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Messages - adamsgirl

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Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:55:11 PM »
Okay, if Nancy supplies the booze, I'll do the food -- does everyone like Italian? LOL!

A very happy natal day to you, PennyDreadful!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1795 Part Deux
« on: January 12, 2007, 08:12:52 PM »
1795 is probably my favorite storyline. As for [spoiler]Angelique getting strangled, at that point, I thought she deserved it, even as a kid watching for the first time. Of course, it takes a lot for a witch to TRULY be dead, so Angelique came back, thank goodness![/spoiler]

I, too, never thought about the Tim Shaw connection, but it sure is a parallel!

Oh my! I got such a kick out of that! I must say, he's got a wicked sense of humor! And, might I ask, that pic on the extreme right-hand of the page -- that's Jonathan, right? I"m swooning!

While Thayer David was an "adviser" to Apollo Creed in the very first "Rocky" movie, he didn't do much. What a waste of that man's talents! I haven't seen this latest film, although I'm a "Rocky" fan, I am disappointed about this. Of course, those are just my "DS" sentiments showing!

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: January 11, 2007, 03:54:20 PM »
I agree with what someone said about Angelique. I think she was his one true love, which he finally admitted to in 1840. I always believed his oft-spoken "love" for Josette was something he made himself believe. Theirs was not a true love match, IMO. It was a business alliance between two powerful shipping families. In fact, that was alluded to:
[spoiler]when Andre and Joshua were discussing it in the drawing room of the Old House, they mentioned how beneficial this marriage between their two children would be to their financial holdings.[/spoiler]

As proof, how about when Angelique first came to Collinwood? Barnabas kept trying to put her off, yet ...
[spoiler]when he went to her room, he couldn't resist her and kissed her passionately.[/spoiler]

Some may say that was lust, but I believe it really was love. And after all was said and done, no matter what Angelique did, he always needed her.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 11, 2007, 03:36:38 PM »
If you ever see that kind of behavior where someone is harrassing another person in that manner, please seek out a volunteer or security volunteer and tell them.  People have been tossed out for that kind of behavior.

Oh, you can bet I will. As it was, though, I was waiting to go onstage. These jerks were sitting right in the first row. I felt sure that perhaps Marcy would say something, but she didn't. Then again, that thing is such a bear to coordinate, I can understand why she might not have addressed it at the time. To tell you the truth, I almost said something to them myself. I thought better of it since confronting drunks is never a good idea, and it wasn't my place anyway. However, in the future, if the fests continue and I see something like that, well, now I know what to do.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 11, 2007, 04:21:18 AM »
Brandon, I think you will be fine on stage.  Everyone is nervous the first few times on stage (some professional performers never lose be nervous) but you only have to remember that the audience can't wait to see what you are going to do.  They want to see you do well and are very encouraging.  The DS fan audiences are really very supportive of fan performers.

That's so true, Nancy. When the costume gala is being performed, the audience realizes people are putting themselves out there, and they truly do appreciate it. There was only one time I thought people were being really rude to a guy who was doing something in a gala. It seems this man does the same thing every year, and the people who were laughing at him were pointing that out. HOWEVER, it should be noted that they were drunk and obnoxious. They had carried their drinks in with them from the bar. Obviously, they were pretty tanked up. The guy they were making fun of, much to my disgust, was handicapped. How rude is that? Fortunately, at the two fests after that one, I never saw those people again. Good riddance! And that is NOT the norm. I find the audiences to be supportive, warm and very encouraging.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Which is dumber?
« on: January 10, 2007, 08:18:03 PM »
Given the paranoia of the time, I'd say both are equally dumb. But, if you want to talk dumb, how about Vicki and her big mouth in 1795? It seems she implicated herself more and more, despite her innocence to the charges.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: More 1795 questions.
« on: January 10, 2007, 05:35:56 PM »
What always killed me was, shortly after Barnabas was resurrected by Willie and appeared at Collinwood as their English "cousin," there was a scene with him, Carolyn and Vicki. A storm was raging, and the power was out at Collinwood. The girls were alone. Barnabas scared the bejeebers out of them by appearing at the drawing room doors. Of course, they were relieved to see it was just Barnabas when he walked in. He then proceeded to tell them the "story" of Josette Collins -- how she had come to Collinsport from Martinique as the bride of Jerimiah (that's the way they spelled it -- don't ask me why). However, as the years passed, she realized she was married to an "old man," while she was still a young, vital woman. She took a younger lover, whom we are to presume was Barnabas. At some point, she couldn't deal with her life, and, pursued by her lover, ran to Widow's Hill and leapt to her death.

It was wonderfully told by Frid, with that amazing voice of his, and the scene was quite Gothic, black and white, storm raging -- I loved it! Of course, shortly thereafter, the story changed, which drove me crazy! While I then came to love the 1795 story, I always remembered the earlier version.

I'm sure the writers were up against it when they had to turn Barnabas from the evil vampire to be destroyed into the hero. Thus, there were a lot of inconsistencies. And, let's not forget, writers changed almost daily. There was a pool of writers who were rotated. So, it had to be a challenge if one writer wrote a script for one day and another had to write the script for the following day. You could even see that in the openers for the show. They weren't always the same -- similar enough -- but not exactly the same.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 09, 2007, 08:32:52 PM »
I thought of that too, Buzz -- up the price of admission. It's awfully low, not that I mind, but I would certainly be willing to spend more. Room rates are what they are, and having roommates does help defry that cost. I usually room with four other women, so it helps out a lot!

I, too, had heard from Jim Pierson about this, as was posted on another thread. He said, as Charles said, plans were not finalized but an announcement would be made shortly. There was no mention of no fest.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 09, 2007, 04:29:55 AM »
Here's my problem with this. You mentioned, Nancy, that previous attempts had failed for various reasons. I can understand that, but here's my take on it. Previous attempts have failed for only one reason. The people who've been running it (and Midnite says Jim took over in 1986) have not groomed, so to speak, other people to spell them should they choose not to continue such a large, grueling undertaking. I am under no illusion that this is an easy event to organize. However, had there been people waiting in the wings with the wherewithal and knowledge to do this, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. And, please don't get me wrong. I am NOT blaming Jim Pierson. I am simply saying there have been no contingency plans in place, which gives us fans short shrift. What was that movie years ago? "If you build it, they will come"? That's us! We will be there!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: What if there are no more fests . . .
« on: January 09, 2007, 12:41:02 AM »
While that would be better than nothing, Nancy, it wouldn't fit the bill for me. Yes, I enjoy getting together with everyone I've met and been meeting for the fests I've attended. Still, I feel lots of people wouldn't feel it was worth the expense. Too, why it would depend on Dark Shadows returning to the airwaves doesn't make sense to me. I've heard of fan conventions for shows that have been off the air forever. They still go on. That's not a good enough reason, to me, to stop doing festivals. That said, if the powers-that-be don't want to continue it because they don't see it as profitable or are just too burnt out (as I said in another thread), turn it over to other people who would be willing to take it on. It might have to be scaled down in the beginning so those taking over could get their bearings, but I do believe it would take on a life of its own.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Nathan Forbes.....who can figure him out?
« on: January 09, 2007, 12:34:31 AM »
It would seem to be an evolution of sorts, Brandon. He was always out for himself, thus, his friendship with Barnabas was a sham and his defense of Vicki in the beginning was just to curry favor. When he saw the tide turning, he jumped on the most profitable bandwagon for himself, which was to try to insinuate himself with the other Collinses. It might have worked had it not been discovered that Suki was his wife and not his sister. So, that takes us to his alliance with Trask. Anyway, it was entertaining as far as television goes but maddening for fans who just wanted to give him a good kick -- or worse!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 08, 2007, 05:53:53 PM »
As far as Andre went as a father, I always thought he looked at Josette more as a business commodity than a cherished daughter. He was also very much a man of his time in that I assume he was NOT happy with Josette's elopement, thus the disappearing act not being explained. Just a theory, though!

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