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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Dark Shadows is brought to you today by....
« on: March 10, 2003, 11:12:20 PM »
LMAO,  Ringo you rock!


LOL.  Me too, also words like tired, bored, would appear somewhere in the office, maybe clueing the co-workers on what is going on in my brain.


Current Talk '03 I / Petofi box
« on: March 08, 2003, 03:04:08 AM »
What we do when we have time to waste.  I was picking my daughter up at school today and was about an hour early.  I thought I would pop into the TJ Maxx near her college.  Low and behold a nice box that somewhat resembles Petofi's carring case for his hand.  Before I knew it they were putting it in to a bag and I was parting with a few dollars.   No plans on cutting off anyones hand as yet.  But these kids better watch it when they get into the girl scout cookies.  For now it is in the master bath holding tissues.  We are going to paint that bathroom a Victorian rose should fit in nicely.  Watch out for the falling blade.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:If There Was No Sam Hall on DS
« on: March 07, 2003, 04:55:21 PM »
Thank you for clearifing the remarks.  Actually, even after reading them I didn't take it too seriously.  We all have worked with people who don't become are "good" friends.  Lucky if we make a real friend in the work enviorment.  I have friends who I have thought of at times as acting D.U.M.B. never mind people I work with.  I still care for them.   ;D  No doubt different people have different ideas and different life styles that becoming buddies just does't  blend.

I have worked with people who have become wonderful friends and share great memories.  We still try to get together.  The group I work with now are nice, but young, we just don't have anything besides work in common.  They don't have a clue on what Dark Shadows is and I hate reality TV.

Birdie--I am better today, the only one sad is the dog who has enjoyed my lying around the house.  You know the sci-fi dragon thing that is my dog this week.  In my face.  I miss spell check!  I can't find my dictionary.  Sorry for any spelling errors.  I can't spell for beans.

Current Talk '03 I / More Random thoughts...
« on: March 07, 2003, 03:07:09 AM »
O.K. you all are going to be glad when I am totally back on my feet and not bored to tears hanging around the house letting the dust bunnies take over.

Todays thoughts  run into some of the commericals that I briefly saw while pushing the FF.

Pefofi thought Julia had a short shirt he should see Maggie's.

Real reason he wants to go into the future Viagra, only he will be 30 years to early.  You know that guy who everyone keeps saying something about him is different

I wanted to yell Julia bite that hand it was right in front of her mouth.

Petofi told her he was going to make her very comfortable did he bring the sweat suit and seditives.


Quentin and Amanda---very sugestive--I blush  (Can I meet him in the garden}

Isn't it nice that CDT Knows everything.

Question do any of you let strange man get near enough to touch your face?

I know people hate Amanda but truer words were never said "He needs help".

Julia, Julia, Julia, you let wimp boy push you around.  You could take him easily.  Don't you remember what your mother telling you about the knee

Why would gypsies have American Eagle door knockers?

Still LMAO over the Big picture of Barnabas behind the door.  Than to top in off Petofi strangling himself.

Aristede looked like a Ken doll today-plastic

Why does Petofi keep Aristede around?
Julia asks "sex"?

Thank you Julia we now know that Aristede is not a man?   You got it babe.  But what is he?

Birdie--who is ready to climb the walls and yes we have another six inches of snow.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Mr.Rogers OT
« on: March 06, 2003, 01:59:14 PM »
Thanks for sharing those great photo's with us Bob.  It must have been a Chicago thing.  Like Jennifer I was familar with Rex Trailer and Major Mudd.  Never went on either show, but did get to meet both of them.  If my memory is working correctly they did a guest appearence in Worcester at the Filenes store.
Rex Trailer did this thing were he ran a trip to Ca. in the spring, Boy did I always want to go.  Of course, that was not possible.  Never dreamed in the 60's that I would ever get to Ca. and to '"DISNEYLAND".   Finally, got there in 1985.  It had such a magic for those of us who grew up with the Wonderful World of Disney.  We have been very lucky to be able to take our family to Disney World three times and some other good vacations.
There I go rambling again.


Happy Birthday Bob!  I will have a drink tonight in your honor.
Enjoy, Health, Happiness, and Humor in the year ahead.


Current Talk '03 I / Random thoughts....
« on: March 06, 2003, 03:24:11 AM »
Let me first say, yes I am losing my mind, I am so sick of being sick and will look to anything to amuse myself so here goes.

Things that came into my mind while watching todays episodes

Petofi banging on Quentins door,  When Quentin asked who was it?  All I could think of is Candy Gram.

Pantsy's visison:  I had a dream a dream about you baby it going to come true baby....

Quentin's lame exuse to Beth :  WORK!  ya right

Angelique saying "Everyone gets over it it time."  Ya like you did

Question doesn't everyone have a bottle of poisen laying around with words that say just that?  Also, the gun in her drawer.  That Beth is a fun girl.

Quentin sings to Jameison "What I did for Love"

Barnabas yelling in Julia;s ear always helps.  Is it me or did she look incredibly uncomfortable.  What about loosening the scarf around the neck.  Barnabas is one bad nurse.

Julia---don't you remember Barnabas told you everyone knew his secret in the letter.  Well, at least she had a excuse she was a little out of it.

When Barnabas was saying he would not go back yet.  He must have said No, five times.  Reminds me of an Irish song, "No, Ney, Never, No, Ney, Never no more......."

Hey, Quentin plastic wine glasses aren't easy to break

Quentin decent, normal, himself, something to think about...

Actually, I really enjoyed the episodes today.  It has just been a very long week.

Please excuse any spelling errors.  I mis spell check


Current Talk '03 I / Re:SOUR GRAPES!
« on: March 05, 2003, 01:16:53 PM »
            His friends Uncle plays the lead guitar.  He is the bloud one I think.  They saw them in Hartford in Sept.  Hate to tell you this they got in for $00.  They were back stage before the concert.  Steve Tyler put his arm around Joe.  I guess when they tour again Joe has a good chance of going again. Tell LAFB that my son says they are very cool and very nice.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Ingrate!
« on: March 05, 2003, 12:06:16 AM »
            I think Quentin just knew Edward would not have bought it that Barnabas was helping them.  Edward is a much better DAd than Roger but he has tunnel vision.  He has decided the Barnabas is the worst thing that could happen and the cause of all the trouble.  Quentin knew better than to bang his head against the wall or maybe he should have done that in reality.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Goodbye (almost) to Magda?
« on: March 04, 2003, 11:45:22 PM »
I also will miss Magda.She is my favorite Grayson charactor.  I enjoy her wit.  Also enjoy how she acts with the Barnster.  At times I just want to wack Julia for her blind devotion to him.  Julia lovers don't hate me.  I just can't stand that an intelligent woman would put up with his crap.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:SOUR GRAPES!
« on: March 04, 2003, 11:31:37 PM »
Congrats-LAFB.  The memories are going to be stuff you will talk about forerverFavorite Birdie song is Got a lot of Living.

Carol you are a very cool Mom.  I wish I could have gone to a concert with my gang.  Like Jennifer it has been Disney on Ice.  They are spoiled though we took them to the Radio City Christmas Show and a Broadway show.  My brother in law took us to see the Beach Boys at the Melody tent last Summer at the Cape.  That is a great place to see a concert every seat is good.

Connie when did you see Aerosmith?  My son went last fall.  His friends uncle is in the band.  He is still taking about meeting Steven Tyler.

Cassandra-- I have the same brother in law. hehe.  When we were at the Christmas show he is the only one that would not park in the garage.  He kept running out to put quarters in the metors.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« on: March 03, 2003, 04:28:23 PM »
I have to say I am not crazy about it either.


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Be still my heart.......
« on: March 03, 2003, 04:18:48 PM »
                I was thinking the same thing as you.  Hell, I wish i could find a desk like that in a cellar.  I think the Barnster is still having the affects of the mark Petofi put on his palm.
                  Home sick today.  On my way to visit the DR.  I hate to call in sick.  Curses......I am not a good patient.  Was in NYC yesterday, feeling lousy but hated to be a party poop with my mom and sisters.  Now I pay.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:Mr.Rogers OT
« on: February 28, 2003, 03:08:18 PM »
Mr. Rogers was a wonderful role model for children  Even those who did not enjoy his quiet mannerisms can appreciate his real concern and love for children.  My children watched him but not faithfully,

Myself like Castlebee was a Captain fan.  He was the best.


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