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Messages - Daphne

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Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Dark Shadows Forum Logo
« on: May 02, 2002, 02:10:54 AM »
RobinV wrote:

I noticed at work and was itching to say something, but I don't dare--Big Brother is watching, and we're assured anything we write is NOT private.

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *screams hysterically* Noooooo!!!! We're reading that in English.....ahhhhhh ..... Zzzzzzzzz *falls asleep* It's soo boring...or @ least parts of it...ugh

That's just kinda CREEPY, someone is in with the THOUGHT POLICE!!!!!! *dun dun dun* Or the KGB!!! *evil laugh*

*withers away in2 the shadows*

Current Talk '02 I / Re: SIGNATURE SEANCE
« on: April 30, 2002, 04:05:34 AM »
I would summon Daphne [duh] and ask her WHY THE HECK SHE MARRIED BRAMWELL!!!!

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo..... *passes out*

I would invite Carolyn...eeee...and ... umm ... Quentin? Can I do that? LOL and WILLIE and almost everyone but Barnabus. Maggie can even come! OoOoO and I'll make Carolyn and Joe sit next 2 each other and hold hands..... ;) ;) ;) ;) heheheh

~the devious Daphne, from the floor, who is chock-full of pictures and complaints today!! ;D

Birdie wrote:
I don't know I think her co-star in the Rookies was kind of cute.  You know the one with the dark hair.

Michael Ontkeen? He's the only one whose name I know..*hides face* I feel so ashamed!

LOL I'll look it up....which 1? *rolls eyes at self* I'm such a *cheeky grin*  8)


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Counting The Day Til Willy
« on: April 30, 2002, 03:46:21 AM »
How many more days is it?? *bops up and down* I'm excited!!! He comes out of his coma?? Does Barney end up killing him anyway?? Nooooo I don't think I could take that......... :'(  :'( lol


Current Talk '02 I / Re: MOMMIE DEAREST
« on: April 30, 2002, 03:42:13 AM »
Chris_2 wrote:
Second place might be Elizabeth, but she gets points deducted for how squirrely Carolyn turned out, not to mention her self-imposed life sentence of house arrest following the accidental "murder" of her husband, Paul Stoddard.


(You've been warned!)

LMAO!!!!! Squirrely.....*giggles hysterically*Did we ever c Catherine with her baby? I know she was married 2 Morgan and she had *GASP* Bramwell's baby....but....LOL I didn't think we ever saw it *born*

Out of the [few] I've seen, I'd have to say Josette Collins, because she actually put UP with Bramwell, and heeeey she was Melanie's mother, 2! Can't b anything wrong with the fact that she [Melanie] went insane was TOTALLY not her [Josette's] fault, it was STUPID BRUTUS!!! Grrrr.....But I'd hafta say Josette. I never really liked Flora much....JB's char's always seemed 2 stay the same 2 me....they all paced around anxiously and twisted and knotted their hands in2 pretzels and .... ughh  :o drove me nuts! I guess that's why I liked Naomi so much, she seemed kinda different from the normal Bennett char. Rambling again......

Josette Collins [1841PT]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: 1968
« on: April 30, 2002, 03:34:18 AM »
Cassandra wrote:

Hi Daphne! WOW! You're still a "young um!" Hey, I think that's great that you enjoy the show so much! My youngest daughter is 16 and hasn't shown even a slight interest in it. Same goes for my older one as well!  It must be nice watching it for the first time! Sorry though, that you had to read a few spoilers. Most of us will put a "spoiler warning" on our messages, this way when you see that, you can just avoid reading that message. And don't fret about living in the past, believe me, the 60 & 70's weren't all that great. We use to say we wanted to live in the 50's. I guess no one is happy. Just live your life for today and be happy!    

LOL I'm obsessed with almost everything from the 60s and 70s. My friends, parents, relatives, etc..all think I'm insane *shrugs* LOL I don't mind. I try and avoid the spoilers, but the temptation is just toooo much somtimes! I read that Naomi committed suicide like....3 days b4 it happened in this book I have [KLS's Memory Book]. I was soooooo mad!!!  >:( LOL I've gotten some of my friends 2 watch it w me, but mostly they just watch ME watching it, and I'm, of course, bouncing up and down on my bed, screaming at the top of my lungs...."CAROLYN!!!!!! OOOOOOOO!!!! AHHHHHH BARNABUS NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO EVIL!!!!!!! JULIA!!! AHHH!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CAROLYN AND TONY! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee..." LMAO But I made my friend watch NODS and she got sooooo scared @ the end, she started screaming!!! It was sooooo so so funny!!! And I was just like, "OOOO EVIL ANGELIQUE! GRRRRR TAKING QUENTIN AWAY FROM DAPHNE! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..." LOL

that's really kewl, tho, that so many teenagers are in2 it. I like it because it has such a ..... diverse ... story line, lol. LOL, it's also impossible 2 explain 2 someone w/o rambling for like 10 minutes. LOL Not that I need any help in the rambling department, which I'm doing now.....


It was a very enjoyable show, and I remember being very happy for Kate Jackson when I saw her in it, feeling she had hit Hollywood and "arrived."

I'm looking 4ward 2 seeing it!!! I hope they [tvland] do put it in their schedule....Then I'd have CA, DS, SAMK aaaaand the Rookies!!!! OMG!!! All of KJ's shows!!!! *BOUNCES AROUND HAPPILY* THAT'D B SO KEWL!!! Not that I'd have time 2 watch them all, of course, but stiiiillll!!!! I've seen clips of it from various KJ fanpages, but I've never seen the whole thing. And of course, I have pix of it, 2. LOL I found one of Jill, and it was labeled, "Kate Jackson as Jill." And I never knew that the char's name was Jill, and I thought they were talking about Charlie's Angels....and I was like  ?!?  ?!? "No....that's Farrah Fawcett........whaaa?" LOL eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I could go on all day and all night.......*puts her hand over her mouth so she can't type anymore* *excited bounce*


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Monday Makeover!
« on: April 28, 2002, 08:23:54 PM »
It would be quite the Dorothy thing for her to do if she were to point to all of them, one by one, on her return and say...And you, and you, and you were there too!

LMAO!!!! That would be sooo funny! Angelique would be the wicked witch, Joshua would be Tinman....or maybe Barnabus..or even Nathan....ooooooo Nathan......-_- Ben would be the lion.....Millicent would be the scarecrow. Or maybe Peter!! ;) :D And Daniel would bounce around the house singing, "Weeeeee represent the llllllloooollllyyyyyy pop treeeeeeeeeee..." and be the Munchkins...Sarah would help, 2. eeeeeeeee hahahaha that's hilarious!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: 1968
« on: April 28, 2002, 08:16:31 PM »
How long IS it b4 Willie returns?? :D :D I can't wait! I love Willie! My fav John Karlen char would b Desmond tho.... Desmond and Leticia... *goes in2 sappy romantic mode* aaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I never got 2 c the show when it first ran......I wasn't born yet. I'm only 15 now. But I'm LOVING DS anyway! It's so kewl 2 c everything 4 the first time.....altho it's like *everywhere* I look, all these spoilers pop up and I'm like "WELL.....ruined that 4 myself!" But some of it's still a surprise! I love the 60s & 70s tho....I wish I'd lived then! I'm like Vicki.....stuck in the past.....


Robservations / Re: #0459/0460: Robservations 04/26/02: Finale
« on: April 28, 2002, 06:46:11 PM »
The last episode almost made me cry  :'( Vicki isn't my fav char, but it just seemed sooo sad. I wish she hadn't taken the mask/cover/hood thingie, though. I would have loved 2 c what her face looked like......if it was calm and collected, like a this dreadful calm, or if she was panicking or something.....I would have been crying my eyes out, fighting the jailors or something. Anything 2 get away....not that it would help much, but still. I think Peter and Vicki are cuuute *pinches cheeks* That's so sad...."You somehow traveled time and found me, I'll find you again. Remember that, Vicki." AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I was like "*TEAR* THAT'S......SOOOOOOO.....SAAAAAAD!!!! *tear*" The scene with Joshua and Barnabus makes me sad, 2. This whole timeline is sooo depressing!! Millicent is the only funny one, and she's like...........insane! Does anyone realize the death count here is like..15?? SHEESH. I'm sorta glad 2 b going back 2 1968....I mean, I loved this timeline, and even if there's like NOOOOOOOOOOOO NB in 1968, at least people aren't just dropping like flies there, ya know? How sad!!  :'(  Anyway.......more rambling lol


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Blooper Poll
« on: April 28, 2002, 05:32:56 AM »
Daphne, that was Roger Davis playing the part of Dirk Wilkins, during the 1897 storyline. That was a good one!  

LOL well I had the voice right anyway! Kinda scary when you know a show so well you can tell who the ppl are just by their voices......*blissful sigh* Ah, obsession....:D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Blooper Poll
« on: April 27, 2002, 10:02:40 AM »
LMAO.....I love this fav is:

"But tell them that you saw no one here!"
"Oh, that's fine...what am I gonna tell them?"

OMG!! that's like the funniest thing I've ever heard. Who says it, tho? I think one is Peter, but I'm not sure  :-/ But that's my fav blooper :D

Okies, sent....................TY MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

stupid AOL  ::)  >:(

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: OT - for Daphne
« on: April 26, 2002, 11:30:50 PM »
:-/ LOL well I changed my e-mail address and my PW at the same time...thinking that both would save, and i could delete the thingie that I made @ hotmail......and then I guess my PW didn't save....grrrr....and it reset, but I'm thinking the e-mail telling me what it was changed to went 2 my AOL adddress....even tho idk y one would save and not the other....*sigh*

Current Talk '02 I / Re: ditzy millicent
« on: April 26, 2002, 06:14:25 AM »
I remember reading a fan fic story in which Millicent, after Nathan's death and Barnabas coffin imprisonment, gives birth to a child that dies. Poor Joshua is forced to watch the poor, mad girl put through childbirth only to have a dead baby--and then Millicent dies, too.

Where'd u read that FF? My curiosity is peaked now....i wanna read 2!!!

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