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Messages - Stuart

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Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:RETURN TO COLLINWOOD
« on: September 06, 2003, 09:12:34 AM »
Just a quick note to say that I've just added some photographs from the performance -- courtesy of Ben Martin -- to my site's News Page at

There will be a bunch more up once I have time to edit them :)

Tim, the only quotes up so far are on the site's News Page -- the actual interview will be up some point this weekend.

Like Nancy, I'm assuming Pierson means supporting an event that isn't necessarily based in one venue, like a hotel. Going back as early as the pre-Fest ShadowCon days, the biggest fan gatherings have always been at one venue.

Jim's comment wasn't an ominous warning or anything, lest anyone is worrying.  Basically it's an assurance that as long as there is a fan "market", there will be official events of some sort to cater for it.

I interviewed Jim on that and a bunch of other ongoing DS-related projects and issues, and he did discuss the Fest situation in some detail.  I'll get the whole thing up on my site sometime this weekend, but I thought I'd get the most newsworthy bits up in the meantime.

259 - The Dark Shadows Journal Online

* News Updates

Jim Pierson speaks exclusively about the future of the Festival and the venue for the 2004 event, along with news on the recording of "Return to Collinwood" and commentary on the production

Check it out!


Stuart :)

260 | The Dark Shadows Journal Online

* 100,000 visitors and counting!

This week, the "Dark Shadows Journal Online" received its 100,000th visitor since its relaunch in July 2001. When I first started the site in 1999, it was simple affair to promote my fanzine - I never could have envisaged it becoming so extensive. At present, it's a privilege to be involved in a project that receives so many enthusiastic visitors. Thanks to everyone who has contributed and here's to the next 100,000!

* New on the Site

News updated with several new stories, including the cover art for DVD Collection 8.


Stuart :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Who are the lucky ones....
« on: August 13, 2003, 10:54:11 AM »
I'll be there for the whole weekend - should be fun :)

BTW. for those who've not seen it yet, I've just posted the tentative schedule for the weekend's events on my website.

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OT - Personality Test
« on: August 12, 2003, 09:24:11 PM »
(Submissive Introvert Abstract Feeler )

Stuart M
 Like just 11% of the population you are a DREAMER (SIAF)--reserved and imaginative. You are basically the shy, silent type. You don't have much interest in facts and figures or most of what's going on around you, but the internal worlds you build for yourself are rich and complex.

Luckily, your creativity and strong heart mean you have a deep personality evident to anyone who gets to know you. It's just that not many people do, because most everyone thinks you're a loser. Talk to yourself less, other people more, little shaver."

Hmmmm... so that's me told, I guess...  ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Problems with DVD Collection #1
« on: August 10, 2003, 08:00:22 PM »
That's a defective disc - send it back and get a replacement.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Night of Dark Shadows
« on: August 02, 2003, 06:34:12 PM »
That "Searching for Carlotta" track is amazing - so eerie and evocative, yet there's something wistful and careworn about the woodwinds... incredible stuff :)

The seance track heard at the Festival was fantastic too - it's very similar to the "Carlotta" track, as far as I remember, but with a rumbling, foreboding sort of sound underscoring it all.  Cobert really never bettered his NODS tracks in my opinion.  On a sidenote, it might have been interesting had DS continued past 1971 to have seen if the show might have adopted the NODS music, and how it might have altered the daytime incarnation's tone and pace.

Current Talk '03 II / Re:What's Wrong With This Picture?
« on: July 30, 2003, 11:34:24 PM »
Hmmmm... indeed.  Maybe Angelique's cunning disguise just isn't quite as foolproof as she thinks ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Possible Origin Of The "Rip" In Time
« on: July 27, 2003, 05:07:26 AM »
The circular time idea's a nifty concept too - might go some way to explaining so many familiar faces across the ages ;)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Possible Origin Of The "Rip" In Time
« on: July 27, 2003, 03:54:47 AM »
I always took it that Parallel Time was a side effect of the residents of Collinwood tampering with time elsewhere.  In a universe of infinite possibilities, choices are surely life forks in a road we travel down - with different possibilities lying ahead.

If you take the idea of a forked road, time travelling simply changes the course of "main" time onto a different path, leaving the original, unaltered version to run parallel alongside.  With Barnabas and co violently switching the paths of themselves and their community, perhaps Parallel Time is the effect - the chaos of diverse possibilities fighting for dominance in a timeline beset with chaos?  The fabric of it all simply wearing thin enough in places to peer into other possibilities.

One interesting counterpoint to this theory is the notion that Barnabas' various time jaunts never really saved anyone - for every David Collins or Amy Jennings he saves, another will die just as helplessly in another timeline.

I'd agree with that - that response is such an instant soundbite that I doubt it was made unwittingly.

If you're interested in the trial, there's a pretty decent film made of it - "Reversal of Fortune" - with Jeremy Irons and Julie Haggerty playing Alexandra.  The Lyndhurst and Seaview Terrace properties are also seen in the film.

Haha - second anniversary?  That's news to me...

[goes back to sleep]


270 - the Dark Shadows Journal Online:

New on the website:

* 1994 Dark Shadows Festival - a new gallery of previously unseen photographs

* News updated



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