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Messages - mm#7

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I  watched the trailer 3 times. I liked it. The scene with Barnabas and the TV is hysterical. We have to give this a chance. Going back to the 19991 remake, I loved it, several of my than DS friends hated  that also.I look forward to seeing this.I am very willing to give this film a chance.

I like the new stills that are showing up, and that trailer so far looks good. Cannot wait till Thursday. Better yet, May 11.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: March 12, 2012, 07:07:15 AM »
Good Luck Darren. I hope that all your hard work on the restoration of NODS will be a great success. I am really looking forward to it, especially on Blu Ray. Take care.

Thankyou for the link to see the pictures. I like them. I am really hoping that this movie will be enjoyable. We have to give it a chance. Hopefully, there will be a trailer soon. Its less than 10 weeks now till it opens.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:50:16 AM »
Ok Darren,if you feel that we can have a better Blu Ray and DVD of the restored version of Night, and also House, I will step back from my anger and frustration at this and wait a little longer.I really don't have much choice anyway. However, since I have a great love and affection for the original DS, and also the 91 series, I will have to calm down and relax. Forgive me for being so blunt about this. But, we are waiting an awful long time for this. Good luck Darren.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: February 24, 2012, 08:34:59 AM »
This is bad news. We were led to believe that when the depp film was released that House and Night would follow. Now, its AFTER the blu and dvd release of the Depp film. That stinks. Than MPI expects everyone to rush out and buy the series in a box set. Forget this crap. This is the biggest bunch of nonsence that I have heard of. No one  regarding Dark Shadows gets my money ever again.For years, I have brought vhs tapes dvd, books and stuff, no more. Its over.I am disgusted with all the antics that go on.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: February 23, 2012, 07:37:53 AM »
With the New Dark Shadows fim release date getting close. There still is no release news of House and Night.Should we be better of expecting it when the New Film Hits Blu and Dvd, or the movie release date? Thankyou

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
« on: February 04, 2012, 07:33:20 AM »
My sister and I saw a sneak preview on Night of Dark Shadows in Sept, 1971, at the Colony Theater in Jackson Hts Queens where we lived at the time. Yes, it was a little more graphic in the scenes withLara and david, and Kate and David. However, I never have seen those prints again.Not even on the Laser Disc that I still have.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
« on: February 03, 2012, 07:31:23 AM »
I do not quite remmember that. However, regarding Night Of DarkShadows,it was a bit more erotic for its time when I first saw it in 1971. There is a scene where Charles and Angelique are making out, and when Gabriel comes a callin, as Charles moves away, itlooked like he carressed Angeliques breasts, not that I blame him, with his hand.Also, a much rougher scene with Tracy, where he actually grabs her breasts and  his very rough on her.Still looking forward to the imment release of these films toBlu ray and DVD

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:08:37 AM »
Hello, its late thursday morning, and I just onto the site.To Darren Gross, Hi how are you? The print seemed dark to me.Also very bluish. TCM I get on Direct TV, it didn't say whether  they were using a HD print. Or that TCM is broadcasting in HD> I do have a HD TV, and I get HD from Direct TV. I do hope that when House and Night are eventually released, on Blu Ray, that they use a better print.Regarding the sneak preview I saw in Aug 1970. That was so much fun, you could pay to go see it. It was addvertised in the newspapers that day. I took my sister, and so many of the fans that went to the studio were there.To say the least, at that time, it was a thrill ride, and I walked out of there, shaken at the way Barnabas was destroyed. Never had I see a vampire film where he was destroyed so brutally like that.We also got to see Jonathan Frid on Dick Cavett that nite. He did a reading from Richard the 2nd. To see and hear him to Shakespear was something I never sawbefore, and it wonderful.Its a nite I willnever forget. A week later, they did another sneak preview at the Ziegfeld.Unfortunatly we waited till Oct to see it released in NYC. I saw it 4 times. Look forward to the Blu Rays on both films someday. Take care to Darren, and all the DS fans that read this.I have great memories  from this show.I will treasure them always.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: HODS on TCM Tonight (Jan 31)
« on: February 01, 2012, 07:31:49 AM »
Hadn't seen House in a while.Enjoyed it.However, Ihope that when itis released on Blu and DVD, the print is better.Also,some heads were being cut off.I remmember takingmy sister to a sneak preview at the oldDemilletheater  in New York that summer of1970.We had a great time.Hopefully,it will come toDVD and Blu this year.

 [candycanes] Thankyou for a wonderful message for the upcoming holidays that many of us celebrate David. I just finished your book that I purchased at the Brooklyn Fest, and enjoyed it alot.To all my friends from Dark Shadows, no matter what Holiday you celebrate. Enjoy.

I willadmit that those shots of Johnny De pp look somewhat strange, to say the least.But,lets give it a chance.These are the first pictures to come out.The make up is different,but if any of you ever read how Boris Karloff was made up as the monster, he looked blue I believe. It had to be that way  because of the Black and White film. Perhaps that's the way De pp was made up.and it will look different on the screen.

Kathryn,Iamvery sorry to hear about your loss.You havealways  been very friendly tome at allthe DS fests. I  will saysomeprayers foryour husband tonite.Richie L

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: My current medical crisis
« on: April 19, 2011, 04:27:38 AM »
Hi Charles,Iamsorry to hear about the surgery.Pleaseget wellsoon.We hopetoseeyou at the festival.Richie

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