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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: Connie's Birthday
« on: December 02, 2005, 11:25:03 PM »
Happy B-day hon! Wishing you all the best!  [wavey]

I'm sending over the Q-man, two chocolate martinis  (or maybe just a bottle of good vodka and a shot glass), cool whip, chocolate, a whip, and of course a blindfold...all wrapped up in a big red bow {ignore my grin as thoughts of how you'd design a package for such a gift dance through my bent mind}.   [occasion1] [santa_cheesy]

Have a ball...!   [13] [zzwhip]

Kiss kiss,

Heather  xoxo

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0962
« on: November 24, 2005, 12:26:59 AM »
LOL, Sandor!  ;D  :-*

The only type of "weird" captions that have us [scratching head] are the ones that come completely from out of left field and seem to have no correlation whatsoever to the screen capture they're supposedly captioning.

I heard that...

...just kidding.   ;)

To protect the guilty, I won't cite an example - but I'm sure the regular readers of this board certainly know the type I'm referring to. ;)

Absolutely dahling... ;) Although, even the odd ones give me a chuckle after a long day (weird sense of humor runs in my family), and half the time I can't come up with a caption to save my life, so...

And I have to say that I adore the idea of your having a poll for the best caption of the year, MB. If you guys decide to do that, I'm SO there... ;D  :-*

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0887
« on: November 21, 2005, 04:43:25 AM »
Julia pops one too many altoids in her mouth after a visit to Chris' cottage...

 [smirk] [naughty] [diablo]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: oh my god, Oh My God, OH MY GOD!!
« on: November 15, 2005, 12:41:44 AM »
I know what they are and how to work em too  ^-^  ;) My uncle has one just like Carolyn's, and I still have my mom's hi-fi that she bought back in the early seventies...gorgeous piece.

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:43:38 PM »
Julia, of course.  Underneath that staid tweed exterior lurks a VOLCANO of female passion, seething to let the inner lava fly!

Absolutely darling...{purrrr...I mean...wink}.  :-*  I could see Magda getting out the blindfolds and whips as about a zesty gal... [thumb]

As one of the "younger ones" on this board, and someone who has more than a few "mature" friends, all I can say is...age ain't nothing but a number! I don't see any problem in one imagining the carnal potential of any of the adult female/male DS characters, older or younger...whatever suits your fancy.  ;D  Its an intriguing and at times funny diversion from other things...not that I am *not* interested in examining the full pallate of each character's complex personality (don't get me wrong - lol) but, ya know...
Maybe the title of this thread should've been "most passionate," that way it could've encompassed a wide range of characteristics that we all hold near and dear...I dunno.  :-   ;)

And to be fair, perhaps there should be a poll in the future concerning the male of the species on these particular subjects...

Okay, back to work--


Have I ever mentioned that yous guys take *great* pictures...{two thumbs up}. You all look fabulous, dahlings... :-*

-Heather (who's paler than Barnabas, especially in photos, even on a good

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Grass is Always Bloodier
« on: November 11, 2005, 11:00:25 PM »
You KILL me.  Your posts are an unending source of confusion and wonderment to me.

Me too...chortle.  ;)

PS  HI Heather Baby!   :-*
Hiya sweetie...come by and PM me sometime (gosh, that sounds dirty even though its

O M G, I filled in the blanks right away...LOL

If the word you supplied ended in the letter h, then you did indeed. Otherwise, start thinking a bit more. [wink2]


I don't know what kind of wench you take me for, but yes, it did indeed end in the letter H...(FYI, when I posted that, I was in the middle of working on a big project for a *web* class...I hope you're happy!)   ;)

As for the real point of this topic, I've always suspected that the citizens of Mayberry were far stranger than anyone who ever lived or even passed through Collinsport. I mean, just look at them! [haironend] How more frigtening can a group of individuals get?! [wow] [scrm]

I dunno, I think the Leviathans would have a hell of a time in Mayberry...



Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Grass is Always Bloodier
« on: November 11, 2005, 10:33:18 AM »
By the by, there appears to be a set of disembodied Revolutionary-War-era trousers roaming mysteriously about my computer screen. I suspect them to be Nat Forbes's.

MB, you naughty I am, pullin' an all-nighter (doing work, you wenches  ;D), and I happen to cruise over here and low and behold - Nathan Forbes tight, tight yellow breeches were popping...I mean...floating across my screen!   >:D  Its all part of the infamous clicking orgy that one can choose to participate in, in which one gains cures or curses after sucessfully hitting the bullsEYE, or in this case, the center of the good sailors pants.   ^-^

I dunno, its been a trying week and that made me smile. I nominate MB an honorary wench for that inspiring piece...of floaty.  >:D  :-*

p.s. And I have to say, the comments one sees after you stroke...I on said target are hilarious! O M G, I filled in the blanks right away...LOL

I'm not sure Lela would know for sure that **was** the money shot .. [hall2_kiss]
But it's certain a tasty tidbit for us kiddies.. .

Indeed!   [hall2_grin] [hall_kiss]

Is it almost time for the 1st annual "CROTHERS VS. BRISCOE CHEST-OFF"? I'll try to be impartial in the voting.... honest.

I second that motion..emotion...whatever. [hall2_wink] Thanks for the pics MB...things like that make the wench in me smile, big time.  [hall2_kiss]

Davey: The fountain pen isn't lost, it ran away with the bleeder valve - My crystal ball told me so!

  [hall2_rolleyes] [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: October 01, 2005, 12:33:28 AM »
I didn't make it to LA either, Steve, so if they DO show the pilot again in Brooklyn, 2006, you won't be the only one there who's seeing it for the first time.


-Heather, fest virgin who'd love to have a glance at the pilot...  

Happy Birthday to one of the *bestest* Grayson fans I know!   ;)   :-*

Hugs/tipping my hat,



Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0684
« on: September 26, 2005, 12:06:41 AM »

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Episode #0684
« on: September 26, 2005, 12:03:15 AM »