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Messages - Karen_#2

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There's a web site for the production at:

Definitely a site worth checking out. A lot of work went into this production, along with the efforts of other notable West Virginians. And as Selby said, they weren't paid for it. I'm not even a teacher, and I think I'd like to have a copy of this video!  :D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Shadows Photos
« on: July 04, 2002, 01:15:50 AM »
Hi there John,

you would think a nuclear bomb went off in my checkbook this weekend after my visit(s) to the dealer's room [shckd], but I did run into a couple of other photo vendors there.

I bought a couple of nice color 8 x 10's from "Still Things", they have a lot in TV and film collectibles. Their email is They are out of Las Vegas, and can be reached at (702) 839-1878.

Also, where I bought most of my B&W and Lobby Card stills (and where I did the most damage) were from Jerry Ohlinger's Movie Material Store, Inc. They are located in NY, and phone # is (212) 989-0869.

The nice lady who was running his table was named Denetia (she is based in the LA area), and she was the one who had some of the lobby cards and studio stills from HODS and *I think* NODS. She can be reached at

Speaking of photos, there are 4 images I am looking for, two are from Barnabas' 1795 death scene, where he is lying in bed, with Joan Bennett sitting beside him. The other, he is lying in bed, with the look of death [deadb] on him (I believe this is in the 1993 baseball card series). The other is a classic image of Barnabas in his 1897 attire, standing in front of a lit candlestick, looking off to the left (pretty classic photo).

4th-ly, does anyone know if there is a studio photo still in NODS that is with David Selby mounted on his horse? I know there is one of Kate Jackson, but not sure of the former. Any info passed along on any of the above is greatly appreciated  ;)

Hope this helps John,


Ugh. I thought everyone had been spared since it didn't show saturday.

It's awful on every level.

I hate my segment- I look like an obsessed boob. The rest is so crass and appalling, it almost seems like a parody...

Oh Darren QUIT!   ;)

Your piece was informative and wonderful! You did not come out looking "like an obsessed boob." We are all so grateful for your hard work on this project, and always look forward to hearing about the evolution and progress of the restoration.

Keep up the great work, Darren! [hello]


....and don't you ladies feel a little silly with this 'David Selby Crush' thing..... I mean, Jeeeez, obsessing over a soap opera actor...come on now.... ;)


Karen #2
(showing no shame whatsoever! [blshy] )

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS FEST 2002 WEBSITE!
« on: July 03, 2002, 08:45:13 AM »
There's nothing illegal about discussing these events.

I was implying about posting photos without permission, not discussion. But I digress, matter solved  ;)

btw Darren, great job on your hard work and search for the restoration process of NODS! A toast to you! [beer]

Karen #2

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: eBay sellers
« on: July 03, 2002, 05:49:01 AM »
In one of my messages to this sellar, I mentioned I had "won" eBay auctions for vintage movie posters of HODS (30"x40") and NODS (40"x60"), both rolled and on what I would call "card-stock", for $85.00 and $49.00, respectively.  

Hey Brian,
According to a recent memorabilia guide I picked up at the Fest the other day ("A Guide to Collecting Dark Shadows Memorabilla" by Stockel and Weidner), the HODS and NODS movie posters you describe seem to go anywhere from $35-$150. This printing was dated 1992, well after the DS "rush" of memorabilia in the 80's.

I didn't see pricing references in Craig Hamrick's DS Collectible book, because I just skimmed it.

This guy's pricing is pretty far out, you're not alone in your thinking.

Karen #2

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS FEST 2002 WEBSITE!
« on: July 02, 2002, 11:42:19 PM »

Karen_#2, I can't imagine that any legal lines have been crossed regarding the online posting of the fan's name on various sites as it was given out from the podium, though discretion is of course an entirely different thing and therefore if the guardian were to ask that it be removed from here, MB and I would certainly comply.

And K#2, I am SO disappointed we didn't get to meet!!!

FABULOUS photos of the actors, Joe!

Thats good. Like I said, I wasn't there, so if his name were mentioned publicly, then all is fair game. I'd hate to see anyone get into more trouble  ;). The photos were really nice too (and I might add David Selby was  looking rather *especially* handsome that day!  :-* )

Yes Midnite! I'm so sorry we didn't connect! I was helping out one of the dealers sell books from time to time, and probably *most* of the time burning a giant hole in my checkbook "supporting" those dealers, LOL! Perhaps if I got out of of the dealers room and into the main rooms more often, we'd certainly meet! Next time for sure!  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: eBay sellers
« on: July 02, 2002, 07:51:24 PM »

--but after spending the last two years viewing and bidding on eBay (and other auction sites), I find this seller's prices completely NOT in line with what else is available.  

Hi Brian,

I too have watched this seller over the last several months since be began listing on eBay, and have been rather amused at his asking prices.  :o

Indeed, he does offer some unusual items time to time, and most are all in excellent condition. However, his interpretation of "free market" will hit him well when he realizes what "the market" will offer him for his collectibles. They are only worth what one is willing to pay, not his perception of it.

I'm sorry you got into an online hassle with him/her. He should thank you for the feedback. Notice a lot of those items are not selling, eh?  ;)

Karen #2

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: DS FEST 2002 WEBSITE!
« on: July 02, 2002, 07:34:38 PM »
Still, (and I am sorry if I am coming off like sanctimonious NE Purtan here), I am very uncomfortable with the fan in questions real name being on here, and his photo accompanying it.  The deragotry terms used are pretty offensive too.

(snip)  but some things really are best kept to private conversations.

I also would like to point out that while I agree that what happened was unfortunate, I think any finger pointing should be done in the direction of Kurt's companion, who should have been there with him, and not off doing whatever it is he does while this stuff goes on.


Nancy, I can't agree with you more. You are absolutely right. I saw these mishaps, and witnessed first hand the Selby incident too (with the same person).

I hope there hasn't been any legal lines crossed with the public posting of his name or pictures, without his (or guardian's) permission.

Not only was it the responsibility of his companion to "keep an eye" on him (he was....I watched...and it wasn't effective), but it was up to the DSFest organizers and their to see that this did not happen again.

I sincerely hope there is never "a next time this happens".

I do think it's cute that Willie's first concern upon learning that Barnabas will again be a vampire is not for Barnabas's future victims or even for himself, since Willie will undoubtedly have more dirty work cut out for him.  No, the first thing Willie says is, "Aw, man, now we're gonna hear the dogs howling again!"  ;)

If ever I had to chose what my favorite delivered line of the entire series was, I'd have to say that one Willie quips about the dogs howling has got to me in my top three!! If not, it heads the list!

Like you said ProfStokes, he just lost his dear friend, and he's whining about the dogs!! LOL!!! Love it.

Karen #2

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 23, 2002, 07:32:23 PM »
I can't go :'(
I hope all of you who are going will tell us all about it
when you get back though. :D

Julianka, you'll be with us in spirit [ghost]. We'll be sure to toast all of you, who would want to be there! I'll make sure of it  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 23, 2002, 05:00:11 PM »
Happy Hour  ;D  I'm on my way. :D  BTW, Karen, when are you taking in Disney  8)  That's T-minus    ::)   6 days and counting ;D


Hey Malia!

First thing in the AM, as *soon* as we can get ahold of those hot little tickets. Wanna join us? We'll need a "4th" to even out the ride seating on Space Mountain, woo hoo! Heck! The more the merrier!


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 23, 2002, 08:21:16 AM »
I'll be there ;D   My 5th :o  Looking forward to vacation time and Disneland 8)  And, of course, anytime fans are gathered I... have Frid Book, will travel.  Hmmm, don't see a Paladin smiley face, oh well...  ;)


Hey Malia!

Don't forget to stop by our room for Happy Hour(s)!!  [jester]
Blender will be a-buzzin'  too! [beer]
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Karen #2

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Festival head count
« on: June 21, 2002, 06:55:03 AM »
As Minja pointed out, I'll be there as well. This will be my 12th Festival. I was just at Disneyland and California Adventure in Oct. , but I love Disneyland and can't wait to feel the magic again.  ;D  For those adventure seekers, Space Mountain at Disneyland really rocks, it makes Space Mountain at Disneyworld seem like a kiddie ride.  :)  Bob

Hey Bob!
The three amigas (Karen #1, Susan and I) will most likely see you at Disneyland, probably bump into you on Space Mountain!

Picked up some TGIF Mudslide mix today, as well as the Margaritaville mix. Karen #1 is bringing tequilla. You're on Orange Whip patrol, right?  ;D

Now, I just have to find the top to my blender, or else we'll all be wearing raincoats! LOL!  :o

C ya there!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Rev. Trask, the sinner...
« on: June 19, 2002, 07:21:17 AM »

Trask had NO power whatsoever, divine or otherwise, when he was alive, so is this simply the power of a crazed ghost?

I think you hit it "dead" on there, Midnite  ;)

Trask couldn't smell a witch from two feet away if she smacked him over the head with her broom. He even had his chance to prove himself  w/ Angelique, but he bought her lies instead.

He was already jaded in thinking Vicky was the witch by hysterical Auntie Abigail, and his ignorance further blinded him. What a maroon. [jester]

I think as a ghost, [ghost] Trask was just as nutty. He only went after Cassangelique because Julia convinced him to do so.

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