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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: Caroline's hair ??????
« on: May 11, 2002, 12:32:00 AM »
I looooove Carolyn's hair. I loved it when it was all bouncy and it flipped out....and she goes 2 Liz, "Mother, does my hair look okay?" and Liz, rolling her eyes  ::), answers, "Oh Carolyn, darling, your hair is gorgeous.....if only I had such worries as you.."  ;D I thought it was hilarious! I like her hair now, too, though. I like it parted in like little pigtails in some episodes. It looks so cute. Carolyn looks like she's 15 or something. No way she's 21!  :o
I loved the change in Millicent's hair...first it was bouncy and like....UP, and then as things progressed with Nathan, it became more limp, and then the little black bows appeared, and it was just scraggly. HOW KEWL!!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: WINDOWS OF THE SOUL
« on: May 09, 2002, 12:27:27 AM »
Midnite ascribed:

Sounds like you'll require some industrial size tweezers for watching 1897's Garth Blackwood.  Think unibrow, hee hee.

Yeah, but it would be worth it! I'm ready 2 start hacking away........ ::) :P hairy eyebrows drive me NUTS!!! Ahhhhh! *screams*


Current Talk '02 I / Re: It was the best of times,
« on: May 09, 2002, 12:22:51 AM »
Luciaphil wrote:

Although, I must say, it was really pretty funny (poor Mrs. J)    ;D

Did anyone else crack up when Mrs. J said, "What did you do 2 her??? That girl wouldn't just scream for no reason!"

I started laughing sooo hard, I like fell off my bed and the water I was drinking came out my nose  ;D ;D idk how on earth she delivered that line w/o cracking up....but she was so dead serious.....I think Harry and Jeff were prinson inmates LMAO! Twisted, twisted........

~the very bouncy Daphne  8) ;D :D ;)

« on: May 07, 2002, 08:28:25 AM »
OMG LMAO! That stupid fountain pen thingie!! The one that there were only 5 of in the entire world that Burke gave 2 Carolyn, who gave it 2 Roger, who lost it and Bill Malloy ended up floating with it in the seaweed........I was rolling my eyes  ::) thruout every scene with that little bauble in it, and then in the end, I was  :o amazed 2 c how important it was!!! Sheesh!!! It like convicted Roger of murder! And it turned out 2 b Matthew...he was sly one, eh?? LOL  8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Ds Festival In Anaheim
« on: May 07, 2002, 08:23:38 AM »
VAM ascribed:

Sure, if it will make you happy! ;)

Awww, VAM you're so sweet.....I feel like I know you for some weird reason.......somewhere in the tangled DS web we've met in a previous lifetime, lol!

but ty 4 the smile :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Ds Festival In Anaheim
« on: May 07, 2002, 04:04:14 AM »
*sets out picnic blanket and snacks for a pity party* I wish I could go, but my parents [among other people] already think I'm totally insane. Maybe I could drive out there....*cough*

I started  :'( bawling  :'( when I heard NB was going 2 b there.......she is going 2 b there, isn't she?? That's what that *stupid* SciFi commercial said....I saw Carolyn's talking head flash by when I was FFing, and I was like  ":o ;DEEE CAROLYN!" *sigh* But alas, have no way of getting there...... :-/

Someone take a *LOT* of pictures!!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: FILLING THEIR  SHOES
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:55:51 AM »
What if Angelique had played Laura's part of David's mother? They both had SPOOKY  :o  :o eyes!!!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: WINDOWS OF THE SOUL
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:50:13 AM »
Ooooooooooooo interesting question........  ;D  ;D  ;D

I think Angelique has the most interesting eyes....they scare me. Really, they do. When she's chanting spells or something, like when she was summoning the fyre in2 Vicki's room in OMG she scares me! She always puts so much passion in2 her performances, and you can really c it in her eyes. They have such a heartless tremor of passion in them:  she wanted Barnabus no matter what, and she didn't care who she hurt 2 get him.

I'd hafta say [gag me] Barnabus next. His eyes are so sad. His whole face just conveys sadness, but only when it's a close up, such as when he's calling Carolyn or making the dogs bark. His eyebrows just blend in2 his eyes and his's all so dark, it's almost impossible to delineate between them. Ugh, but it makes me want to grab some tweezers and pluck his eyebrows, tho! LMAO

Lastly, I liked Naomi's eyes. They were SOOOOOO sad. They shimmered just like the sherry she constantly drank, always full of tears that could never be shed. Even if her face seemed to be stoic, her eyes always said something about what she was feeling. Same 4 Joshua, but you could really see his emotions in his body movement more than his eyes; his whole body would become stiff, and you could really see how old he was....some old fragile man, his real age, not the powerful, strong man you always think of first when you hear his name.

Sheesh, Amandaramble.....


Current Talk '02 I / Re: PICTURE THIS
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:36:20 AM »
I always liked the one with Laura surrounded by the flames....unfinished tho it was.......altho David's head did pop in there at the end!  :o That was so kewl! I think I'd hang that one........and I have no idea what the other ones look like anyway!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Converted Characters!
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:32:08 AM »
Vlad ascribed:

I might question this one, VAM.  Gerard Stiles wasn't exactly what you'd call a "good" or "nice" man even before he became possessed by Judah Zachary. Remember, he also used an alias and was involved in pirating!  The "Nancy Barrett" character in that storyline charitably referred to him as a "hustler" or some such (I know that wasn't the term used, but something like that) but claimed he wasn't evil.  

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE That was Leticia!!! Leticia Faye, and she married Desmond!!!! YAAAAAAY! Actually I just ordered that tape!! *bounces excitedly* Daphne and Leticia and Leticia and Daphne ........ *walks off mumbling happily to herself*


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Sweet 16!
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:29:03 AM »
*dances around happily* Thank you all for your warm wishes and regards!!! Like every other birthday, it feels no different being 16, although my days are starting 2 become happier [i.e., it's the end of school! YAAAY! Just 2 1/2 more weeks, altho that includes studying 4 finals. UGH] and more enjoyable! Or maybe it's just I'm too lazy to do my homework! *giggles* But thank you all so much anyway!!! ;D :D *hugz 2 all*  ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Re: RETIREMENT
« on: May 07, 2002, 03:20:52 AM »
*applaudes* Congrats, VAM! What an honor!! ;D


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: May 07, 2002, 02:58:02 AM »
LOL.....I wonder??

DAPHNE!!!!!![/glow] [and male = Quentin, of course!] 2nd would be Leticia, tho....or any NB char :D :D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: ShadowGram Update # 79
« on: May 05, 2002, 12:49:34 AM »
Hmmmm....interesting! What does it have in it? What does it tell us about? How much does it cost? LOL jooc, of course  :D

Current Talk '02 I / Re:  ::)I'm worse than Vicki...
« on: May 05, 2002, 12:47:05 AM »
Cassandra entered:

After that they were supposidly eloping together, that is, until Peter Bradford/Jeff Clark suddenly "appeared"  on the side of the rode.  

Is that what they were doing?? SERIOUSLY?? Sheesh that totally just flew over my head....


I thought they were just going up 2 the cemetary. Nice, normal visit to your cemetary before you elope. Good way to bond! Oh yeah, visit your local cemetary, folks!


And ya know what else I didn't understand?? ["there's more!? AHHHH!!!"] When Carolyn snuck up on Barnabus [literally! OMG that was soo funny] when he was about 2 rip up Angelique's painting, and she was like, "Don't use me anymore, you love Vicki." I was like  :o HE DOES?? When on earth was *that* mentioned? I know he *lusts* 4 her maybe, because he wants 2 make her in2 his Josette, but does he love her?? *re* This show is so horrible about people loving each other. Really. Ugh.

~Daphne, who wished people would define "love" 4 her *sigh*

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