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Messages - MaggieEvans

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*his name again!! What was it? Quart? Quarter? Quilt? Quiet? Oh no... Quiet is not a word for him...*

*Yeah, you'd hold me here like you can hold a tune... and since you couldn't hold a tune in a bucket... see where I'm going with this? Later!*

*absolutely nothing. Sandor hated trying to wake up Magda's brain.*

*Parking spot*

*making sure the path to hell was well lit*

*pull a fast one*

Magda's hatchet-balancing act had never been very popular, which is why she'd turned to hatchet fortune-telling for some extra cash. However, people were getting very tired of the "I forsee you having an accident with a hatchett... *CHOP*" thing.

*pretend she was getting tons of applause on the Vaudeville stage.*

Tim absolutely could not believe Quentin had actually sold his ear on Ebay. He believes it was someone on the Dark Shadows Forum who purchased it.

*starts with F and rhymes with Duck.*

*someone put a "Kick Me" sign on his back. "Fine" she thought, "Let him get kicked! See if I care!"*

Happy birthday!

My goodness, we're having lots of June birthday's huh?

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday! Nancy!
« on: June 14, 2009, 02:01:41 AM »
Very Happy birthday, Nancy!

Yup, I remember everything!

The only thing that shocked Barnabas more than the cock crowing too early was knowing that he was going to do ANOTHER appearance on The Mike Douglas Show!!

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