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Messages - Gerard

Current Talk '04 II / Re: David's Behavior Changes When Laura Arrived
« on: December 03, 2004, 11:58:50 PM »
I was always impressed with the development of David's character, per his behavior.  Here is a kid with definite problems, doing everything from terrorizing his governess to attempting to murder his father.  And yet, he never came off as a monster (despite what his father, Roger, said).  He could've easily had been a Rhoda from The Bad Seed, but one always felt sympathy for him, no matter how nasty he became (although one could be tempted to take him out behind the woodshed on occasion).  Through the writing and the plots, it was clear that he had reasons beyond his control for being rather disturbed, and even when he was up to his worst, he had pangs of conscience and even regret.  To me, he was one of the most complex characters in the series.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Quando, quando, quando
« on: December 03, 2004, 03:59:11 AM »
Should it ever happen, I hope it's not on SoapNet.  Well, I'm selfish.  My cable provider doesn't have SoapNet.  We just got Cartoon Network, for cryin' out loud.  Talk about a goofy local cable company; real Hooterville here.  And yet it's had the Golf Channel for years.  The Golf Channel.  Who ever watches that?  Maybe I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.  I wonder if the Golf Channel would have any interest in running Dark Shadows?   [8_2_59]


Current Talk '04 II / Re: 1897!!!! YOU SEND ME!!
« on: November 27, 2004, 01:22:58 AM »
I always thought the birth order was this:  Judith; Edward; Quentin, and Carl.  Judith I pegged as being mid-forties, Edward around 40-or-very-late-thirties, Quentin - of course - 26, and Carl maybe 23-or-so.  Between Edward and Quentin, Ma and Pa Collins weren't talking.  It had to do with a fight they had over who would be the best presidential candidate in 1856:  Buchanan or Fremont.  And you thought the Bush/Kerry civil disagreements were bad.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Do We Have the Power to Bring About A DS Revival?
« on: November 27, 2004, 01:10:52 AM »
Not Showtime!  Lots of us can't afford subscription cable channels like Showtime, HBO et. al.  I've never seen an episode of The Sopranos or Sex In the City.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Bored...jaded
« on: November 23, 2004, 03:03:39 AM »
Oh, yes.  I'm sure it happens to everyone.  And not with just DS, but with other passions in our lives.  For me, there were times when I got hopelessly bored depending upon the story or plot-line.  I detested the whole Adam thing, and even though I taped the episodes daily for later-evening viewing, it was like pulling teeth at times to get me to watch them.  And even though I enjoyed the 1970PT story generally, when most of the actors/actresses were temporarily written out for a few months to send them off packing to Lyndhurst, there were moments of sheer and total boredom.  Last but not least, when TLATKLS left the series, I just couldn't get into the Gerard/Daphne affair at all, even though it had some very good moments.  I are prefered the 1841PT story because of that.  So it happens.  We're a fickle bunch.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: 1897!!!! YOU SEND ME!!
« on: November 22, 2004, 01:52:08 PM »
What I found intriguing about the 1897 storyline is how the actors/actresses, some of them at least, played different characters.  I read somewhere that this was made possible for a few of them because of the plot's enormous length.  With so many subplots mixed in with the main one, it afforded them the opportunity to take some much-needed time off to do other stuff or just to get some R&R.  Joan Bennet left for over four months; TLATKLS for almost as long; John Karlen, Clarice Blackburn, and even Jonathan Frid (although, it is said, that he was warned not to get a suntan while out on vacation) took their summer holidays for extended periods of time.  When some of them came back for the continuation of 1897, they played someone new (their original characters either killed off or just written out).  Talk about a whole lotta fun!


Oh, Lordy, Connie, that was Thanksgiving growing up with my mom!  We usually had it at our house, with lotsa relatives in attendance, sometimes up to thirty.  My mom would get up at like two in the morning and start cooking, taking a break to go to church at six-thirty in the a.m., and then around noon we had the big meal.  Of course, she never sat down with everyone.  She just stood there (or sat on a stool off to the side), in her apron, watching and waiting to see if anyone needed anything.  Everyone would say (especially her sisters):  "Sit down and eat!"  She would respond:  "I'm fine.  I'm picking at a plate right here."  (She had one, resting on the counter, taking occasional bites from it.)  Of course, if we had other holiday meals at one of her sisters' homes, they would do the same thing.

And Annie, if you got those real cranberries like I like 'em, I'll be there!


I wanna come too, Annie!  Especially if you have cranberries!  And by that I mean the real kind - the stuff that slides out of a dented can in one, bit gelatinous plop, with the can-rings inbedded in it!  Not that phoney, little round things floating in some sorta sauce.  Ee-yuck!  You have fun with your family and save us some leftovers to make sandwiches!


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Don Briscoe Tribute Article
« on: November 13, 2004, 02:24:53 AM »
I read a nutshell recap of the article on an AOL Dark Shadows message board.  What a wonderful tribute it was.  What a brave man he was.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Julia, the sly minx *Spoilers, darlings*
« on: November 10, 2004, 01:45:03 PM »
Now, my DSFMS (Dark Shadows Faulty Memory Syndrome) is kicking in, so while I do recall this little comment by Barnabas, I can't recall if it was from the series or from one of the novels.  He makes mention to Julia of how he is not enamored by the way women in the 20th century were "liberated" or "emancipated" or something like that.  Obviously, he was use to the "weaker sex" variety of the eighteenth century, especially when they knew-their-place so-to-speak with regards to men.  And here's this woman doctor, on equal par with her male counterparts, telling him on occasion in her own bedside manner to shove it.  And it's not bad enough that she engages in the vice of tobacco like a man would, but she doesn't even have the where-to-all to go to the appropriate smoking salon to indulge, and uses his candelabrum, which means something to him, as if it were a Bic.  All she needed to do send him into apoplexy was to walk up to a 200-year-old vase, once the favorite of his dear mother, and flick ashes into it.


Current Talk '04 II / Re: adam(the big louse)
« on: November 07, 2004, 03:11:41 AM »
I also was never a fan of the Adam storyline.  I remember as a kid watching it the first time, the only portion of it that frightened me (well, I was only 11) was when he abducted Carolyn.  Beyond that, it all rather bored me.  It is surprising that they never brought Robert Rodan back to do another character.  However, the way they left it hanging at the end of the plot as to what happened to Adam, maybe they thought of bringing him back later on, but just never got around to it.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Don Briscoe Passes Away
« on: November 06, 2004, 04:32:18 AM »
Jennifer, as you mourn with us over the loss of Don Briscoe, my thoughts are also with you as you tend to your father - and my thoughts are with your dad, too.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Don Briscoe Passes Away
« on: November 04, 2004, 01:35:36 AM »
How tragic!  I really feel sad at the word of his passing.  I hope he knew that, especially from his many Dark Shadows fans, that his work was so appreciated and brought so much happiness.


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** Upgraded Today!! **
« on: November 02, 2004, 04:41:11 AM »
It looks incredible!  Wonderful job!


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jonathan Frid Flubbing His Lines
« on: November 02, 2004, 04:33:16 AM »
And sometimes when Jonathan Frid delivered his lines flawlessly, it was an incredible bit of acting.  I particularly remember the classic scene where he returns to the Old House after being released by Willie and sorrowfully addresses the essence of Josette in the portrait.
