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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:About Amanda's Photos.......
« on: May 02, 2003, 09:30:12 PM »
Wow Raineypark, I never thought of that before.  It's really an interesting theory, and food for thought.  It certainly presents a more poignant and sympathetic take on Amanda's character than most fans seem to attribute to her.

While the idea of living your entire natural life span young and beautiful is appealing on a certain level, it might also be lonely, couldn't it?  Watching other people around you age, and after a certain point you'd just be alone, what would that be like?  You couldn't really couple with anyone for life, because you'd never be able to explain why you never age without them thinking you're nuts.  No wonder she searched all those years for Quentin, knowing that he's one of the few who could understand.

Note: Roger was already killed off at this point.

Yes Joeytrom, this is way interesting!  Know I've heard this before, but can't remember.  What was Wallace's original plan for killing off Roger?  It wasn't pesky David cutting his brake line, was it?   ???

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Chris Jennings, Were-STUD
« on: April 29, 2003, 09:10:52 PM »
I'm pretty sure Buffy's Xander came before GH's Zander.  But I'm not 100% on that.

Yeah, Midnite - you have to wonder if the Caleb thing was a sort of wink, wink, nudge, nudge at Port Charles::)

And now Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dark Shadows have yet another thing in common, a smarmy preacher who sublimates his sexual urges with violence towards women.  If only Buffy and the Scoobies could get Barnabas to brick Caleb up behind a wall in that winery he's holed up in... [8311]

« on: April 25, 2003, 10:21:10 PM »
Oh Annie, I think your post is very funny, because I noticed the same thing when I was watching that ep last night.  Even rewound the tape a couple times just to hear Alex's parting comment.  The way he pronounced Paul's surname "Stahdahd" kinda tickled me.  Must've been a NY or maybe Jersey accent?  Please don't pick on me, Tri-State residents, if I guessed wrong.  I'm from GA - we don't know much about y'all's northern accents!   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:2003 Fest info
« on: April 24, 2003, 04:08:48 PM »
Disappointed.  Heartbroken.  I was really hoping to make it to my first fest next year to see what it was like, meet some of you, and maybe an actor or two, but now...

Do any of you really think smaller, more local fests are a viable alternative?

Current Talk '03 I / ...and Karen Black as Megan Todd
« on: April 24, 2003, 03:42:13 PM »
Maybe it's just me, but does the character of Megan Todd, while under Leviathan influence, remind anyone else here of Karen Black?

It isn't that Marie Wallace looks particularly like Ms. Black, 'cos I don't see the resemblance in any other character she plays on the show.  But every time Megan goes psycho while all hopped up on Leviathans, images of Karen Black (especially in Trilogy of Terror) come to mind.  ::)

Just a thought.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:IMHO...
« on: April 22, 2003, 10:02:45 PM »
They are so well done that I sometimes think I've already seen the episode and then realize that it is the fact that I read Robservations as opposed to already seeing that episode.

This happens to me all the time - I always read Robservations on the train commuting home.  Whenever I get behind in watching, I always get the oddest sense of deja vu, LOL!  [confused5]


Current Talk '03 I / Re:Chris Jennings, Were-STUD
« on: April 18, 2003, 10:42:41 PM »
I'm right there with all of you - Don Briscoe is just a total hottie.  And he is looking better than ever lately - I think it's a combination of his hair being a bit longer, those sexy sideburns...and maybe it's just me - but his acting seems to be a bit more confident.

Ah yes, Don Briscoe c. 1969...he can darken my shadows anytime!   [lick]

Annie, Gerard and Carol:

So glad to hear that all of you are feeling better and healing well - HOORAY!!! [bigok]

Current Talk '03 I / Re:A Few Belated Gaffes
« on: April 15, 2003, 08:59:27 PM »
Yeah, Vlad - I noticed Magda's Barnabas comment too, and wondered if it got her into any trouble once Edward questioned her about the disappearances.  Although I'm sure it was just sloppy writing, the implication is that everyone at Collinwood in 1897 might have figured out they'd been duped about the two Barnabas Collinses.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re:OT--Survey
« on: April 15, 2003, 08:50:51 PM »
Hope this isn't too late to help you out LAFB!

1. Paralegal.
2. Ten years in August.
3. Can't really complain, benefits are esp. good
4. Work with 20 people, most of them are great - 2 or
    3 are not so great.
5. Most days yes.
6. Because I was good at legal stuff and didn't want the
    long hours a lawyer has.
7. Like: Helping people in difficult situations.
    Dislike: Dealing with difficult/unfair situations that I
    can't do anything to improve.

Good luck with your report!

Cassandra Blair

Current Talk '03 I / Re:The Professor's Profession
« on: April 15, 2003, 03:42:45 PM »
Me too, although I always imagined that the University of Maine at Rockport (or wherever he teaches) had a department of Parapsychology, of which perhaps the good Prof. Stokes was chair.

Although he must've been on sabbatical, for all the time he spent around Collinwood.  ::)

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Does He or Doesn't He?
« on: April 14, 2003, 04:41:50 PM »
Because of his HMO?

LOL!!!  That's really a good one, Gerard - and tragically, it's too true.  :-

I think Professor Stokes knew something wasn't right; but not sure if he knew the truth about Chris.  Seems like just before the 1897 trip Stokes confronted Julia about some shady doings.  She put him off with the "I'll explain later - not now," and he finished by saying "but you never do explain, do you?"

After the whole Adam thing, and given his interest in the occult and knowledge of Angelique/Cassandra's witchiness, Stokes HAD to know that Julia and Barnabas were up to their elbows in supernatural shenanigans.  It's fun to speculate as to the extent of his knowledge/suspicions.  And it's too bad the writers never fully developed him as an ally to Barnabas & Julia - those three running around together would've been the best!

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Leviathan....the beginning of the end?
« on: April 11, 2003, 02:12:23 PM »
I watched the Leviathan storyline for the first time during its last airing on Sci-Fi.  Have to admit, I was less than impressed - it somehow just didn't seem in the usual DS vein to me, and it was disappointing to see Barnabas back to being a baddie.

However, this time I have to admit I'm intrigued, and am sort of looking forward to seeing the storyline through.  It's wonderful to see Julia again, and the rest of the 1969 gang.  I'm even looking forward to seeing Jeb Hawkes! (sarcasm, anyone?)  ::)

Cool, Luciaphil!  Thanks for sharing!  :D

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