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Messages - Gerard

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:DS/Barnabas Collins Game
« on: May 26, 2004, 12:06:21 PM »
Did we ever, Vlad!  Those were the days of because-I-said-so.  Ninety percent of what I wanted I never got.  Even that one time of the year when I took it to a higher authority - Santa Claus - I still got screwed.  I remember one Christmas when I really pouted because the jolly old elf didn't come through with my list of gimmees.  My mom responded with:  "Do you think Baby Jesus would've asked for that stuff?"  For some reason, that quieted me down.  I don't know why, but there's no going up against a mother's logic.

I may not have gotten all the Dark Shadows goodies that lined the shelves of toy stores, but I did win the major battle of being able to watch the show, and I was up against a determined mother who did not want me watching that "spooky crap", plus it was on opposite Art Linkletter.  After Lawrence Welk, that man held the hearts of every housewife-mother in the heartland.  I'm still amazed to this day that I won that one.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:DS/Barnabas Collins Game
« on: May 26, 2004, 03:17:01 AM »
I never had the game as a child myself.  I wanted it, but my mother refused to get it for me.  I did get the comic books (and eventually the Marilyn Ross novels) with my owned saved pennies, but the game was out of my price range.  It probably cost a whole whopping five dollars .  Well, I guess that was a lotta money back then.  I remember, a couple years earlier, that I wanted the Lost-In-Space ray-gun toy set.  It came with two "guns" - a pistol and a rifle, and its "laser beams" were these whirly things that you wound onto the guns and then went spinning in the air when you fired them.  I beg, pleased, cajoled, cried and otherwise tormented my parents into getting it for me.  At the store, it cost a whopping $5.95.  My dad sighed and said:  "If we get this for you, this is the last thing you get until Christmas."  The toy gun set lasted for about a month until I broke the spring-work inside the doohickey which shot off the whirly "laser beams" by winding it too tight.  So maybe it's good I didn't get the Dark Shadows/Barnabas Collins Milton Bradley game back then.  I woulda made shambles of it in record time.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:1966 Season
« on: May 25, 2004, 12:13:42 PM »
hey gang......does anyone recall the 1st season gaff where mitch ryan as burke goes blank on one of his lines and just tells another one of the characters to take it from he walks off the set.......i think it is at the cannery and some character named amos is left to recite ryans line........i am going over the vhs versions from mpi, and i cant seem to locate it.......any help would be appreciated.......btw.....vid caps and wav files from season one are posted on yahoo groups/ds......for all to share

Was that the scene with Dolph Sweet, the guy from Gimmee A Break?


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:DS/Barnabas Collins Game
« on: May 24, 2004, 12:06:51 PM »
I had that game and could almost swear that it had the upper and lower fangs.  I wonder if they made different versions of it.

So maybe there's a slight chance that these fangs I've got might be the real thing!  I guess it's just wishful thinking.  But just to make sure, I'm gonna use my Milton Bradley Dark Shadows I-Ching wands and see if I can go back in time just to check and make sure.

Gerard (Who Also Loved, As A Kid, To Play With His Dark Shadows Adam And Eve Monster Kit Which Was Put Out By Parker Bros. Instead Of Milton Bradley, Remembering His Mother Saying "Will You Put That Game Away And Stop Digging Up Corpses And Dragging Them Home Already?")

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re:DS/Barnabas Collins Game
« on: May 23, 2004, 08:48:23 PM »
Ah, rats, mice and fleas!  Well, maybe I can chop the lowers off and stick the uppers in the box and then try and pawn the whole thing off on some unsuspecting pigeon - I mean collector!

P.S.  Actually, even sans fangs, I'd never give that game away.  I'll be buried with it, and if any collector wants it, he'll hafta wait 170 years and break into my coffin to get it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / DS/Barnabas Collins Game
« on: May 23, 2004, 08:36:53 PM »
I have the Dark Shadows/Barnabas Collins Milton Bradley game, discovered a few years ago at a flea market, in very good condition, the only thing missing were the fangs.  Well, this past week, while doing some much-needed going-through-stuff-why-on-earth-was-I-keeping-this-out-it-goes cleaning, I found a pair of fangs I had forgotten I even had.  I then remembered, that many, many years ago a friend gave them to me, saying that they were from the DS game she had as a kid.  The question is, are they?  They are both upper and lower, connected at the "jaw".  Does anyone else have the game and know what the fangs looked like?  Does this sound like them?


Current Talk '04 I / Re:1966 Season
« on: May 23, 2004, 01:42:48 PM »
I watched the earliest episodes when they first aired, which was quite an accomplishment for a nine-year-old to do, especially considering that there really wasn't anything "spooky" for the first few months (other than the intimating about ghosts and such in true gothic fashion).  But the eerie music and the cobwebs had my interest going.  I didn't see every episode; our local affiliate originally aired it in the morning, at eleven o'clock, so it must've done the delayed broadcast thing until it eventually switched it to the regular afternoon airing.  The whole David-trying-to-snuff-his-old-man thing intrigued me.  I would "play" that story, using one of those old hotel-room key tabs which use to have the "Drop-In-Any-Mailbox" words engraved on them as the substitute for the thingamajobber that wicked David took out of his pop's car in order to make it crash.  I'd hide in the bushes, on top of the clothes-line stand, anywhere, and then have "Vicki" try to find it.  But, of course, I use to play Will Robinson, too; that must've been a real boring summer.


OT --

For what it's worth, Victoria, I absolutely loved Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain.  They brought back the incredibly sly humor of the Warner Bros. classic cartoons from its golden age, incorporating the absolutely hysterical (and often-times wonderfully "racey" between-the-lines "adult" tweaks that would have me rolling on the floor) wittiness that makes comedy great.  It must be so hard for your step-son's mom not to have her talent appreciated by the "shirts".  It might not be a consolation to her as she tries to find an avenue for her rare abilities, but let her know anyway that she has at least one more fan (me) who's thankful for the hours of laughter she has given.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:DS & Musical Score
« on: May 17, 2004, 11:55:56 AM »
When I was working at an art museum, we were having a small "chamber"-type orchestra provide background music for a show's opening.  They had set up their instruments the evening previous, and among them was a theremin.  When the place closed for the night, we on the staff probably stayed for over an hour just playing with that thing.  It's addictive!


« on: May 17, 2004, 11:50:17 AM »
Ve haf vays of making you tahk, Darren!

By the way, does anyone remember that hysterical skit on The Carol Burnette Show where Harvey Corman played a captured American soldier during WWII and I believe it was Tim Conway who played the Nazi interrogator?  Tim Conway (if it was him) placed a Hitler puppet on his hand and began to tap Harvey Corman on the head with a pencil held in the hand puppet.  It was a riot - not only was the audience cracking up, but the two actors kept laughing as well at the sight of that Hitler hand puppet holding the pencil.  I keep hoping to catch the skit on the Carol Burnette reruns on TV Land.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dates
« on: May 15, 2004, 01:33:59 PM »
Maybe I'm suffering from DSFMS (Dark Shadows Faulty Memory Syndrome), but didn't they also use an exact date for when Laura was going to heat things up, and take David with her, on the anniversary of when she took her earlier brood back in the 18th century?


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Dates
« on: May 13, 2004, 02:05:25 AM »
Elizabeth's exact birthdate was shown in the family Bible during the storyline of when Jason blackmailed her into marrying him; she was contemplating suicide and was going to write in her death date.  I don't remember the exact date of her birth, but the year was 1917.


« on: May 12, 2004, 10:05:43 PM »
I read something that was rather disheartening today.  Maybe it was even mentioned already.  During my lunch break at work, I killed time by doing some web-surfing and came upon the message board of a "Save Angel" site.  Some of the things that were said; holy freholey.  If those Angel fans are Baby Jane Hudson, we DS fans are Blanche - get ready to be fed dead parakeets and rats.  Not only were they relishing in the possibility that the new DS might not make it, but they announced that they will see to it that it will never see the light of day, just out of vindictiveness of losing their favorite show.  Some have called for a boycott of WB if it airs the new DS, and also writing to any sponsors of the show should it air and declaring a boycott of their products and services if they advertise on DS.  And those were some of the nice things they said.  I've never seen such nastiness.

But to cheer things up a bit, the school I worked at today had what was called a "Tea Party" for the little kids who are "Pen Pals" with local seniors who serve as their Pen-Pal Grandparents.  The place was full of the little ones who proudly took their adoptive grandma's and grandpa's on tours, did arts-and-crafts projects with them (I helped out in that area), entertained them with song, and topped it off with cookies and "tea" (actually milk); they were just beaming, and the "grandma's" and "grandpa's" were equally thrilled by their pen-pal charges.  It made me feel better after reading that awful stuff on that Angel website.


Current Talk '04 I / Re:Willie Loomis' Girlfriend
« on: May 12, 2004, 11:55:40 AM »
I always pretended that Willie's unseen Roxanne was actually the Normal Time version of the Parallel Time Roxanne.  But how can this be, you ask, if the NT Roxanne actually turned out to be a youknowhat?  Well, let me explain.  You see, she didn't start off as a youknowhat because the post-PT story which begins in 1995 and is linked to 1840 hadn't happened yet, so Barnabas wouldn't've gone back to 1840 in which case the 1840 Roxanne wouldn't've been, well, you-know-what, so therefore until that point the 1840 Roxanne would've settled down with somebody nice and had kids who down the line would've eventually produced the NT Roxanne who wasn't a youknowhat, so, in this case........Oh, never mind.  Willie's Roxanne was a blue-haired waitress at Big Wally's Eats in Portland, Maine where she was putting herself through beauty school.  Let's just let it go at that.


« on: May 11, 2004, 11:07:20 PM »
The Frog appeared in a Warner Bros. classic cartoon from the 1950's; it had only one appearance, but the cartoon is one of the most hysterically funniest produced by the studio.  A man finds a box contained within the cornerstone of a building being demolished and discovers inside a frog which is highly talented:  it sings and dances like the male star of a Busby Berkely musical, top hat, cane and all.  The problem is, it'll only do that when the it's alone with the man.  Nevertheless, the man decides this is his golden moment to become wealthy and spends everything he has to put the Frog in a theatrical spectacular.  But - alas - as before, the Frog stops singing and dancing its heart out the moment the curtain opens.  Eventually, the man (with the Frog) is sent to a looney bin, and upon release he has had enough of the Frog and encases it in the cornerstone of the new building going up on the site of the demolished one.  Way in the distant future, that skyscraper is now being destroyed and another man discovers the Frog inside the time capsule, the amphibian again going into song and dance, so the futuristic man sneaks off with it with dreams of becoming wealthy.
