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Messages - Josette


Hope you had a great one!!!

[crowdhappy]  [beer]  [occasion15]  [occasion18]  [band]

Games / Name That Character
« on: July 24, 2007, 07:30:43 AM »
For some reason "Reply" isn't showing up for me here!!  I checked one of the other sections and I can reply there, so it makes no sense to me.

Anyway, I'll start a new one here, and if a Moderator wants to move this to the other thread and delete this part, go ahead!!!

And, I guess I'll start with the same clue as the last one:  This character lived at Collinwood.

[P.S. - when I finished this one, Quote and Reply show up here!!!]

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 23, 2007, 07:47:05 AM »
Amanda Harris?


Hope you had lots of fun!!

[crowdhappy]  [beer]  [band] 

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 22, 2007, 06:34:30 AM »
Was she a member of the family?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: OT - On the Windows CD
« on: July 20, 2007, 07:31:34 AM »
For those who aren't familiar with "The Ring":

Gandalf, who does and says the things referenced here, is a wizard.  The joke refers to a computer wizard.

The ring had a powerful effect on those who had it - one could say it was “precious” to all of them, but Gollum in particular called it “my precious.”

At one point early in the story, Gandalf throws the ring into the fire, partly to learn if it really was the One Ring and also to explain things to Frodo.  Afterwards, it was cool and seemed to be heavier.

An inscription now showed on the previously plain ring, which Frodo could not read.  The next quotes are exact, except for the specifics of the name of the language, etc.  He says that it is the language of Mordor, which he won’t utter here.  The quote is:

One Ring to Rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 19, 2007, 08:00:05 AM »
How about Lady Kitty?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT - On the Windows CD
« on: July 19, 2007, 07:50:43 AM »
Thought MB and presumably others would enjoy this; hopefully you've read or seen Lord of the Rings:

On the Windows CD

Recently one of my friends, a computer wizard, paid me a visit. As we were talking I mentioned that I had recently installed Windows on my PC, I told him how happy I was with this operating system and showed him the Windows CD. Too my astonishment and distress he threw it into my micro-wave oven and turned it on. I was upset because the CD had become precious to me, but he said 'Do not worry, it is unharmed.'

After a few minutes he took the CD out, gave it to me and said 'Take a close look at it.' To my surprise the CD was quite cold and it seemed to have become thicker and heavier than before. At first I could not see anything, but on the inner edge of the central hole I saw an inscription, in lines finer than anything I have ever seen before. The inscription shone piercingly bright, and yet remote, as if out of a great depth:

4F6E65204F5320746F2072756C65207468656D20616C6C2C 204F6E65204F5320746F2066696E64207468656D2C0D0A4F 6E65204F5320746F206272696E67207468656D20616C6C20 616E6420696E20746865206461726B6E6573732062696E64 207468656D

'I cannot read the fiery letters,' I said.

'No,' he said, 'but I can. The letters are Hex, of an ancient mode, but the language is that of Microsoft, which I shall not utter here. But in common English this is what it says"

'One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them, One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them...."

EmeraldRose, I'm so sorry to learn of this.  My deepest sympathy.  The cessation of the "poking and prodding" I'm sure was a good thing, but it must be hard for you.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: Happy Birthday Minja!!!
« on: July 19, 2007, 07:42:38 AM »

Hope you had lots of fun!!

[crowdhappy]  [beer]  [occasion15]  [band]


Hope it was a good one - best wishes!!

[occasion18] [band] [occasion15] [beer]

Games / Re: Name that Character!!
« on: July 18, 2007, 07:39:31 AM »
Was the character employed by the family, such as a governess?

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: July 15, 2007, 07:31:26 AM »
J is for Jean Simmons, the 1991 Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.

But this wasn't some petty revenge. Angelique had to actually make him die before he could become a vampire. I don't think killing the man you claim to love would endear him to you.

However, at the time she cursed him, she thought she was dying, so there was no need to worry about endearing him.  And, once she survived, she tried to cure him, to keep it from happening.  And, in a moment of extreme emotion, one doesn't normally thing too logically.  She had just been shot and thought she was dying, so she lashed out with the curse.


Hope you had a good one!!

[occasion15]  [occasion18]  [band]