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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: A Cousin's Passing
« on: April 01, 2007, 01:17:47 AM »
Gerard, I am so very sorry to hear of your friend's passing! Please know that my prayers are with you.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy Birthday! Batmann
« on: April 01, 2007, 01:08:45 AM »
Hope your birthday was lots of fun, Batmann!  :)

Polls Archive / Re: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
« on: March 29, 2007, 09:55:48 PM »
If it was me, I would choose Quentin.

While I don't think women in those days went in to marriage expecting bliss, I don't believe they came to it expecting misery.

[spoiler]Obviously, Quentin and Samantha weren't happy in their marriage, given Quentin's infidelity, but Samantha's only option was to stay with him. Then once he was presumed to be lost at sea she took Gerard's offer of marriage quite seriously, hoping I think, to find some measure of happiness. Once Quentin returned, her chance for happiness with Gerard was snatched away.

Samantha and Quentin had long since come to an understanding  of the sad state of their marriage, and Quentin knowing Samantha couldn't truly be happy with him, gave her the choice between himself or Gerard. She chose Gerard, but I think she should have stayed with Quentin, simply because Gerard only wanted to marry her for the wealth she could provide him.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Did DS Influence Your Life?
« on: March 29, 2007, 06:29:46 PM »
I've never been interested in horror movies or shows either, but there is something about Dark Shadows that pulled me right in.

As for the influence it has had on my life, well, it gives me something to watch, since I don't like much of what is on TV anymore.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy Birthday Cassandra
« on: March 29, 2007, 01:25:33 PM »
Hoping your birthday was filled with fun, Cassandra!  :)

A very happy birthday, Jerry Lacy! Your portrayal of all the Trasks was excellent and fabulous!  8)

You also played Tony Peterson great!  :)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Julia's Sedative's In 1995 etc.
« on: March 25, 2007, 05:52:29 PM »
besides julia's sedatives barnabas makes a pretty bold assumption in that his coffin will still be ready and waiting for him at the old house(or was it the mausoleum?).in that twenty five year period no one ever stumbled across it?might the old house have not been demolished even?

My thoughts exactly. Why did he naturally assume it would be there? Just think what a dilemma it would have been if his coffin wasn't anywhere to be found.

[spoiler]Carolyn tells Julia and Barnabas the family all went away and that they would come back soon, but I don't believe it was ever mentioned where exactly the family disappeared to. Perhaps Gerard killed them somehow?[/spoiler]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Who did the best voiceovers?
« on: March 23, 2007, 10:25:24 PM »
It seems to me that whoever did the voice-over for that day's episode had quite of involvement in the story for that day.

My favorites are, not in any particular order: Thayer David, Joan bennet, Humbert Astredo, and Alexandra Moldkey.

What a pity Joel Crothers never did one.  :(

Current Talk '07 I / Re: angelique's curse (spoiler?)
« on: March 23, 2007, 10:06:51 PM »
A very warm welcome, Willie Loomis!  :)

Yep, Angelique was the beginning of everything that went wrong in the Collins family. Okay, maybe not everything, but a whole lot of it!!!  >:(

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0260
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:31:45 PM »
All I can say about this episode is, nail-biting suspense! Barnabas is so menacing, it makes me shiver.

The Devil's Daughter is a gem. Shelley Winters chews the scenery as Lilith, sinister and glamorous leader of a Satanic coven. Jonathan Frid is wonderful in the small but poignant non-speaking role of the Winters character's chauffeur and butler.

Jonathan Frid not having a speaking part? That's just criminal!  :o :o He has the best speaking voice ever!  8)

Congratulations, Elmont!  8)

Wishing you a belated happy birthday, AngeLee!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: Happy Birthday! Aristia
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:41:04 PM »
Hope your birthday was fantastic, Aristia!  :)

Happy birthday, Don Briscoe, who played all your characters so very well and made us like them in turn!  :)

Here's to Chris Jennings!!!  8) 8)

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