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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Seeking a Photo of Bill Malloy
« on: August 02, 2007, 04:26:19 PM »
Nah, the Collinsport slogan should be: Home of the 24 hour coffin store!   ^-^

That's pretty good alright, but how about, "Personalized Tombstones on Demand."
Yes, you too can afford the luxury and expense of a personalized tombstone in a matter of minutes.
Your family and friends will succumb to gravestones that move in the slightest breeze.
For two easy payments of $19.95, you and your family will enjoy hours of non-stop laughter as the Collinsport Cemetary graves come to life. Free burial not included.
But wait!  There's more!  Act now and get free (FREE!) the new Ginsu hammer and chisel and guide on changing the spelling of the dearly departed's name  or their birth and death years!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: June 21, 2007, 01:39:09 PM »
Well, let's be grateful.  Joan Bennet could've been offered a temporary stint somewhere else and they would've had to write off her character as being buried-alive/sent-to-Wyndcliff/off-on-a-Bloomingdale's-sale-of-the-century-shopping-spree and who knows what "plot twists" they would've come up with then.
Hardly the same situation surely as Joan (who was a much bigger name than Dennis) had it written into her contract that she have time off for other projects.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: June 19, 2007, 06:10:41 PM »
I have not seen the Leviathan story yet, but at a guess, I think the writers wanted to show the Leviathans as a nastier lot by having them kill the killing the fan-beloved Victoria.  Since previous attempts to recast the role met with failure, perhaps the writers didn't have a problem with killing her off in this way.

Or since the storyline was not very popular (IIRC, ratings plummeted diuring this story), they needed a way to wrap it up quickly and using the Bradford/Shadow plot they were able to dispatch Jeb sooner than they originally planned?  All pure supposition on my part.


Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Far Is It To.......
« on: June 19, 2007, 05:11:21 PM »
I think it would be not uncommon on a rambling estate for there to be a well beaten or paved/cobbled path between the Old House and Collinwood that is not necessarily as the crow (or bat) flies.

Perhaps the path would be a winding 15 minute walk, but a straight line through the wood closer to five minutes..

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Bruno Is Horrified... and For Good Reason!
« on: June 19, 2007, 05:05:17 PM »

Or melt?   ;D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Far Is It To.......
« on: June 19, 2007, 04:45:27 AM »
And ISTR someone saying that Bangor was about 50 miles away.

BTW, great map, but where's the railway station?  ;D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Far Is It To.......
« on: June 16, 2007, 03:48:51 PM »
Back when Julia was hypnotizing Vicki and then taking her to the Old House and showing her Barnabas in the coffin, one time she had Carolyn go to make tea or coffee and while she was doing that, she did the hypnosis, went to the Old House, looked in the coffin, came back and "unhypnotized," before Carolyn returned with the coffee!!!

Julia knew that Carolyn was sooo ditzy, that Carolyn would have spent at least half an hour searching for a servant to tell to make the coffee before remembering that Liz had fired all the staff 18 years previously!

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sarah's powers / was Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« on: June 16, 2007, 03:24:00 PM »
It might not matter anymore, but when I brought up Sarah and 1897, I was wondering about Sarah being awakened in 1897 to try to stop Barnabas, NOT wondering about whether she would appear visibly TO Barnabas.    My point was, why didn't Sarah behave in 1897 toward BC doing wrong, in the same way she did in 1967 toward BC doing wrong?
Barn's motives are the key here - by the 1897 storyline Barnabas was the hero/protector or the family.  He may have done wrong things, but IMO, the important think his his intent.  As with most magic and spell castings - intent is vitally important.  1897 Barn was not the rampaging monster that he was in 1967.  His modern spirit inhabited the 1897 shell and he intentions were honorable, even if they methods he used occasionally were not.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sarah's powers / was Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« on: June 16, 2007, 07:58:57 AM »
As Sarah had warned Barnabas that she would not appear to him ever again unless he was good, I think she was keeping her word.  However heroic we may have come to see Barnabas, however much we may consider him a tragic victim of circumstance, he continued to do bad, thoughtless, even cruel and evil things after the 1795 Flashback.  Personally,  I think she knows exactly who Barn is in 1840 1897 1995 etc.  She doesn't appear because she is keeping her word (and she knows she is not part of these events).

Sarah is a curious creature.  One is never quite sure exactly what she is all about.  Is she simply an oblivious spirit who doesn't know she's dead?  Is she fully aware of who and what she is and uses it?  Is she there to stop Barnabas from being destroyed (obviously, the original idea was to destroy him).  Her motives/agenda seem to change with her every appearance.

I would consider that Sarah, as a supernatural being, knows already much of what happened with Barnabas in the course of the series.   Her appearances in 1967 were in part to try to save him.  And I think save him she did.  I think she knows/knew exactly what she was doing in appearing to help Maggie and Sam and Dr Woodard and David.  In a way she was the catalyst for everything that happened after her mission was accomplished by spiriting Vicki into the past. With that one act, Sarah made the show we came to know come and love into being.

without Sarah's help, Barnabas may not have ever regain any kind of moral center - he would have been eventually killed, Willie probably killed, Hoffman certainly dead.  Vicki probably would never have vanished into the past.  The Adam storyline (sans his connection to Barnabas) would also have been bereft of Ang and Nicholas and Adam himself would probably have been Jeff Clark, though that would mean nothing to Vicki.  Then of course, the whole Quentin Jennings affair would have ended in tears with both Jennings' boys dead (both probably werewolves that were destroyed, but then Quentin would have possessed David and Amy and they might have died, and the vengeful ghost would have succeeded in driving everyone out of Collinwood.

Not sure any of this makes any sense - I'm sick and cannot sleep and it's 2 am!

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I have finally completed my DS Collection with 19 & 21-24 (I haven't even started watching 15 yet!)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: DS: The Beginning DVD
« on: May 21, 2007, 04:37:35 PM »
I don't know if we should necessarily blame MPI for all these cuts on the first DSB set. Why do I still suspect that a certain someone who was responsible for "tweaking" the DS episodes for the Sci-Fi Channel's runs is also behind this latest bout?  ::)  All in the name of "improvement," of course. ... NOT!  >:(
Are these deliberate cuts, or just dvd authoring errors?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: DS: The Beginning DVD
« on: May 21, 2007, 04:28:19 PM »
Strange, I joined the club about when set 2 was coming out and got set one, but only received word that set 2 was just shipped.  I was kind of hoping that I would get the first 2 sets and then be on the same schedule for the rest.

Games / Re: Alternative Tilte Names for DS
« on: April 02, 2007, 10:14:43 PM »
"Undead Like Me"

"The moment he walked in the joint / I could tell he was a man of distinction / I real big spender ...."

Ohhhhh, I'm just a girl who cain't say no / I'm in a terrible fix....