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Messages - Pansity

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: March 23, 2009, 02:35:53 AM »
This is beginning to sound complicated ... I know that at least one of the movies I want is available on a Region 2 disc, and in the past I somehow was able to break the encryption on another one of these. No major retailer will sell a region free DVD player, so what other option is there?

Also, on occasion I've taken a chance on purchasing a DVD identified as being Region 2, and found it was actually Region 0. This was the case with "Witchfinder General." (As an aside, "Witchfinder General" was later released in the US as a Region 1 disc.)

They may not TELL you they're selling a regionless machine, but you can find hack codes for most machines made by a major manufacturer.  I have two players, both Phillips, and it was a matter of less than 5 minutes on google to find and enter the codes to make both region free. My suggestion would be scope out the models you want, then see if you can get codes.  Buy whichever one you find the codes for.   I had the same problem with something only on region two, that's how I found out I could get the codes.


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0724
« on: March 23, 2009, 02:26:25 AM »
OK, here we go. Barnabas as a numbers runner.   [pimp]

Then again it would  be a form of time travel he hasn't tried before.  Think he knows what a polar bear is?


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Levithins Are The Best Time Period!!!
« on: March 23, 2009, 02:21:27 AM »
Apparently doing ones own computer upgrades doesn't count for much because I do all mine as well, yet my score has barely changed from what it was in 2004 - and that's with me having a computer that never seems to have its cover on AND using Linux AND being a devoted DS and Buffy fan.  [easter_wink]

40.23669 has to be a forum high - at least among the people who were willing to share their results. I have NO idea how you were able to reach that level. You must walk around dressed as a Star Wars/Star Trek character 24/7 while also wearing a pair of glasses that are taped to hold together while also wearing a pocket protector filled with four color pens while also reading a comic book in one hand and playing a video game in the other while only speaking in Klingon.  [easter_shocked]  [easter_grin]

We need to work on developing your inner geek.   [easter_grin].  All kidding aside, the way those questions were skewed, it looked like they were concentrating on multiple interests across the geek scale to get the grades.   They also included stuff like an interest in history and reading as well as the stereotypical math and science.  Add all of the above, sounds like the typical science fiction fan to me. With a lot of people in DS fandom (but way way WAY less so on this board) my impression is that it's their one and only exposure to fandom, and a lot of them don't come in with the wide range of interests that's typical in science fiction and media fandom in general.  My interests are all over the map, even before I found fandom in 1975. Like most people,I don't ever lose interest in a specific fandom,  just keep accumulating more new ones along the way.  Maybe you need a few new fandoms to boost your measurable geekiness, if not your copious spare time.  [easter_evil]

Nah, don't dress that way.  (Sorry, Dom, you'll have to work harder than that.) I wear the usual fannish uniform of t shirts and jeans at cons. I do have some professionally done ears somewhere, and a set of theatrical custom molded fangs (lovely thing about a Science Fiction con is that you get cool panels by folks like makeup artists, where you can learn to do stuff like that).  Only wore them for Halloween Fundraisers at my job, though.

Maybe the other high level geeks are just trying not to be noticed. In the mundane world smart, creative and different gets you picked on.  Some people haven't yet tumbled to the fact that smart and well informed is FUN and a lack of knowledge and curiosity is boring.   


Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT The death of VHS
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:48:11 PM »
This has been a VERY useful and informative thread.

I've been considering a dvd recorder for some time, but would want a dual deck so I can put some of my old and irreplaceable off the air stuff on DVD before something happens to the tapes.  When I started researching, the choice seemed to get more and more complicated, as some  apparently don't have the capacity to record off the  internal VHS, or don't make it clear if they can.  Given that's my whole reason for wanting a dual deck, I want to know more before I make any investment.

Does anyone currently have one, or have any recommendations (or brands or models to stay away from)? The ones I've seen seem to be in about the $300 range, so I've been procrastinating on anything more than research.



Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Prayer for my family.
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:27:08 PM »
Terribly sorry about your Uncle Bill.  It's clear you were very close.  Please know that everyone's thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  [easter_cry]


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Levithins Are The Best Time Period!!!
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:01:20 PM »
Though that is no reason to completely abandon Linux. A real Linux user would never abandon Linux - they would only use Windows when it was absolutely necessary for work and use Linux for everything else. Also, I've read that the new Citrix Clients for Linux actually get better performance than the Windows ones.

Maybe you should take the Geek Test in this topic to see how much of a geek you really are.
OT-The Geek Test
I'm having my doubts...  ;)

You're having waay too much fun, aren't you?  [easter_grin]

As to the Citrix clients, out of my control at work. I don't work in IT, and they're wedded to the existing standard, which is Windows and Office. I even have to use Explorer to do the remote access, as our Citrix client won't recognize any other browser (IT even had to send an email around about this when they upgraded the client.)

Had this laptop about a year, and it also came with Windows and Office 07, so I haven't spent the time to make it a dual boot at this point.  Relearning all the UNNECESSARY and cumbersome changes in Office is enough of a timesink right now.

But on the geekiness front, does doing all my own computer upgrades (hard drives, configuring, memory, and internal peripherals) count?  I also remember how to assign and force reassignment of com ports on modems......

Oh and I took the geek test. I have a vague memory of a version of that going around SW fandom a good while back.  LOL Probably back when the GEnie service still existed.   My score this time was 40.23669....... [easter_wink]


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0724
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:15:12 PM »
Thanks for the info on concrete, Midnight. So they got it right.  I always find it interesting that they get odd facts like that right, but drop the ball on character and plot consistancies. 

Lydia has a great point about Jeremiah -- he doesn't seem to me to be the type to write in full detail to make sure Barnabas knew ALL the details about a dezombifying ritual.  He seems too average and down to earth to be interested in such things.  Once again we get hints about a Barnabas who was interested in the occult, when we're shown no indication of this in 1795. 

Agreed about Selby's zombie turn. The degree to which he keeps his eyes open without blinking makes MINE hurt.  I think that's why I noticed that bit when the camera moved in on him.  The rest of the time he'd had the zombie goggle eyes bit from the second he was on camera.

Headstones would be a great addition to the Prop project.  I even spotted a DS prop in the most unexpected place when I was  in DC, but keep forgetting to make a topic about it.

And  [rofl10] on that being the ONLY trunk in the attic! 


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Dark Shadows: the First Year?
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:55:57 AM »
I think I might have at least partly answered this elsewhere. To the best of my knowledge all the Concordances are in print.  She also has scattered issues of WODS still in print.  I know her email is publically avaliable in print media, but I'm just not comfortable posting it in a public forum.  If you don't have it and need it please PM me and I will send it to you.

 I've managed to put together an almost complete collection of WODS and a complete set of Concordances since getting into this fandom in 2002.  Many I picked up from Kathy at Fests; however, I've made out well getting out of print zines on ebay. 


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Levithins Are The Best Time Period!!!
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:45:57 AM »
But do you use Linux? If not, then you're a mere pretender!  [undg]

At the time I had a laptop I had configured to a dual boot windows/linux. [easter_wink] Does that make me a half geek?  Or half A geek?  Or do I bite heads off of HALF CHICKENS? 

But no longer.  Now I have to be able to get into the Citrix network at work via my home computer, and it does NOT like Linux.  [easter_sad]


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:39:08 AM »
I'd rather count werewolves.....

Jeannie [easter_grin]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0711
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:27:18 AM »
 [laughing6]  Thanks so much for the mental image of Alan Ladd as Nicholas Blair!  [easter_evil]


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« on: March 22, 2009, 03:21:39 AM »
Kathy wasn't at the last fest, so there was minimal stuff for sale. But every one before that,(I've been going since 2003) she's had most of her stuff, including all the Concordances.  So, this says she still has copies of most if not all of the novels, and a few back issues of WODS.

You could drop her an email and see how she handles mail orders these days.  There isn't a zine publisher in the world doesn't want to sell stuff if they have it in print to offer. [easter_wink] [easter_cheesy]

FYI I have and have read Beginnings. It's well on a par with pro fiction (and like most zine quality fanfiction, better than a lot of media tie ins I could name).  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Current Talk '09 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0722
« on: March 22, 2009, 02:44:37 AM »
We're not seeing any particular sign of nerves in Judith, despite that fact that she knows that it was Jenny, not a sailor, who killed Quentin, and that Jenny is living in the same house.  I always think of Edward as being the sibling who is most protective of the good Collins name, but Judith is giving him a run for his money.  If Jenny isn't sent away, she could end up killing everybody in the house, one by one - saving Judith for last, maybe, because apparently Jenny particularly hates Judith - but Judith wouldn't dream of sending Jenny off to a mental asylum where she would air all the Collins dirty linen in front of dozens of fellow lunatics.

This is an excellent point, considering that Judith just missed being a victim herself.  I'm thinking Judith is one of those people who believes what is most convenient to believe.  It's not convenient to think that Jenny is dangerous enough to need an institution; therefore Judith has convinced herself somehow that Jenny can be contained (and has she thought forward to how many years that would need to be?  Jenny's only 28.) and Quentin's death will make her manageable.  It's not convenient to believe that Jenny would really have killed her, so Judith has managed to make it something minor that an ex ladies maid can manage.

Explains a lot about her later interactions with Trask -- and how she manages to miss a number of warning signs.


Thanks Ms.C.  It's very good news that the play is already slated to be performed again.  The script is just too GOOD to only be done the once.

I was rereading Mr. Sill's comments on the Ford's Theater site lately.  That page is a running commentary he kept during the writing of the play.  It was interesting that all the things he was stressing over -- doing justice to Lincoln, points he wanted to bring out, the fact that he wanted a multidimensional PERSON not an icon -- were indeed the strengths of the piece.  I'd recommend these comments to anyone interested in the process of writing.

I'd like to think that this new production means that the play will be published for sale. (Looking into this always seems to slide down my to do list.) I know a lot of people who would have loved to have seen it, but geography and other factors prevented it.  The ideal would be to see it performed, even if not by the spectacular ensemble who created the production at Ford's. But, if that's not possible, reading and imagination can be wonderful things.  If you can't SEE a play, you can  almost always READ it.


Current Talk '06 I / Re: The Levithins Are The Best Time Period!!!
« on: March 22, 2009, 01:50:05 AM »
I have a shirt that says "and the geeks shall inherit the earth"  (with the linux penguin on it  [easter_grin])

But what a string of comments to hit after seeing the Wild West Tech episode on geek shows (part of the 19th C freak shows, where a "wildman"  bit the head off a chicken or bat).  Who knew Ozzie Osbourne was a geek?
 [easter_shocked] [easter_wink] [easter_grin]


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