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Messages - CallieWL

Hmm.... pee with pants off good.  Pee with pants on bad!!!"

Maggie was stunned to receive a phone call in Sam's hospital room from:

 - Adam.

 - her mother, asking when was Sam expected to join her.

Barnabas was wondering how he was going to get through yet another upsetting, deeply disturbing crisis that was troubling him: how to get rid of the mold growing in his coffin.

... had accidentally given Josette's music box away to charity.

Gee, Magnus, this time I nearly spewed my yogurt!
Hilarious captions all around! [clap]

... Woodard accused him of being gay.

(No offense intended to anyone!!)

It made me think of Star Trek where someone goes in and out of "phase" occasionally.

And for the obvious....

... blood doners ...

Stokes was completely dumbfounded after Julia told him she was really a man.

Barnabas felt Dr. Hoffman had gone much too far when right there in front of him as if he wasn't even there, she began praying that Willie would finally get a working toilet installed in the Old House.

That post was made exactly two years ago...

How weird is that!  I didn't even notice the date, I just knew it had been a while.

That's Isaac Collins.  I myself have never seen it happen, but Mother says that on moonlit nights he comes down from his portrait and tries to drink Roger's brandy.

"... Arnold Schwarzenegger is his new role as 'The Flabbergaster'!"

 [laughing4]I about spewed my tea when I read this!

After meeting Sarah, David couldn't wait to show off that Carolyn had just taught him the latest dance craze that was sweeping the entire Collinsport area - the Time Warp, where you really warp in and out of time.

Vicki was stunned into silence when Liz blurted out the scandalous truth that Jason McGuire was her father.