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Messages - Nelson Collins

an extremely obscure detail however...

remember that when hallie/carrie needed to find some "modern" clothing for daphne she told david/tad that the duds she found had,according to maggie,came from some governess who used to live at collinwood.a "victoria something".because david was actually under possession by tad he didn't know who she was talking about!

however if i recall correctly the garment presented to daphne had sleeves which makes it impossible for it to be an authentic vicki garment. ::)
Hehe!  I just watched the first episodes where Daphne has changed, it does resemble one of Victoria's dresses!  She did have a couple of sleeved ones IIRC. ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: HBO Has a Taste for 'Blood'
« on: August 11, 2007, 11:27:05 PM »
Nelson Collins, I believe that's the one of the other vampire series that MB was referring to.  Here's a topic about "Moonlight":...
Apologies, been doing a lot of Short Attention Span Theatre lately.  Thanks for the link!

Huh.  Sophia Myles (the female lead) will be familiar to new Doctor Who fans as Madame DePompadour in "The Girl in the Fireplace" (and Doc Ten(ant)'s main squeeze).

I can't say I am impressed by the previews/faux interview.  It looks a bit lame.  C'mon, has anyone outside of grade school used the "vampires suck" joke? (Maybe on Forever Knight, but then I never watched it.  I only saw the Rick Springfield version).  But Sophia's involvement is enough to get me to watch at least the first eppy and I am mildly curious about how the show has adapted/created its vampire mythology.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 II / Re: HBO Has a Taste for 'Blood'
« on: August 11, 2007, 06:16:50 PM »
OT - but WB Television is apparently preparing a network series for the fall called "Moonlight" - about a vampire private detective who falls in love with a mortal woman.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 11, 2007, 05:53:44 PM »
What about Christopher Walken as Barnabas Collins? Ever see him in the THE ADDICTION where he plays the part of a vampire who has overcome his "addiction" through fasting and meditation? He was amazing. I think he could be perfect. Maybe he's a little old for the part, but so was Frid, wasn't he? I'd kinda like to see an older Barnabas anyway. I'm sick of the Anne Rice-style eternally beautiful and youthful types.
I haven't seen the Addiction, but I do like Walken.  However, Depp as Barnabas is what is getting this film made, sooooo..... ;)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 11, 2007, 05:40:51 PM »
Dark Shadows Cast from Heroes -

Danielle Savre(Jackie) - Carolyn
Erick Avari (Chandra Suresh) - Stokes
Nora Zehetner (Eden) - Vicki/Josette
Tawny Cypress (Simone) - Julia
Ali Larter (Niki/Jessica) - Angelique (?)
Richard Roundtree (Charles Duvall) - Sam Evans
Leonard Roberts (DL) - Burke
Santiago Cabrera (Isaac) - Joe Haskell
Greg Grunberg - Sherriff Patterson
Christine Rose (Angela Petrelli) - Elizabeth
Zach Quinto (Sylar) - Tony Peterson
Jack Coleman (Horn Rimmed Glasses) - Roger
Adrian Pasdar (Nathan) - Quentin
Milo Ventimiglia (Peter) - The Jennings Boys/Twins
Matthew John Armstrong (Sprague) - Willie Loomis/Ben Loomis
Jimmy Jean-Louis (the Haitian) - Matthew Morgan
Ashley Crow (Claire's Mom) - Mrs. Johnson/Abigail

I had listed Tawny Cypress as Maggie, coupling her with her Heroes father, Richard Roundtree as Sam, but I have since fallen in love with her as Hoffman (the screen would positively smoulder with her and Depp onscreen together.  But that leaves me without a Maggie.  Any suggestions for Maggie and/or Sam?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 11, 2007, 05:05:25 PM »
Paul Giamatti as Tony Peterson(present) and Revrend Trask (1795)

I thought about Paul Giamatti as Willie Loomis. And if you wanted a scuzzy, ratty Willie Loomis, I can't imagine anyone better than Steve Buscemi.
I love Buscemi, but personally, I have had my fill of Willie "Jim Fyfe" style.  Monaghan would do well by it, however.

I tend to see the the role of Willie as it developed on the original series:  someone who initially comes under the thrall of the the vampire and is a very unwilling servant at first, but greq to not just depend on one another but also care for one another.  Wille and Barn need to have a very close bond beyond just that of blood.  I am not suggesting anything homoerotic, just a very subtle closeness just under the surface of the vampire/thrall master/servant distance.

As for other casting choices, I like the idea of Hathaway as Vicki but based on Devil wears Prada, she seems just this side of "hey, I'm so cute, aren't I?"  Has anyone seen Becoming Jane yet?  I hear she is good but I would like to see the Vicki character with more range.

I love the idea of Jason Issacs (Lucious, oops I mean Lucius Malfoy) as Roger, and leave the accent! I love Edmonds stilted stiff upper lip New England Old money pretension.

Having just seen The History Boys film, I would also love to see Griffiths as Stokes.

Not watching much current TV any more, The Lost references are, ahem, Lost on me ;), but how about:

Zach Quinto (Heroes) - Peterson/Trask
Billy Piper (Rose on Doctor Who) - Carolyn or (perhaps better) Angelique
John Barrowman (Captain Jack on Doctor Who/Torchwood) - Joe Haskell
Allison Hannigan (Willow) - Vickie perhaps?  Or Maggie?
Frances de la Tour (Madame Maxime/Mrs. Lintott (History Boys) - Julia or Mrs, Johnson/Abigail, or Elizabeth/Naomi
Helena Bonham Carter - possibly as natural for Angelique, but lets cast against type and make her Josette, in a potential 1795 Flashback Film.
Penelope Wilton (Harriet Jones, Prime Minister) - Elizabeth

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 11, 2007, 03:55:03 PM »
Tarantino would turn DS into a violent, T & A campfest.

Well, forget the T&A part, but I think a violent campfest would be awesome!!  LOL! :D
Don't we already have a violent  T&A campfest in NODS? ;) >:D

ebay can also be your friend.  I got mine from there pretty inexpensively.  ;)

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Plot of Depp's Dark Shadows Movie
« on: August 08, 2007, 03:50:37 AM »
I like the way you think, markyboo - along those lines ... how about a twist on the Josette/Barn/Angeligue triangle?

Barn as you suggest, feels an immediate kinship with his modern family.  He is taken by Vicki's resemblance to his Josette, but struggles against his desire to try to turn her into Josette.

Julia arrives investigating the pathogen found in the wounds  of some assault victims found "with throat trama." yada yada and so on "I can cure you."  Basically the Julia/Barn cure plot but the Angelique has resurrected herself or found a way to travel to the present to ensure the curse continues, puts willie under her thrall and through him doctors the serum.  vicki begins to have strange dreams and sometimes believe she is Josette.  Basically, Ang is simply trying to drive a wedge between Barn and the new found family and acceptance.  If she can cause the kind of mayhem she did in the past then he will continue to suffer.)  But, Barn turns the tables on his old love:  reveals that he did care for Joestte, but he was always in love with Ang.  However, the destruction she caused (sarah, his mother Jeremiah, and so on) have killed any passion, any love he may have felt for her.  The spell that holds her spirit to the modern time is broken and she vanishes into the past (or departs the hapless Collinsport ressie she possessed - Carolyn perhaps, or Maggie).

Meanwhile in the B Plot - Vicki, who was hired as governess to troubled David by mysterious recluse Elizabeth, has come to try to discover her past.  She is considered familiar looking by most of the family but they cannot place it until cousin Barn comments on her resemblance to Josette.  Elizabeth is troubled by how vicki (an apparent complete stranger resembles an ancestor)  Of course this is the plot fans have wanted to see for decades but while strongly hinted there is no revelation that Vicki is a Collins.

In a flashback, we learn that unbeknownst to even Ang, Josette had dallied with Barnabas and was discovered to be with child.  The whole thing was hushed up and Natalie and none the wiser Ang sent to Maine while Andre and Josette lingered just long enough to make things respectable, and bring Josette to Collinwood to marry Barn.  The child would then return with Barn and Josette after an extended honeymoon.  So there is a suggestion that Vicki could be Liz's daughter or that she is a descendant of Josette and Barn's love child.

Okay that is a little disjointed that is kind of what I would like to see:  The old classics (Julia in unrequited love, barn and and and josette, the vampire cure plot that goes wrong, Vicki/Liz), but new stuff also - the toying with the 1795 relationships, love child, the revelation that it was all for nothing because Ang had won until she destroyed his family, and earned nothing but Barn's contempt.

This would just be the first film: Characters introduce briefly here would be fleshed out later - perhaps the Roger David problems as the B plot in a future fim, Barn is actually cured, perhaps Chris and/or Quentin as as werewolf and of course ang could return.  Even Stokes could be given a more sinister bent (not evil, but perhaps much more sinister).

Of course time travel would be a natural vehicle for a film as well - something goes wrong in the present that Barn and Julia have to return to the past tor correct.

okay, I've run out of steam ....... :)

I recently bought a 1978 Mattel 'Kate Jackson' doll off eBay, and it is the same size as a regular Barbie (11 1/2" tall).

Seriously cool, Charles :)  In inherited from my aunt a boat load of period doll dress patterns made for the Barbie type doll.  I will see if I can find them ....

Any word yet on the replacement disc in set 1?

With the greatest of respect, I must say that DS could be offered for free with any purchase at WalMart (even a 99 cent candy bar) and I would not shop there.  Most of their employees are treated little better than slaves and most of their merchandise is made by overseas sweat shops.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: DS: The Beginning DVD
« on: August 06, 2007, 03:52:13 AM »
Here is the prompt response I got from MPI:

They will be remastering this disc but we don’t have exact date this will be done.  As soon as it is done they will send it out to you.

I was wondering if you had received the replacement disc yet?

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0962
« on: August 04, 2007, 12:17:25 AM »
Werewolf: Mama Mia - thatsa spicy meatball!

Quentin:  Sorry, I don't think we're gonna land the Alka Seltzer account.