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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:What the Heck is CD Tate Going to do Now?
« on: March 28, 2003, 04:21:52 PM »
Maybe CDT has enough talent left to paint himself a personality, LOL!   ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Adam at 6 A.M. *now has screen caps*
« on: March 28, 2003, 04:19:33 PM »
Great screencaps MB - muchos gracias!  Would love to see Grayson in this flick.  And the addition of Dana "Sherrif Patterson" Elcar to the proceedings makes it even more fabulous.

You're right Carol, Michael Douglas really doesn't seem to have changed much from those days - just a tighter and shinier face, LOL!  I'd forgotten what a babe he used to be back then - I had a huge crush on him when I was a kid!   ;D

Very interesting Midnite, thanks for sharing!  Wish I could see the show, although I'm not particularly a fan of Ms. McKechnie's DS character, Amanda.  I've heard she's truly terrific onstage.

For those of you out there who are fans of Lara Parker a/k/a Angelique, she is appearing in an episode of Kolchak the Night Stalker today (28 March, 2003) at 12 Noon EST on the SciFi channel.  The episode is called "The Trevi Collection," and from what I hear LP plays (what else?) a witch! [witch]

Happy viewing!!!

- Cassandra Blair

P.S.  And no, I didn't notice that this had already been mentioned in the 'Galactica' thread earlier, sorry - my bad!  [blshy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Josette's wedding dress
« on: March 26, 2003, 10:10:19 PM »
It certainly looked like the same dress.  Was wondering this myself, and it also occurred to me, wasn't Josette buried in her wedding dress?  If so, isn't it just a tad creepy that the same dress shows up in Kitty's room.  Maybe it isn't the same one, but if it is - yecch!  I don't even want to go there!!!  :-X


Hooray!!! Glad to hear that the surgery went well, that you're feeling better, and that you were able to keep up with Dark Shadows even in the midst of a narcotic haze.

My question is this - did the show make more or less sense in your drug-addled condition?   ::)


Cassandra Blair (who found the show scared her silly while on demerol after wisdom tooth extraction last fall)  [scrdy]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:More reasons to love Quentin
« on: March 22, 2003, 12:19:38 AM »
Julia must've realised (ruefully) how much she and Angelique have in common.  They've both been rejected by Barnabas, and his rejection has done nothing to quell their feelings for him.  They're both passionately committed to what they believe in: Julia to medicine; Angelique to evil.

They both must be used to people taking them for granted because they're women - nobody understands just how much either character can accomplish, what they've had to sacrifice to accomplish these things (and that can be said of women in general, I suppose).  Last but not least - both have done some pretty unconscionable things in the name of love.  Sisters under the skin? ::)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:ShadowGram Update #91
« on: March 21, 2003, 06:39:02 PM »
Oh, I would really LOVE to see that one! I always liked him. I wonder if his son Seth played the kid role.  Was this show on SciFi?

I saw it, CastleBee.  It was shown on UPN and the kid was his daughter (not sure if she's actually Bill Mumy's but she looked like him).  Sadly, it wasn't a very good episode.  :'(

Hey gang,

Mr. Patrick is probably up there in Heaven with Joan Bennett and David Ford singing "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," in celebration of his first St. Patrick's Day in that great house of Collinwood in the sky.

Hope he is having a grand old time up there[beer]

Such a sweet sentiment,  I hope so too!   [angl2]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Dr. Seward?
« on: March 17, 2003, 03:52:28 PM »
I noticed that too, when I was watching my tape of that episode this weekend, Prof. Stokes.  I want to believe that it was an homage.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Curling Up With A "Good" Book
« on: March 17, 2003, 03:46:25 PM »
BTB - Loved the aside about George Hamilton!

Midnite - Where can I find the rest of 'Darn Shadows?'  Would love to see it!

Cass B

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Today's Birthday Nod
« on: March 17, 2003, 02:58:10 PM »
Happy Birthday, Patti!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:They Really Were The GAY Nineties!
« on: March 14, 2003, 11:33:21 PM »
And all I kept thinking was that this ep should have been titled "CD Tate Creates Ray Romano".  [coolbrows]

LOL, Castlebee - I was thinking the same thing!  I guess everybody (on DS) really DOES love Raymond!  ;)

I do see your point though...mostly in the scene between the two guys just before old Raging Bull Tate enters the room. [angryf]

Raging Bull Tate?!?  Stop, my sides are hurting![a1f5] And I see the point too, thought that the scene where Tate's creation touches Tim on the shoulder was kinda sexually suspect.

Whew, Robin! Glad to hear that you're better!  Sounds like you really had it bad.  And it's unsurprising that you had the flu shot this year.  I've never been sicker than the winter I got that darn shot!  I'm pretty sure it caused my thyroiditis!  >:(

Take care, and keep resting  [8371]  We don't want you to have a relapse, or to kill any (more) necessary brain cells!


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Curling Up With A "Good" Book
« on: March 14, 2003, 10:16:02 PM »
BTB - Love your choices for Kitty's night table books, they sound just right for this self-centered character!

And - Catherine Zebra-Johns - LOL!! I'm still trying to recover from that one.  A friend of mine refers to her as Catherine DIVA-Jones, which I like almost as well.  8)

Maybe Lady Hampshire would like to read "Reincarnation, Fact or Fiction?" by eminent psychotherapist Dr. Julia Hoffman.  This book would have been carelessly left at Collinwood by Dr. Hoffman during her trip to 1840, which hasn't actually happened yet.  Confused much?  [confused5]

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