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Messages - Gerard

MB, you're so right about ST:TNG.  It was a new cast, set decades later.  Not that they ignored the original cast.  McCoy, Scotty and Spock appeared in it.  Kirk was in one of the movies.  The question is, can this reboot-or-whatever get any of the the original cast to appear?


I guess it depends on how much the producers/writers stick with the canon. Angelique had cured Barnabas in 1971 (1841).  Back then, he would've been in his forties.  If his character is still alive, he'd be close to 100. What would there be for him to do, other than living in Shady Pines?

Again, call me a pessimist. 


Maybe I'm misunderstanding the article.  Is this another remake or a reboot?  If it's the latter, is it DS 50+ years later/  Who of the characters (based upon the performers) is still alive?  We've got Carolyn, David, Quentin and Maggie (among the main ones - there are other minor ones).  Even Angelique, in some form, would still be alive.  Everyone else has gone to the great beyond.  I forgot, Willie is still alive.

Do they intend to get the original actors/actresses back?  Will they be recast?  Dallas was rebooted with the OC, as was Will and Grace and Roseanne (now The Connors after Ms. Barr did her whoops and got knocked off).

Like I said, I'm a pessimist.  Guess we all need to wait and see.


I've tried, several times, to get through SP several times (it's all on-line).  I tried my best.  Never made it.  I'm grumpy today.


I'm not holding my breath.  We fans have all been there, done that with "revivals."  And, in the end, nothing happens.  Call me a pessimist. 


Liz:  "Sorry Ms, Winters, but you'll spend that time dealing with this child, while taking advanced classes on your own time and at your own expense." 

OK, enough of the "political" stuff. 

Bob, it's not just a sealed pack, but a sealed case.  Twenty packs of WWII LS's.  Maybe I could retire.

P.S.  For DS fans from our generation, do you remember:  "Run a little faster, jump a little higher with Red Ball Jets."  And:  "Who walks down stairs without a care and makes s sliinkity sound?  A spring..."  Those ads appeared on DS. 

Vicki (thinking):  "You'd think they'd at least, on a long train ride like this, to offer one free double-martini.  I hope when I get to Collinwood that there's someone there who enjoys libations like I do."


Liz:  "You'll take your own luggage upstairs, keep you own room clean, pay for your own supplies and deal with an unruly child.  It's not much different from being a public school teacher for which you were educated."


Elizabeth:  "For god's sake, Roger, we'll talk about it later.  Miss Winters will be here any minute.  Go put the vacuum cleaner away....And this time role up the electric cord."


Vicki:  "I'm starting to think I should've taken the position at that girls reformatory school.  At least I'd get hospitalization and a pension."


Woman:  "Well, I'm on my way to San Francisco to live with a woman named Phyllis.  She just moved there from Minneapolis.  Two of her borders, a Rhoda and a Mary, moved out of her home so she decided to pick up stakes.  I wonder what I'm getting myself into."

P.S.  RIP Rhoda (Valarie Harper)

Ironically, Bob, several of the Brady kids did, too, at the same time.  It started - another irony - while filming an anti-smoking episode.  Greg had to be caught trying a ciggie.  He then became addicted, and his "siblings" did occasional puffs off-set and in hiding. 

When I lived in another city on the west coast, a place I was going to move into was being gutted and remodeled from basement to ceiling the the four walls.  Floor boards and dropped ceiling has be be removed and replaced.  Under the floor of one of the bedrooms was the "insulation:"  old newspapers rolled up and other sundry flammible things, but among them was a complete carton of Lucky Strikes, unopened, from WWII.  It had the patriotic motto printed on it:  "Lucky Strikes Green has Gone to War."  The green circle had been removed.  Knowing it was somewhat of a historical item, I've kept it.  Maybe I can put it up for sale and ask $3,000.


Maggie:  "My name's Eve.  Eve Arden.  At least for the next couple weeks."


Here we go, bob:  "What do you want?  Good grammar or good taste?  Winston tastes good like a (clap, clap), cigarette should!"

"You've come a long way, baby!  You've got your own cigarette now, baby!  You've come a long, long way!"

"Come to Marlboro county."

I think Matthew was the biggest DS smoker.  He kept getting David to pilfer them off of Mrs. Johnson.
