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Messages - GooberCollins

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I wish you the best, ProfStokes. May your marriage turn out infinitely better than any DS character's.

I don't see it that way. I find it interesting how companies are starting to catch on that celebrities can sell the product. Before I got my cable cut, I was seeing plenty of commercials endorsed by stars, be they Sally Field's medication, Jamie Lee Curtis's yogurt, or Liv Tyler's Nintendo DS. Though I don't think, "Oh, Carrie Underwood's playing Nintendogs, I need to get a copy," it does draw my attention to the commercial. Males tend to appear in voice only, though. I've seen a couple of Kelsey Grammer car commercials, and then there are those HP ads; I've heard Tim Allen, Jack Black, and Jerry Seinfeld on there. Celebrity endorsements are becoming more and more common, although they sometimes draw up discomfort. (Buffy Spoiler)[spoiler]I saw an Advil ad with Kristine Sutherland talking about her horrible headaches. O_O[/spoiler]

Anyway, my warm wishes to those at the Fest, and thanks to Joe for putting up the video. I got a kick out of that.

Sounds like it was fun.

I'm cutting out my RD jokes temporarily, as well.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: July 20, 2008, 01:29:33 PM »
Taeylor: I've heard dozens of stories of (British) people who were absolutely convinced that Marsters was British and didn't buy that he was an American until a few interviews were shown.

No, Maggie's really not needed in the movie. If they want to tell the story in two hours or so, they can quite easily leave out Maggie and do an HoDS-esque retelling of the initial Barnabas storyline. Aside from that, Kathryn Leigh Scott looked really good in that role, but I don't find Keira Knightley the slightest bit attractive, probably because of the bad nose job. Just my opinion. If they are going to do Maggie in the movie, Emmy Rossum is still my ideal.

Charllize Theron is my number 3 choice for Angelique, after Sarah Michelle Gellar (1) and Halle Berry (2).

I also think that Alan Rickman and Susan Sarandon are too old for those roles. I see Julia and Roger as being in their mid-40s, and Rickman and Sarandon are both in their mid-60s.

Good suggestion of Edward Norton for Willie. I can see that.

I'm stil looking for who I think would be a good Carolyn, though. None of the suggestions posted here have really clicked with me as, "Oh, yes, she's the one" for her, no offense intended.

Er, wrong thread for that second post.

I'm not attending the Fest either, as I live too far away from New York or California to visit either, as I'm not hopping a plane to gather with fans of any TV show, no matter how much I love it.

Oh, what a wonderful happily birthday should you have!

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: Today's Birthday! Minja
« on: July 19, 2008, 03:13:28 AM »
I don't believe we've met, but I'd like to wish you a happy birthday anyway! What great happiness you must be feeling deep within your toes, as it is your birthday and a Fest Day simultaneously!

Actually, she's been on here several months; she's just not a person who makes dozens of posts every day like me.  [ghost_tongue2]

Games / Re: Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: July 18, 2008, 02:05:22 AM »
Also viable is David Henesy's one-liner on The Waltons. [ghost_tongue2]

Games / Six Degrees of Dark Shadows
« on: July 18, 2008, 12:33:26 AM »
I had this idea a bit earlier today, and figured I'd post it on the Game boards.

This is a DS-themed variation of the party game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. For those unfamiliar with the game, the objective is to create a "chain" of links to a certain thing in as few links as possible, the maximum being six. For example:

John Linnell (1) is a member of the indie pop-rock group They Might Be Giants. He produced the group Common Rotation's album The Big Fear; actor/musician Adam Busch (2) is a member of Common Rotation. Adam Busch appeared on Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Sarah Michelle Gellar (3), who had starred on All My Children with Louis Edmonds (4).

Direct links, as seen above, are ideal, but stretches are fine, too:

Goo Goo Dolls member John Rzeznik (1) received inspiration for the title of the song Iris by flipping through a magazine and seeing the name of country/folk singer Iris DeMent (2). DeMent's song Our Town was played at the end of the last episode of the television series Northern Exposure. James Marsters (3) appeared in two episodes of Northern Exposure, and was also a regular on Buffy, where he worked with Sarah Michelle Gellar (4), who had worked with Louis Edmonds (5).

I apologize for using SMG to Louis Edmonds in both my examples, but anyway, feel free to post your own here. The only rules are to not exceed six links and not to do simple things like "Joan Bennett (1) worked on Dark Shadows." Sorry if this is a boring game. [ghost_tongue2]

Hurrah, I will have then seen all but about 5 episodes of DS (those 5 due to damaged discs received from Netflix)! The bonus materials look great, too, particularly the restored Episode #211. The first episode with commercials was quite fun for me, because I was seeing it the way it was originally seen, and I didn't mind the commercials because they were short, as well as very different from what I've grown used to. I know what I'll be doing this Halloween.

FULL FRONTAL?? I'm headed to ebay or amazon. LOL

There are so many "Willie" jokes I could make with that, but I'm not going to because I'm mature and beyond such petty, childish humor.

Kathryn Leigh Scott and Nancy Barrett.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:36:25 AM »
The problem with newcomers is that they're newcomers. Many probably don't know who they are, and therefore if I said, "Herbert Gumblebuttons should be Roger," no matter how right he was for the part, most people would be scratching their heads. That's why we're choosing A-list actors.

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