything else he's ever done).

Robservations / Re: #0405/0406: Robservations 03/20/02 - Cursed!
« on: March 20, 2002, 04:27:00 AM »
In the gazebo, Barnabas presents Josette with the music box.

Ah yes, the scene that the Millennium edition of the DS Almanac seems to have forgotten took place. ::)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The ghost of Zombie Jeremiah
« on: March 19, 2002, 11:59:03 PM »
Okay, is this the last of Jeremiah we see or does he pop up again?

If you mean was that the last we see of him during this storyline, I think so. But Jeremiah's ghost pops up in two upcoming storylines.

was he sent to rest, or did he drop off the face of the earth?

Well, considering that his first and last appearances (chronologically speaking, not storyline wise) take place 173 years apart, apparently the poor guy was never allowed to rest, which makes one wonder if the ghosts of Jeremiah and Quentin ever got together to share a brandy and swap stories of how they each came to haunt Collinwood? ;)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: This Old House
« on: March 15, 2002, 02:04:06 AM »
Besides you are at the, "top of the mountain" king, (or queen) of all you survey.

Well, there's actually one big drawback to this tower room, Allen. You see, the windows (which are probably only 3 feet long) are located just below what has to be an 11-12 foot ceiling, so all you can actually survey is the sky. :(

Midnite posted a few photos of the room on the most recent VN board. If you ask her nicely, maybe she'll be kind enough to post them again here. ;)

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