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Messages - Gerard

I bought the comic books which were, from art to plot, awful.  I also bought the MR novels which were, from writing to plot, equally awful.  But for about a year, after DS went off the air, that's all we had left, save those lucky enough to have the comic series run in their newspaper's "funnies" (and the plots were equally awful while the artwork was acceptable). 


I know what you mean, Brandon.  We collectors obsessed with our interests will hunt and search for stuff we can afford.  I have lots of DS stuff.  As for my ocean liner fanaticism I have an original crew member's hat from the Queen Mary now preserved in Long Beach.  I have a complete silver-service set from the first class dining room of the United States rusting away in Philadelphia as we preservationists are trying to save her).  But getting stuff costs money.


You know what gets me, MB, with the OS?  It wasn't the outdoor sets that ended up as blooper whoopsies (which we all love).  Even though ABC spent a lot of money on those sets (whether interior or exterior), far above all other soap operas at that time, whoopsies were expected because it's not like DS had the budget of Doctor Zhivago.

What gets me is that in the first several seasons, if it was daytime and characters were outside, it was daylight.  In black-and-white, the background was bright.  In color, the background was blue to look like a day sky.  If it was a night scene, the background was black.  And then, for some unknown reason, those bright or blue backgrounds vanished.  Whether it was two p.m. or two a.m. the background was always black and showed night.  That went on until the fateful day in April '71.  That just drove me nuts.

Well, anyway, back to the original topic, with or without palm trees.  But if I see one, just one, you know what's going to happen.  If this proposed series does happen (I've already stated I'm skeptical), I'll be happy.

P.S.  I love palm trees.  I lived in Nevada, California and Arizona.  But they don't belong in Maine.  Get that computer CGI or whatever it's called into operation.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 19, 2019, 01:33:29 AM »
I remember, as a kid, when preparation for Halloween didn't being until early or mid-October.  Other than costumes and candy, there was nothing else.  Oh, don't forget the pumpkins.  My dad would carve one out into a Jack-O-Lantern the day before.  No mention of Christmas.

A few weeks later, on TV, there were adds for turkey for Thanksgiving.  No mention of Christmas.

The day after Thanksgiving, there was no "Black Friday."  Malls and stores opened at their normal time with a couple sales.  No mention of Christmas.

Maybe into the first of second week of December, commercials would appear on television.  One year, I saved up seven dollars in quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies to do my Christmas shopping which we did a a family at one local department store. 

No earlier than two weeks before Christmas would A Charlie Brown Christmas air.   

Now, on 12/26, when people return gifts to get $$$$, Valentine's stuff is getting up on the shelves as the unsold Christmas stuff is priced down for clearance. 


Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Is it Halloween yet?
« on: September 18, 2019, 10:50:10 AM »
I stopped at our local Walgreen's yesterday to buy toothpaste.  Christmas stuff is already on the shelves.


The "reality" show Four Weddings has filmed a few episodes there.  Maybe the venue is waiting for that.  It's important to determine what makes more money - selling overpriced DS and other stuff, or having brides vote over who had the best chicken or fish.


I guess all that rain kept everything green.  Plausible explanation.

Sorry. It rains frequently during the winter in New England. And in all my 60+ years of living here, there has never been one winter season in which the grass has stayed green and the trees have had green leaves.

Try again...  [ghost_wink]

Well, MB, did your lawn consist of grass carpeting that rumpled up when someone was struggling on top of it, or did your trees have two pieces of plywood that served as roots which showed up when knocked over?  Well, did they?  Hhhmmmm......

I rest my case!

P.S.  And don't tell me you had PALM TREES!

My biggest hobby has been collecting things from classic passenger ocean liners.  When I was in Paris at a flea market, I bought a complete ink-well set from the most magnificent ship ever built, the Normandie, that was in her First Class Writing Room.  Cost me $50.  I had it appraised (and this was the nineties) at over $5,000.  I won't bore anyone as to why this is so valuable - the Normandie can be researched on-line.  But I'm a fanatic about that glorious ship - nothing was like her before and nothing after.  I will be buried with that ink-well set 


MB, back in the '90's, when  lived in Alaska, a friend came to visit me for two weeks, and he'd watch DS with me when it was re-ran on the old Sci-Fi network.  He asked me:  "Why is it always thunderstorming?"  I guess all that rain kept everything green.  Plausible explanation. 


As I often say, considering on the original show the grass is always green and the trees always have leaves, it's unlikely people would find palm trees out of the ordinary.  [ghost_nowink]  [ghost_grin]

MB, are you saying that on the OS, in the middle of a sultry summer where women should've been wearing only slips to offset the heat, Julia was wearing that heavy woolen coat, and during a freezing winter, everyone ran around in sleeveless mini-things wasn't realistic?  Well, at least there weren't palm tre...again, you know what I'm saying.


In the classic '76 cinematic version of Carrie, set also in Maine, what does one see in the background, palm trees, palm trees, palm trees, PALM TREES

That's why I liked the '02 version better, filmed in Vancouver.  No palm tre.....oh, you know what I'm saying.

Once again, if I see so much as just one of those things if this gets off the ground, I'm going to you-know-who and get his lawyers on it. 

P.S.  Join me in a class-action lawsuit.  We'd clean up. 

It's the principle of the thing, MB.  Palm trees, palm trees palm trees PALM TREES!

It's Maine!


If this actually comes to fruition and I so much as see ONE palm tree, I'm going to throw my Joesette's Music Box through the TV screen.


Kinda reminds me of theBig Bang Theory episodes where they buy "unopened" Star Tek collectibles and chaos and mayhem always ensue. 


One of our local channels reran Gilligan's Island for several years, airing at five p.m.  And on every Halloween night, it would show the episode where Gilligan dreamed he was a vampire. 
