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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How long before Q talks?
« on: September 16, 2002, 06:19:39 AM »

When I was a kid, I thought Quentin wasn't scary anymore once he started talking, lol!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Remembering Craig Slocum
« on: September 16, 2002, 05:59:32 AM »

Cassandra, you are lucky your daughters are grown. I wish I had mine 10 years ago, don't have the energy to keep up with her!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm going out on a limb here,
« on: September 16, 2002, 05:46:53 AM »
Sorry, I happen to enjoy burgers more...

Well, now that we are really on the subject of food, we had a barbecue here at my house yesterday, barbecued filet mignon. It was good! Better than any burger.


I will check back again later!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: heavy sigh....pant...sigh
« on: September 16, 2002, 05:15:04 AM »
She's a personal favorite of mine too


I think I remember her from when I was a kid. Isn't she the one who was sitting in the chair in Quentin's room, with a crazy look on her face, big eyes staring, then she came after Quentin? She was also in a coffin in the drawing room. She was scary!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Please forgive this OT Post.
« on: September 16, 2002, 03:59:34 AM »
Sarah, my prayers are with you and I hope that everything will turn out good.

Same here Sarah! You will be missed.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DS DEMON DARLINGS
« on: September 16, 2002, 03:54:23 AM »
I vote for David Collins. Trying to kill his father was pretty bad! He belongs in the state youth authority prison, for attempted murder. He himself said he could have refused and not have done it.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Collinwood Illuminated!
« on: September 16, 2002, 03:38:13 AM »

Neat photo Bob, thanks for posting it! Never saw one like that before.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Josette!
« on: September 15, 2002, 08:37:04 PM »

Happy Birthday Josette! Now, make a wish and blow out those candles.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Tan shoes in December
« on: September 15, 2002, 08:33:31 PM »

Was that the blue one Cheryl?

Yes, and I agree, it did look good on him!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Remembering Craig Slocum
« on: September 15, 2002, 08:34:15 AM »
Thanks for the warning!

You're welcome! I am trying to lose 50 pounds and let me tell you it is not easy! I never had a problem with losing weight until I became a Mom. When I was by myself, I didn't have to cook and bake, and buy all kinds of snacks, help!!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: CONNECTIONS BEYOND
« on: September 15, 2002, 08:17:24 AM »
I am trying to get answers. I keep asking and searching as much as I can. There is no bio available on Craig Slocum. I only have his personal information like address, phone number, height, weight, etc., things like that, and I have his credits. I really would like to know more about him. The only clue I have about his family, is that he has a sister who lives back east. I have requested that she be contacted. Hopefully somebody knows where she is. Trying to get info on Craig, is not an easy task. If anyone knows more, please let me know!  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm going out on a limb here,
« on: September 15, 2002, 07:35:56 AM »
Yeah but what a piece of wood!

No, he's hamburger. Why settle for hamburger when you can have filet mignon, Craig Slocum!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Mature WOMAN Question
« on: September 15, 2002, 07:23:18 AM »
now I'd like to ask the WOMEN who were around 11-15 during orig. run...

It's nice to be so young. I wasn't 11 until 1975.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: "Return to Collinwood"
« on: September 15, 2002, 07:07:21 AM »
That skeleton was pretty creepy looking --

Whomever that skeleton belonged to ... assuming it was someone who was walled up in that room ... couldn't they have gotten out a window?  That wall didn't seem too sturdy either!

The skeleton looked better without the wig! I assumed the person had died, and was left there. Somebody went through a lot of trouble to obliterate them with that unsturdy wall.