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Messages - victoriawinters

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy Birthday, WileyS!
« on: May 04, 2005, 07:07:55 PM »

Wishing you all the best on your special day.

luv, victoriawinters

Current Talk '05 I / Re: 38 years ago, April 1967
« on: May 04, 2005, 05:54:52 AM »
Been awhile since Ive done one.

Indeed.  You have been overdue!  But, always worth the wait.

luv, victoriawinters

Happy birthday FireRose!  I'm wishing you all the best.

luv, victoriawinters

This just in....

Well, everyone (and here goes to show you why being able to edit posts are a good idea) I only lost by 12 votes.   That's how close these things can be.  I'm not at all sad with this result.  We at least made the Unicorn work for it.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for voting!  Thanks for all your well wishes and support.  And, thanks especially for visiting my site.  But, mostly you all honor me with your friendship and for that I'll always be grateful.

luv, victoriawinters

I wish we could edit our posts.  That would be so ever lovely.  But, be that as it may, perhaps they'll get around to it sooner or later.

Don't worry about it Connie.  I know you meant well and I love you for wanting to help me.   [love2]

However, if every DS fan voted once, I could win the thing but polls are closed now.  Even if I should pull it off, I doubt I'll continue.  I'm really, really tired.  It's time to move onto other things and shamelessly promote something else.  ;)

It could get me into serious trouble.  But, I'm counting on loosing in any event.  The leading site has way too much support.  Catching up 26 behind and then overtaking the leader is just a huge hill in the competition world.

MB, I did ask that the double voting not occur earlier in the thread. 
There is also a contraversery swirling within the competition. There were several instances of what appears to be duplicate votes. This occurs when family members use the same computer or when they are voting from an office behind a router. The same IP address gets logged.

But, I'm sure double voting does happen on a frequent basis.  Voting from home and work.  I'm also sure many competitors also discovered the same trick Connie did.  Not that it makes it right.  I'm just sure it happens.

Any duplicates are going to be tossed out.

And, Connie's right MB we should just kill the tread from her post and go from there.  I just could not really address this earlier as they needed to kill the router at the office.  We are moving accross the bridge to Long Beach.

luv, victoriawinters

I hear no evil, smell no evil and look no evil.  (Will post smily later.  At work.)

Hi everyone!

Today is the last day of voting this week.  As of yesterday, the scores show me 26 votes behind the leader.  It's a tall order to catch up and take a lead but I know DS Fandom is up to the task.  Let's make it a day to remember!

Thanks again to all who voted and will vote.

luv, victoriawinters

So, the vote tally is more normal now.  Apparently, two votes were found to be from the same IP and they were eliminated.  But, hey it's not so bad.  I'm tied.  At least as of yesterday, I'm not behind.

Thanks everyone for voting!

luv, victoriawinters

They are messed up.  I've written the team leader about it.  There is also a contraversery swirling within the competition.  There were several instances of what appears to be duplicate votes.  This occurs when family members use the same computer or when they are voting from an office behind a router.  The same IP address gets logged.

It's a bit unsettling to me since I went from 94 to 2.  But, hopefully it will at least be added correctly later this evening and many of my votes will be restored.  (Cross your fingers.)

In the meanwhile, please still vote and we'll see what will happen later.

Thanks everyone for voting.  It's a really tight race.  Today (04/26), the other top contender and I tied.  This means they are only 9 votes ahead!  That's it.  I have a real fighting chance especially if you vote.

Please help me close this gap and make it 20 votes ahead tomorrow.  Based on previous week's scores, Wednesday is when the scores traditionally dip. Please if you haven't voted yet, please vote.  The voting link is in my signature.

Please be sure you vote during voting hours so your vote is counted.  They are 12AM ET to 10PM ET.

luv, victoriawinters

Thanks hon!

Hi all my friends:

    My Dark Shadows fan site, was invited to compete in the Mystical Realms Website Competition.  I have been competing for five weeks already.  I won the team level competition.  Now I'm in the Championship round.  This is the last round.

    Please vote for me at Alchemist Championship Round.  Voting is from Monday to Friday 12 AM ET to 10 PM ET (10 PM PT to 7 PM PT).  If you are available to do so, please vote everyday.  You will be looking to vote for Victoria Winters.Net.  Fill out your e-mail address and click the "Place Your Vote" button.

    Thank you so much for your friendship and for your support of my website.

While I'm not an attorney duly licensed to practice before the state of California, I have worked for them for over 15 years.  I speak from this experience as well as my legal research certificate from UCLA Extension.  I did find and take a quick breeze through some of the copyright statutes.  So, here goes.

I don't think it matters where the Dark Shadows materials comes from whether it be from a video of a TV recording, a DVD recording, a live TV feed, CD, MP3 file, record, picture from an old magazine, print media or whatever, wherever.  Dan Curtis Productions, Inc. owns the rights to Dark Shadows.  Print media (novels, magazines, books, photographers) also own their works which depicts Dark Shadows, its characters, etc.  They or their agents can choose to exercise those rights under U.S. Copyright law or not to exercise those rights.  It's their decision to do so.  Copyright enforcement can also be applied to fan fiction that is published on the Internet, not just pictures.

Nothing after 1923 is in the public domain.  This is an important fact to remember.  There are a few things that are but it's because they let the renewal lapse.  I don't think DCP, Inc. or its agents are going to let that happen anytime soon.

There is a fair use clause which is unique to U.S. Copyright law.  However, it's complicated and don't think I want to make any blanket statement(s) and say one could do something and then it turns out to be incorrect.  It's best to do your own research with the U.S. Copyright code and make your best decision based on that reading.  It's available on the Internet.

It is a true bummer when one of us appears to be singled out for copyright infringement enforcement.  However, it does appear that the Powers that Be seem to be consistent when it comes to videos and/or video sites.  None of us are safe from a cease and desist request.  How they would ever enforce it with the cap sites is beyond my imagination but they could choose to do so.  I just don't think it would be very cost effective for them to make that choice and cease and desist every one of us in web land. 

Current Talk '05 I / Re: OT-Deceased Actor's Residuals
« on: April 22, 2005, 09:31:23 AM »
A performance whether by movie, electronic, TV, etc. is protected under U.S. Copyright Law.  This right can be sold or transferred by written contract.  Thus, if the performer sold their rights, the heirs would get nothing.  However, if they retained their rights the perfomance law states it expires after 50 years of its release.  It's I believe a different right when it's intellectual copyright like your original composition or a patent.

There is probably also collective bargaining agreements by Actor's Equity, AFTRA and the Screen Actor's Guild.  Those could be different rules from normal statute but is probably not less then the statute.

If I remember to ask, I do know an entertainment attorney so I'll firm this up the next time I see him.